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[Archived] Balance Druid 5.4

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Unless it was changed back without my knowledge, Wild Mushroom does NOT benefit from Solar Eclipse anymore; Which makes them obsolete in AoE scenarios. Multi dotting/starfall/Hurricane/Astral Storm are our 4 main ways for AoE now.

Edited by ulquiorra07

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Wild Mushrooms do extra damage when in Solar Eclipse :)

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Guest Loxbagel

as of right now with all testing. Renewal 30 percent of maximum health only does about 45k due to 152k health pool and healing touch does 50-70k ish and NS = 1 minute cd vs 2 minute so out put for self healin would be greater with NS + HT than renewal (might change at 90) yet to be seen due to way hp and self healing go. as at 85 though NS+HT = better self healing. however the downside of NS+HT macro is that it does consume mana and way mana is right now you can't lose it fast enough err i mean it retains so well. this might change at 90.

that macro would be. /target loxbagel (my toon) as an example

/castsequence Nature's swiftness, Healing touch

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Guest Loxbagel

/target loxbagel (my toon) as an example

/castsequence Nature's swiftness, Healing touch


-Nature's Swiftness doesn't use up a GCD so that /castsequence macro is not optimal due to having to click twice ( i almost typed clique)

-The Optimal Macro for this is to not miss a beat (sorry about the error in my last post)

As Copied from the /macro inside WoW macros set-up


/target loxbagel

/cast Nature's Swiftness

/cast Healing Touch


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As i just tested on a level 90,

healing touch vs renewal at 268k hp

NS+Healing Touch output per use of it is greater than Renewal t until you hit 90.

At 85:

NS (1 minute cd) +HT is better

At 90 :

Renewal (2 minute cd)

Break Down

At 90:

Renewal has a around 80k heal at 30 percent (at 268k hp), vs a 35k hit from Healing Touch or a 79k crit from healing touch.

it all comes down to 1 question:

what your preference is a self heal that comes off cd that has lower output, or a bigger self heal that has a longer cd?

Edited by loxbagel

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Unless it was changed back without my knowledge, Wild Mushroom does NOT benefit from Solar Eclipse anymore; Which makes them obsolete in AoE scenarios. Multi dotting/starfall/Hurricane/Astral Storm are our 4 main ways for AoE now.

Wild Mushrooms do extra damage when in Solar Eclipse Posted Image

That being said, they have been really nerfed shrooms even if they stack their damage is meak to the best, and as of right now our aoe rotation should focus more on a lunar cleave vs the old solar cleave we know due to the ramp up on astral storm and starfall during lunar vs solar with shrooms. Unless this was changed

Edited by loxbagel

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Guest Mummha

I didn't understand this part:

"Re-apply both DoTs before you exit that eclipse state. This is because you want both DoTs to benefit from the 15% increased spell haste."

Is it to re-apply "the" DoT before "that" eclipse state ends, or is it to re-apply "both" DoTs before "a" eclipse state ends?

Thank you.

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I didn't understand this part:

"Re-apply both DoTs before you exit that eclipse state. This is because you want both DoTs to benefit from the 15% increased spell haste."

Is it to re-apply "the" DoT before "that" eclipse state ends, or is it to re-apply "both" DoTs before "a" eclipse state ends?

Thank you.

The point is to refresh/apply both DoTs before exiting "an" eclipse state. The wording in the guide ("that" eclipse state) is misleading. We will be fixing this soon.

So to clarify, yes, refresh both DoTs before you leave any eclipse state, so that they get the spell haste buff from NG. You should also be aware that we're going to significantly improve this section of the guide tonight or tomorrow, so watch for that ;)

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Guest huhuwawaenui

hope this doesn't end up as a double post, appologise if it does.

I was testing my moonkin on the ask mr robot site and they have a different stat priority than you do.

ask mr robot, haste>mastery>crit.

yours, crit>haste>mastery.

I didn't see any time stamps, theirs was the old 4.3 priority, as I recall.

On another subject, you say to apply both DOTS, i only know of one, moonfire. What is the second, Celestial Alignment?



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the second dot would be Sunfire, Moonfire no longer morphs into Sunfire whenever youre in Solar eclipse, its a spell of its own now. At the moment, crit > mastery > haste seems to be the way to go, considering youre over the 1500+ (dont remember the exact value) breakpoint.

If we assume that one got lucky with crits and extended the eclipsed dot through the opposite eclipse, he wouldnt want to clip that, rather wait for it to run its whole duration and reapply. Atleast thats what I do and its proved to be, 'rewarding' Posted Image

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Guest balance guest

i dont get, why u can do the second starfall ? u precast with wrath, then you'll enter lunar eclipse, then you use starfall,use incarnation, use monfire and starfire, but how are you entering after all this a lunar eclipse again ?

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i dont get, why u can do the second starfall ? u precast with wrath, then you'll enter lunar eclipse, then you use starfall,use incarnation, use monfire and starfire, but how are you entering after all this a lunar eclipse again ?

krazyito is right, however there was also an error on my part in writing that section (I would call it a typo, but I guess I was distracted or something when I wrote it). Wrath was absent from the list, which probably caused you to assume that the list starts with us already having cast 1 Wrath.

I've updated it now, and to answer your question: you cast Starfall before you enter Lunar Eclipse (before you cast Wrath). Then, when you enter Lunar Eclipse, Starfall's cooldown is reset :)

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-Nature's Swiftness doesn't use up a GCD so that /castsequence macro is not optimal due to having to click twice ( i almost typed clique)

-The Optimal Macro for this is to not miss a beat (sorry about the error in my last post)

As Copied from the /macro inside WoW macros set-up


/target loxbagel

/cast Nature's Swiftness

/cast Healing Touch


No need to change target at all:

#showtoolip Healing Touch/cast Nature's Swiftness/cast [target=player] Healing Touch
Edited by Boradan

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i dont get, why u can do the second starfall ? u precast with wrath, then you'll enter lunar eclipse, then you use starfall,use incarnation, use monfire and starfire, but how are you entering after all this a lunar eclipse again ?

And to complete this opener: Starfire / Starsurge and just as you leave Lunar eclipse you pop Celestial Alignment, cast Moonfire (which will apply both dots), watch your Starfall (CD is reset when you pop Celestial) then you fill with Starfires / Starsurges and recast Moonfire before Celestial fades.

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After you pop celestial, why do we spam starfire? Why not wrath?

If the case is because starfire does more damage, why not cast wrath as it is finishing?

My point being when celestial finishes you start at 0, and can reset starfall again with wrath.

Edited by krazyito65

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After you pop celestial, why do we spam starfire? Why not wrath?

If the case is because starfire does more damage, why not cast wrath as it is finishing?

My point being when celestial finishes you start at 0, and can reset starfall again with wrath.

The reason for Starfire is indeed because it does more damage than Wrath. Are you saying that, once you can start building towards an Eclipse again, you should head towards Lunar so that you can get another Starfall reset?

druids rules !!!!

Thank you :)

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The reason for Starfire is indeed because it does more damage than Wrath. Are you saying that, once you can start building towards an Eclipse again, you should head towards Lunar so that you can get another Starfall reset?

Exactly. Does that work? I was under the impression it did.

Also you have a typo here. Should be "...until you exit Lunar"

Spam Posted ImageStarfire until you reach exit Posted ImageEclipse (Lunar).

And when I looked at it again, it was already pretty lengthy. but 2 more lines shouldn't hurt just to explain an opener =P


Blah! Tuesdays. Can't even log into beta. >.>

Edited by krazyito65

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After you pop celestial, why do we spam starfire? Why not wrath?

If the case is because starfire does more damage, why not cast wrath as it is finishing?

My point being when celestial finishes you start at 0, and can reset starfall again with wrath.

You spam Starfire because it doess WAY MORE damage and also because when you pop Celestial Alignment you dont get your eclipse energy reset to a neutral zero(like when you enter a new map/zone), but zero Solar / Lunar energy depending on what eclipse you just left. What I mean is, when you leave Lunar and start building up towards Solar, pop Celestial, your energy is reset to zero SOLAR energy Posted Image)

Edited by Zakkgard
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Guest Baza

Always cast the eclipsed DoT when you enter that eclipse state (Posted ImageMoonfire for Posted ImageEclipse (Lunar), and Posted ImageSunfire for Posted ImageEclipse (Solar)). This is because you want the DoT in question to benefit from the damage-bonus of the eclipse.

I don't quite get it - suppose I have a sunfire up with a couple ticks remaining and I enter solar eclipse - shouldn't the ticks do more damage automatically when I enter the eclipse?

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I don't quite get it - suppose I have a sunfire up with a couple ticks remaining and I enter solar eclipse - shouldn't the ticks do more damage automatically when I enter the eclipse?

Debuffs apply immediately when incorporating damage mechanics and formulae. However, self-provided buffs provide snapshots of stats when applying DoTs; therefore, you would need to reapply your DoTs with each change in self-buffs that you go through in order to receive the benefit provided.

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Guest John

I wanted to ask about the opening dps, isn't it better to cast starsurge on cooldown (except for proc i mean) or should I stick to starfire instead?

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