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[Archived] Balance Druid 5.4

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Is this right that BIS gear list is ignoring 4 set bonus for moonkins? is that what we have to do run with 2 set? Or its a mistake.And it seems like BIS list sugest to chose more iteems with haste than with crit, is that also mistake or there is somthing i dont understand. Last time i checked on moonkin stat priority it was Crit> haste >mastery assuming u can get to 5100 haste brake point .

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Guest Guest

last time i checked moonkin stats priority was crit>haste > mastery assuming u can get to 5100 haste brakepoint . why does BIS list favors iteems with haste and mastery instead of crit iteems. and why does it ignores 4 set bonus, is that what moonkins have to do now run with only 2 set ?

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Guest AnimeMasterMatt

The best in slot weapon said a wand.... I am a little confused can druids use a wand now??? not really following that.

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The best in slot weapon said a wand.... I am a little confused can druids use a wand now??? not really following that.

Mistake on our part :P It's been fixed. Thanks for reporting it!

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They dont ignore 4p, their BIS is current, you can only obtain legs and gloves from Sha atm. Otherwise, ofc you would aim for 4p, it lowers the required haste for caps by a HUGE amount :)

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Mr Robot is using stat weights obtained from Simulationcraft work. For example, let's look at the Warlock stat weights.

Mastery = 2.81

Intellect = 4.76

The gems now are not 25int/25 haste or 25int/25 mastery where the ratio is the same. They are now 80 int/160 haste or 80 int/160 crit. The pure secondary gems are 320 of a stat where the pure Int gem is 160. Therefore...

Mastery = 2.81 x 320 = 899.2

Intellect = 4.76 x 160 = 761.6

Mastery/Intellect = 2.81 x 160 + 4.76 x 80 = 830.4

You can see here that Mastery is the best per point for Warlocks. Crit must have the same ratio for Balance Druids to validate the use of 320 crit gems in yellow sockets and hit/crit in blue and int/crit in red.

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It is true that gemming pure Crit is the way to go at the moment, in yellow/prismatic. We'll update the guide!

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Guest Geldow


-Nature's Swiftness doesn't use up a GCD so that /castsequence macro is not optimal due to having to click twice ( i almost typed clique)

-The Optimal Macro for this is to not miss a beat (sorry about the error in my last post)

As Copied from the /macro inside WoW macros set-up


/target loxbagel

/cast Nature's Swiftness

/cast Healing Touch




/cast Nature's Swiftness

/cast [@player] Healing Touch

[@player] wil make it cast on yourself

BUT, having an ennemy targeted, you will automaticly cast it on yourself anyway so I would go without a [@player] or /target and let you the possibility to insta heal another player in critical situation

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Guest Xandi

Goblin Balance Druids (because of Posted ImageTime is Money) only need 11,895 Haste Rating.

Goblin Druids... I'd like to see what their cat forms look like.

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Goblin Balance Druids (because of Posted ImageTime is Money) only need 11,895 Haste Rating.

Goblin Druids... I'd like to see what their cat forms look like.

Would be interesting if Goblins COULD be Druids. They can't be, so that haste comparison is not of any value.

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So for balance druids, which is the better enchant between Elemental Force and Windsong.

I would suggest Windsong, but their value is very close. And Jade Spirit is also excellent.

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So for balance druids, which is the better enchant between Elemental Force and Windsong.

the change to windsongs PPM made windsong pull ahead by a bit

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Guest Boomy 789

i am confused, i have 5,409 haste, so i am over haste cap (5,273)

It gives me 12,73% haste, so 12,73+5%+15% its 32,73% and it's not 35,73% as u wrote

So, is the percentage wrong or the soft cap?

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i am confused, i have 5,409 haste, so i am over haste cap (5,273)

It gives me 12,73% haste, so 12,73+5%+15% its 32,73% and it's not 35,73% as u wrote

So, is the percentage wrong or the soft cap?

Your percentage is wrong. Your total haste is obtained by multiplying your various haste coefficients: 1.1273 (for 12.73%), 1.05 (for 5%), and 1.15 (for 15%). 1.1273 * 1.05 * 1.15 = 1.36121475 (36.121475%).

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Guest Demindred

I was just wondering about BiS and gearing, to my understanding, there was always one off tier piece that would be more benificial, like in t13 it was the resto chest w/all the haste and spirit that was recommended for stacking.

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So I just did some math to see if starfire with its high damage could possibly be better than rotating between wrath and starfire. My conclusion is a little bit surprising and so I'm hoping someone else can double check it for me. I found that even with eclipse states accounted for and the additional damage from the starfall refresh added, my numbers still come out in favor of spamming starfire. Is this right?

I calculated it by starting in one state and adding the damage from each cast (including eclipse bonuses, not including procs) until I got back to that same state. With 'Soul of the Forest' (best case scenario) that means: 5x Eclipsed Wrath + 4x Non-Eclipsed Wrath + 5x Eclipsed Starfire + 4x Non-Eclipsed Starfire + Starfall. Compare that to non-eclipsed starfire with the same number of casts: 18x Starfire. Starfire wins!

Is this right? Did I do something wrong? Should we be spamming starfire (when we have enough mana) rather than running to the next eclipse? Or perhaps we should offset this by waiting to cast starsurge until we are out of eclipse state. I don't know. Ideas?

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So I just did some math to see if starfire with its high damage could possibly be better than rotating between wrath and starfire. My conclusion is a little bit surprising and so I'm hoping someone else can double check it for me. I found that even with eclipse states accounted for and the additional damage from the starfall refresh added, my numbers still come out in favor of spamming starfire. Is this right?

I calculated it by starting in one state and adding the damage from each cast (including eclipse bonuses, not including procs) until I got back to that same state. With 'Soul of the Forest' (best case scenario) that means: 5x Eclipsed Wrath + 4x Non-Eclipsed Wrath + 5x Eclipsed Starfire + 4x Non-Eclipsed Starfire + Starfall. Compare that to non-eclipsed starfire with the same number of casts: 18x Starfire. Starfire wins!

Is this right? Did I do something wrong? Should we be spamming starfire (when we have enough mana) rather than running to the next eclipse? Or perhaps we should offset this by waiting to cast starsurge until we are out of eclipse state. I don't know. Ideas?

Well, wouldn't procs for starsurge push you through eclipses? I mean, I dont think that is the way the spec is suppose to be played. Maybe you got different procs or got luckier with trinket procs during your testing?

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Yes, I agree that procs for starsurge could push you but only if timed properly, otherwise they could also hurt you by pushing you out of an eclipse. And there is no luck, this was pure math. I just calculated using my spellpower and percentages. Obviously not the way it was meant to be played, but possibly a dps increase :)

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Okay so just to let you all know, I left out a few key factors in my damage calculation. The factors I left out were cast time and haste. Wrath has a much faster cast time than starfire and 'nature's grace' gives a 15 second haste buff when entering eclipse states (which equates to alot of dps).

Spamming starfire is not better in practice than bouncing between eclipse states. I guess I can't game the system Posted Image

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Guest Drok

This macro, imo, is a pretty decent one to use for mushrooms if your looking to conserve bar space. It also makes it a one stop shop to cast

/castsequence reset=50/5 Wild Mushroom, Wild Mushroom, Wild Mushroom, Wild Mushroom: Detonate

Change the 50/5 around to whatever time limits you would prefer.

I also had a question, is BS and JC the best combo? someone mentioned it to me due to the special gems and the extra gem slots you get on gear. Not sure if that's true but meh.

I lied i had more than one question. I know that there is a soft cap for haste (to improve dot ticks or DTEP) but what if any benefit is there to stopping there as opposed to reforging/gemming/chanting into crit? I understand the chance for bigger hits, but wouldn't decreasing the cast time on say starfire provide a similar chance to crit? I'm a little intoxicated right now but i'm curious if the numbers support crit over haste at the soft cap or if there is a second haste cap to shoot for (that would be attainable).

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