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Official Shadowlands Dungeons Preview

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Blizzard just posted their official look at all the Shadowlands dungeons, all 8 of them across the different zones.

Blizzard LogoShadowlands Dungeons (source)

New adventures await within the 8 new dungeons in Shadowlands—4 leveling dungeons and 4 max-level dungeons. Adventurers will gain access to each of the leveling dungeons as they progress through the zones of Bastion, Maldraxxus, Ardenweald, and Revendreth.

Dungeons of Bastion

The Necrotic Wake

In an unthinkable act of treachery, forces from Maldraxxus, the realm charged with defending the Shadowlands, have invaded the Temple of Courage. They have pillaged anima and taken slaughtered kyrian to fuel their dark practices. If left unchecked, the necrotic forces of the necropolis Zolramas will pillage Bastion leaving destruction in their wake.

Level: 51
Bosses: 4
Difficulty: Normal, Heroic, Mythic

  • Blightbone: The corpulent mass of rotting flesh known as Blightbone was lovingly constructed by Surgeon Stitchflesh. Now the abomination is eager to be unleashed on the Temple of Courage.
  • Armarth, The Harvester: Amarth oversees the harvesting of corpses from atop the undead monstrosity Bonefang, flying above the battle. The sadistic commander destroyed the Hand of Courage, and now comes for their Paragon.
  • Surgeon Stitchflesh: Surgeon Stitchflesh is the mastermind behind the grisly abominations that are deployed from the floating fortress of Zolramas. He bends to his task with maniacal fervor, crafting the flesh of fallen enemies into undead constructs to be used in Maldraxxus’ wars.
  • Nalthor the Rimebinder: From atop the flying ziggurat Zolramas, Nalthor the Rimebinder commands the forces attacking Bastion. The conniving lich plans to rain frozen magic and death on the pristine lands of Bastion.

Spires of Ascension

Floating among the clouds and representing the pinnacle of kyrian ideals, the Spires of Ascension is the Archon’s seat of power. Unquestioned and unchallenged for countless eons, the rule of Bastion has always embodied the virtues of duty and service. But with drought and instability causing fractures in the belief system of the Ascended, the Archon’s reign faces an unimaginable peril as one of her most trusted followers falls under the sway of the darkest of evils.

Level: 60
Bosses: 4
Difficulty: Heroic, Mythic

  • Kin-Tara: While kyrian aspirants had to wait patiently during the anima drought for their overdue ascension, the Forsworn have been unafraid to grant their faithful wings. Kin-Tara proved herself to the dark kyrian and learned to dominate the sky as soon as she ascended. While she stands, the Spires of Ascension will belong to Devos.
  • Ventunax: Ventunax is one of the deadliest Forsworn constructs, originally designed to test the courage of kyrian aspirants. The Praetorian’s movements are so quick she can seem to disappear before her enemies’ eyes.
  • Oryphrion: Oryphrion is the firepower in the Paragon of Loyalty’s vanguard. The Dark Colossus has dominated the invasion into the city with their Anima fueled artillery, and now fiercely defends the font of power before the Archon’s seat.
  • Devos, Paragon of Doubt: Devos was the very symbol of loyalty until a soul with a troubling past arrived in Bastion. Her doubt overwhelmed her until she fell into open rebellion, aided by the darkest powers of the Shadowlands. Seizing the Spires of Ascension is just the first step and the destruction of the Archon is now within her grasp.

Dungeons of Maldraxxus


Underneath the ruined House of Plagues, lies one of the most destructive forces Maldraxxus has ever known. Those who covet this power search the plague-ridden debris in a race to claim this weapon for themselves. Whoever captures this prize will hold the fate of the Shadowlands in their clutches.

Level: 53
Bosses: 4
Difficulties: Normal, Heroic, Mythic

  • Globgrog: The exact nature of the plagues and oozes disgorged by the House of Plague’s fall may never be deciphered, but the collection of slimes and flesh that became Globgrog will guard this treasure fanatically.
  • Doctor Ickus: The destruction of the House of Plagues and the slime eruptions left in its wake will not stop the presumed genius of Doctor Ickus and his deranged experiments.
  • Domina Venomblade: Domina Venomblade believes the instrument of her revenge for the fall of the House of Eyes rests with Plaguefall. No one, not even her former allies will keep her from gaining the weapon hidden in these ruins.
  • Margrave Stradama: It was believed that Margrave Stradama was destroyed in the explosion that brought down her house. In truth the explosion transformed her into a monstrous new form, driving her mad, and leaving her at the heart of the fallen House of Plagues.

Theater of Pain

In Maldraxxus you must constantly be tested and measured as the best to defend the Shadowlands. The best place to prove yourself is the Theater of Pain. Throngs of contenders face off for the hope of facing one of the champions. Brutality! Mayhem! Violence! And of course, Pain! Only the strongest become champions of their house, and only one can be the strongest.

Level: 60
Bosses: 5
Difficulties: Heroic, Mythic

  • An Affront of Challengers: Champions are not fighting just anyone. First contenders fight among themselves to see which are worthy. Dessia the Decapitator, Paceran the Virulant, and Sathel the Accursed have brought their disparate fighting styles together to knock out other contenders. They will crush any who stand between them and the title match.
  • Gorechop: As hungry for victory as he is for new parts, Gorechop is ready to show the House of Constructs can build the better warrior. Since arriving in Maldraxxus, he has earned every piece of his body, but he is not above finding something new on a challenger.
  • Xav the Unfallen: Xav has fought and defeated so many foes that there is a line of contenders battling for their turn. If someone can make their way past them, Xav will relish a worthy challenge.
  • Kul’tharok: Kul'tharok is a master of the necromantic arts and shows that brute force is not the only way to the top. The path to victory is through his maze of magic portals, and then past his necrotic onslaught.
  • Mordretha, the Endless Empress: Endless battles and endless victories, Mordretha has bested every opponent who has challenged her. In life she was a master of dark magic and her time in Maldraxxus has only expanded that knowledge. Is this the title match the Theater of Pain has been waiting for?

Dungeons of Ardenweald

Mists of Tirna Scithe

Level: 55
Bosses: 3
Difficulties: Normal, Heroic Mythic

The lush grove called Tirna Scithe has ever been diligently protected by the fae folk, for it is a sacred place said to hold ancient secrets. Legends warn that an unwary traveler might find themselves lost for an eternity wandering its countless mist-shrouded paths. But as drought depletes the forests of Ardenweald, enemies seek to plunder the grove’s potent magic. Even the realm’s native denizens are driven by hunger and desperation to consume that which the Winter Queen holds most dear.

  • Ingra Maloch: Cursed to exist outside the cycle of Life and Death, the Drust now seek to circumvent their fate using Ardenweald’s mechanisms of Rebirth. Their would-be conquest has found its way to Tirna Scithe, where Ingra Maloch and his followers use foul magic to subjugate the local inhabitants.
  • Mistcaller: Tirna Scithe is defended by force of arms, but also cunning. The playful Mistcaller has used the mists to confuse and disorient invaders. With the Drust attack, the Mistcaller cannot easily tell friend from foe, and only after her puzzles and games are defeated can you safely reach the heart of Tirna Scithe.
  • Tred’ova: The gorm have been chewing at the edges of Ardenweald, devouring desiccated husks of the dead. The beast called Tred’ova has gorged herself on something far more precious, the wildseed of Lakali, loa of knowledge. Now that Tred’ova has tasted the loa’s power and wisdom, she hungers for more than survival.

De Other Side (Maximum Level Dungeon)

Bwonsamdi has kept a secret place in the Shadowlands he refers to as De Other Side. When the dead started funneling into the Maw, Bwondsamdi hid several souls in his little domain, keeping his troll followers safe. But this broke an old deal with Mueh’zala and now the ancient loa has come to harvest those souls and destroy their caretaker. Bwonsamdi will need help collecting on some of his other dealings if he is to survive this onslaught and protect the souls within.

Level: 60
Bosses: 4
Difficulties: Heroic, Mythic

  • Hakkar the Soulflayer: Even the presence of Hakkar the Soulflayer has caused turmoil on Azeroth. Violence and plague mark his blood and his immeasurable power. His faithful fought for him till death, and beyond. Giving up power has never been his way, even when it is not his own.
  • The Manastorms: Absolute honesty and trust are what makes Millicent and Milhouse Manastorm such a power couple. Well, honesty, trust, staggering magic, and experimental technology. Combining the four elements in perfect harmony makes the Manastorms the most deadly, dangerous, and disastrous couple anywhere.
  • Dealer Xy’exa: Dealer Xy’exa is a cunning aquisitionist wielding an array of magical contrivances that she has collected over the millennia. She relies on special manipulation to stay one step ahead of the innumerable enemies she’s made in her dealings.
  • Mueh’zala: Father of Sleep, Son of Time, the Night’s Friend. Mueh’zala ushered the dead of Azeroth long before Bwonsamdi made his first deal. He knows a god should rule, not beg for servants and worshipers. The plans he laid in ancient times to reclaim that power are coming to fruition, once he deals with his rebellious replacement.

Dungeons of Revendreth

Halls of Atonement

Under the Accuser, the Halls of Atonement were a tribute to Revendreth’s mission. While the halls rang with suffering and sin, it was all directed to redeeming the souls and keeping them from falling into the Maw. But the recently promoted Lord Chamberlain has bent the hall’s purpose to selfish reaping of anima, often to the point of leaving souls unable to be redeemed. Someone will have to put an end to the depravity that has grown within these walls.

Level: 57
Bosses: 4
Difficulties: Normal, Heroic, Mythic

  • Halkias, the Sin-Stained Goliath: Sinstones are meant to be inert records of past transgressions. The machinations of the depraved venthyr have allowed Halkias a massive golem, to grow from the power of neglected sinstones. The Lord Chamberlain’s forces have struggled to contain it, splitting its anima across multiple sinstone golem shards.
  • Echelon: The mighty stoneborn known as Echelon has always held outsiders, especially mortals, in contempt. He watched the Halls of Atonement from the sky and will crush any who attempt to transgress the threshold.
  • High Adjudicator Aleez: Within the Halls of Atonement, past the courtyard and gargoyles, is a church unlike any seen on Azeroth. This is where the High Adjudicator Aleez presides over a congregation of spirits, spreading the dark word of Sire Denathrius to the undeserving.
  • Lord Chamberlain: The Lord Chamberlain climbed steadily and mercilessly through the ranks of venthyr society, becoming a Harvester by aiding in the capture of the rebellious Accuser. Now he rules the Accuser’s halls, hoarding anima and turning the sacred process of atonement to his own deviant purposes.

Sanguine Depths

Far below Castle Nathria lies the Sanguine Depths, a prison created to house Sire Denathrius’s most intriguing dissidents. Prisoners here are kept for eons, drained of their anima for research and study. The Sinfall resistance knows of a particular prisoner here that helps tip the balance of their fight with Sire Denathrius to their favor and have asked for assistance in extracting them.

Level: 60
Bosses: 4
Difficulties: Heroic, Mythic

  • Kryxis the Voracious: Kryxis the Voracious sensed the anima stores deep within the Sanguine Depths, and his lust to consume this energy has driven him to madness. With the recent tear that has formed in Revendreth, Kryxis has found a way into these catacombs and aims to drain every last drop of anima out of the subterranean storage house.
  • Executor Tarvold: Many venthyr consider the torment of their charges and the extraction of sins and anima their sacred duty. The creature known as Executor Tarvold being set as warden and allowed to take its sick pleasure in torturing the prisoners here shows the depravity Revendreth has fallen to.
  • Grand Proctor Beryllia: There are only a few old enough to know if Grand Proctor Beryllia learned her ruthless form of study in Revendreth or if she never truly gave up that particular sin. The cruelty she used to master the magic of anima has been turned on a very peculiar new prisoner, the naaru Z’rali. She will command this creature’s Light no matter what it costs her prisoner.
  • General Kaal: General Kaal stands as one of Sire Denathrius’s main generals overseeing his operations in Revendreth. Strong, agile, and full of guile General Kaal uses her agility and anima-infused nature to eliminate all who would stand against her master.


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29 minutes ago, Staff said:

The Sinfall resistance knows of a particular prisoner here that helps tip the balance of their fight with Sire Denathrius to their favor and have asked for assistance in extracting them.


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15 minutes ago, Dreamcatcher said:


I'm curious if we're gonna see him at one point. Hopefully not for some redemption, but that steady supply of pride he's providing could mean that this not the case.

  • Thanks 1

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