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[Archived] Balance Druid 5.4

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Guest TheTrueboomy

As i just tested on a level 90, healing touch vs renewal at 268k hp NS+Healing Touch output per use of it is greater than Renewal t until you hit 90. At 85: NS (1 minute cd) +HT is better At 90 : Renewal (2 minute cd) Break Down At 90: Renewal has a around 80k heal at 30 percent (at 268k hp), vs a 35k hit from Healing Touch or a 79k crit from healing touch. it all comes down to 1 question: what your preference is a self heal that comes off cd that has lower output, or a bigger self heal that has a longer cd?

I know this is a little late, but i chuckled... If you only have 152K health at lvl 90..... there's a problem hehe keep working on it though!

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Guest Tajuna

Maybe you should mention under stats/reforging the ~10300 haste cap (doesnt know exact value right now)?

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Guest Guest

Need to update Balance spell rotation to take into account that Blizz nerfd multi-dotting, now each add you DOT causes a diminishing return of some sort. Have not yet studied EJ to see what the sweet spot is for how many adds to DOT before switching to direct dmg...

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Maybe you should mention under stats/reforging the ~10300 haste cap (doesnt know exact value right now)?

I wouldn't do that out of the gate. I would wait until you are comfortable supporting both the 10289 haste and high crit. High is subjective. I like 30% minimum (I'm at 35% unbuffed).


Need to update Balance spell rotation to take into account that Blizz nerfd multi-dotting, now each add you DOT causes a diminishing return of some sort. Have not yet studied EJ to see what the sweet spot is for how many adds to DOT before switching to direct dmg...


Outside of theorycrafting, I've found that 3 targets with both dots is the sweet spot for me. Still SS turret for me (mostly)

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Guest suchtie

I think Glyph of Omens should be added to the guide. With this glyph, if you need to CC/Faerie Fire etc. you'll still get closer to the next Eclipse which is especially great if you need to do it twice or more often during your current phase.

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Guest mister V

the innervate glyph description is not up to date. When cast upon another player it now provides mana for both players but 40% reduction.


Just in my opinion the glyph is worthless there is no other class in the game that has as much manaregen as us boomkins due eclipses, i rather give my healer the full effect of the innervate.

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Guest Alex989

The multiple targets section does not cover what to do in case of a lot of mobs (as opposed to just a few).


Like what spell to use in what eclipse, what cooldowns are especially beneficial for mass-targets AoE...

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Guest Bryan

For the blue gems it talks about being short of the hit cap but recommends a spirit gem instead of a hit gem. Is this an error or am I just confused about it?

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Moonkins have a passive effect which translates Spirit into Hit. This removes the need from Blizzard to make separate Spirit leather and Hit leather.

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Some subtle details are discussed on the EJ guide (by Hamlet) that aren't in this guide.



 Players looking for more details of exactly how to manage the rotation should check it out.  (e.g. at lower gearlevels, it's often worth it to sit on a starsurge to avoid casting two during one solar eclipse, so you can get an extra eclipsed nuke.)


 Hamlet's guide agrees with this one, that heart of the wild is typically the best choice in that tier.  He says that force of nature is maybe ahead on single target, while incarnation is near-equal, but ahead if you can use the buffed eclipsed damage to multi-dot or aoe.  (treants don't scale with multiple targets, and can lose casts when their targets die).


 I'm still running nature's vigil on my boomkin alt, since I have a 561 BoA mace, but only 507 avg ilvl.  I also don't have trinkets with int procs.  So my ratio of int to spellpower on gear is lower than for a toon with equal ilvl in all slots.  Since heart of the wild's passive is 6% int, not 6% spellpower, it's relatively weaker for my druid.  Haven't tested if HotW actually sims better than NV, for me, though.  Just assuming blizz tuned them pretty close for a toon in balanced gear.

Edited by Karsteck

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Guest Jodahs

Thx for your reply, but i can never be sure how many Wrath's i'll need till Starsurge is off CD as the Crits of my sunfire and moonfire ticks have a chance to reset the CD of Starsurge and make it an instant cast if cast within 12 seconds.

So the meaning of the macro i seek is to cast starsurge every time it's available without casting 1 (or 2 if responded very slow) Wrath or Starfire while Starsurge is allready off CD, you see?




/castsequence wrath

/cast starsurge


--> you will cast starsurge when its ready otherwise wrath.

But I did 10k less dmg with that makro.

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Never use the stopcast macro. NEVER. You want to finish most of your casts. Only if you have a proc right at the start of your cast and you can CACTH it in the first .3 seconds or so by moving slightly to stop your cast.

There is a great thread in the druid forums talking more about boomkin techniques

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Guest Fangsong

Balance Power Tracker does not exist anymore. The link is dead, and the mod appears not to have been updated in years, but it is still listed on the Balance Druid add-ons page.

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Balance power does exist, but until you commented we did not know it was taken down from curse.

It's still on wowinterface after some googling though. I'll try to let Damien know.

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Guest Laci

Dear WoW players!


I am in trouble. I have got the chance to go with a hc team in Siege of Orgrimmar but I have to dps. My main talent is resto druid but now I have to learn to play with Balance druid. I like it but I am disappointed because in my gear (ilevel: 556) I do only 200k dps on dummies... Here is my link to my armory:




I am doing exactly what the page says (in rota, in gear, in stats) and I don't know why my dps is so low.


I hope you can help me to be a very very good dps in Balance!


Thank you a lot,


Your loyal follover:



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Dear WoW players!


I am in trouble. I have got the chance to go with a hc team in Siege of Orgrimmar but I have to dps. My main talent is resto druid but now I have to learn to play with Balance druid. I like it but I am disappointed because in my gear (ilevel: 556) I do only 200k dps on dummies... Here is my link to my armory:




I am doing exactly what the page says (in rota, in gear, in stats) and I don't know why my dps is so low.


I hope you can help me to be a very very good dps in Balance!


Thank you a lot,


Your loyal follover:



Create an account here, go run a raid (preferably including Malkorok, any difficulty), and make sure to type /combatlog before you enter (with Advance Combat Logging turned on).  Then create an account at Warcraftlogs.com and upload the log there.  After all that is done, create a post in the druid sub-forum with a link to your log.  This will allow us here at IV to see if you really are doing what you are saying and provide very specific advice as to how to correct anything.  


Some helpful links:

How to upload logs

WarcraftLogs in-depth guide

If you don't want the addon krazyito suggests, AMR's addon will automatically start logging when you zone into SoO.

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Guest Sublime

Under the "Gearing-up and Best in Slot" section, you mention trinkets, "wow_icon_inv_jewelry_orgrimmarraid_trink Black Blood of Y'Shaarj and wow_icon_inv_jewelry_orgrimmarraid_trink Kardris' Toxic Totem (Multistrike), at the same item level, produce the same results for Frost Mages, but write I'm going to go ahead and guess the "Frost Mages" under the "Balance Druid" section is a typo? 

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Guest Baltezar

Just pointing out that for the Not Hit Capped parts of the gemming you have Expertise gems listed not Hit gems.

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Just pointing out that for the Not Hit Capped parts of the gemming you have Expertise gems listed not Hit gems.

What is the problem with that? Expertise gives chance to hit for casters.

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