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Subtlety macros

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Hey guys! I'd like to share some useful macros for (mainly)subtlety, I've been playing wow for a while and was always interested to make life easier with macros, and there is a lot of room to do so still today. Anyway here they are [9.0.2]:

My favourites:

the simplest burst we have

/castsequence reset=10 Symbols of Death, Secret Technique

a better burst at the cost of shadow dance, might wanna hold it in PVP or an upcoming single target burst

/castsequence reset=10 Shadow Dance, Symbols of Death, Cold Blood

ultimate ability, uses all offensive spells, works perfectly

/castsequence reset=10 Shadow Blades, Shadow Dance, Symbols of Death, Cold Blood


beast vanish macro, imagine getting bonked in the head like this while running to a pvp fight not in combat yet

#showtooltip Vanish

/cast [@mouseover,exists,stealth] sap; [stealth] sap; [combat, nostealth] Vanish; [nostealth] stealth; Sap


pro stealth+sap macro

/cast [@mouseover,exists,stealth] sap; [harm,stealth] sap; [nostealth,nocombat] stealth; Sap

pro stealth+sap macro +Shadowmeld for night elves in combat if you are not moving!!

/cast [@mouseover,exists,stealth] sap; [harm,stealth] sap; [combat,nostealth] Shadowmeld; [nostealth,nocombat] stealth; Sap


best shadowstep macro

#showtooltip shadowstep
/targetenemy [@mouseover,exists]
/cast [@mouseover,exists] Shadowstep; [nocombat,nostealth] stealth; Shadowstep


i call this the jumpbonk. Perfect if you can sap something at a distance while you are in combat. if you hit with this in pvp the enemy deletes wow. you can do this two times


/targetenemy [@mouseover,exists]
/castsequence reset=30 Shadow Dance, Shadowstep, Sap, Shadowstep, Sap

More general ones that are making life way easier:

blind your mouseover, awesome

/cast [@mouseover,exists] Blind; Blind 

mouse over cheap shot to control everything

/cast [@mouseover,exists] Cheap Shot; Cheap Shot

/cast [@mouseover,exists] Kidney Shot;Kidney Shot

/castsequence reset=10 Crimson Vial, Healthstone

/castsequence reset=4 Instant Poison,Crippling Poison,Wound Poison

/cast [@mouseover,exists] Rupture; Rupture


Edited by Litaken
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