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4p or heroic?

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Hello guys!!!

I just got two hc pieces of gear, shoulders from Protectors (hit+mastery+ blue sockets) and norushen gloves (hit+crit+red and blue sockets).

Would it worth to love the 4p bonus for Destro for those two heroics or thats not a good ideia???


My armory if needed http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/goldrinn/arkana/simple



Thank you for your help!

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Wait no WTF don't disenchant them!

Keep them so that once you have all 5 pieces of tier you can mix and match your off piece.


QFT. Shoulders are your best off-piece; don't you dare go DEing!

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Thanks Locky!!!


Gonna DE those pieces then sad.png



Never d/e gear that even might be useful. I normally keep all my gear for at least one tier, just in case.

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suffering the same issue, unfortunately. lol. But short of it is that even if you just from normal to HWF, it's not that big a dps gain. I'm showing about the same dps, sometimes less, with HWF shoulders you speak of. 4pc is a little ridiculous for us, as it is any class. So keep them arond, and look for a good drop from thok.

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Keep the shoulders if you wanna go affliction, shoulders and hands are good pieces to use since you only want the 2p bonus.

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Keep the shoulders if you wanna go affliction, shoulders and hands are good pieces to use since you only want the 2p bonus.



Uhh, no.... It's not as required as the 4pc is for destro, but it's still a very solid SS return mechanic. Over the course of a fight, you can probably plan to see 10 or so extra shards off it. Plus OP also specified he was destro....

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Uhh, no.... thought as required as the 4pc is for destro, but it's still a very solid SS return mechanic. Over the course of a fight, you can probably plan to see 10 or so extra shards off it. Plus OP also specified he was destro....

I realize he said he was destro. I misread what he was going to DE. I thought he was going to DE the their shoulders. And the off prices like Spoils chest and IJ legs are far better for the static haste you gain as Aff over reforging the crit from tier.

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