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    • By knight85
      evening ladies and gents.
      i've got a question about the blizzard store's race change.
      at the minute i have a pandaren horde hunter. but i'm giving some thought to doing a race change to an orc.
      i just want to check before i do anything. that if i do my race change. will i still keep all the pets i had before the change?
    • By positiv2
      I bought WoW recently, and I have fallen in love with collecting pets and battling with them. However, I feel like my set up is fairly weak, as I have no idea which pets to use (currently using Graves, Adder and Darkmoon Glowfly). As a new WoW player, I do not know how outdated Zagam's thread is - it could be perfectly fine, but also could be virtually useless.
      Sadly, as a new player, I do not have much gold nor levels to be able to buy expensive pets from AH or to try to get one from a high-levelled dungeon or raid. I can grind it over time, but I would like to have a temporary team that would be acceptable.
      So, which pets should I get now, having level 42, and which pets should I aim for?
      Also, is the aforementioned thread still relevant?
    • By shayed
      New to survival hunter and wondering what the best spec (ie. Ferocity, Tenacity, or Cunning) is best for a pet in raid situations?
    • By Souldout
      Hey all,
      I've been lurking for a while here and have been playing lock since BWL first came out. Admittedly, I've taken many breaks and my longest was probably before WoD launched, missing almost all of MoP (only did the first week of LFR and it was on a rogue).
      Anyway, I've been having an issue as of late, and I don't remember having them in the past - that is, managing my pet's attack up time during trash and bosses like Imperator where he goes into intermission phases. I usually keep him on passive, but with trash I always have to send him back in on another mob, as once the mob he was first attacking dies, he comes back to me.
      Forgive me if I'm wrong, but there is no aggressive button anymore, right? And I'd rather not use "assist me" because I switch targets too much, whether it be to dot or what have you. I tell my pet to attack so often (via alt+s), that now I subconsciously hit it even when there is only one mob!
      IIRC while raiding back in the day, I used to just use one button for aggressive, and another for passive and just kept an eye on him (though in vanilla I believe I was running MD/Ruin, with a sacc'd pet).
      Anyway, I'd appreciate any feedback you guys may have, even if there is nothing I can change aside from simply "get better."
    • By maylda
      does anyone have an opinion of the best hunter pets to improve dps?
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