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Resto Shammy or other?

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Alright so I've been asking around my server what would be an easier and very good healer and a lot of them suggested a Resto Shaman. I am looking for a raiding healer, and I'm just not sure of Resto Shammy is the best for it or not I honestly have no idea


If there are any better healers can you give me some idea as to why they are?

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Well that's a loaded question if I ever read one.


Overall, all the healing specs perform roughly the same. There is no "best" healer in any objective sense.


However, different healers have different specialities, and it happens that Resto Shaman currently specialise in Smart Healing and burst healing, especially when your raid is stacked. These traits suit us well to the current tier of raiding.


The large presence of Smart Healing does mean that (provided you know which spells need to be used on cooldown), you can easily do respectable throughput as a Resto Shaman. But why would you want to do respectable healing when you can do very good healing?


With some skill and planning, Resto Shaman make very good healers. Not only do you bring good throughput, but you bring a wide array of utility which is hard to beat. Truly skilled Resto Shaman spend a lot of their effort on maximizing their utility, as well as healing.


So, to return to your question; Are Resto Shaman easy? No. No healers are easy.


If I were to rank healers in terms of how easy their mechanics are to get to grips with, then I might rate Shaman as among the easier to get to grips with currently. If you want an intuitive healer, you need look no further than Shaman.




The expansion is coming, and in the expansion our speciality is going to change. Smart heals will no longer exist, and the bandages which made Shaman easier in 5.4 are going away. Historically, Shaman has been a very challenging class to heal with; all the indications show that it will be similar when the expansion launches. I'm looking forward to our gameplay becoming challenging again, and the class will be better for it. However, you might not want to assume that Resto Shaman will stay as intuitive as they currently are. I think that this is unlikely.


Does that help? :)

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I think all healing is changing at its core. Blizz doesn't like the smart (passive) healing or so it would seem.

That said I will always be a resto shaman. Changes come and changes go. Right now we are on sort of a high note with the current spec design but in wod we could go down some. The trick to mastering ANY healing class is to learn the changes and always be evaluating how you can do better on your heals.

If you're looking for easy mode flavor of the month heals, don't bother. The flavor will be changing soon. If you're looking to take on a new role and prepared to master the art of healing, shaman are an excellent choice. We heal well, we look cool, and gosh darnit we save lives!

Don't choose a class based on easier or not, choose based on the fit with your play style. I find disc healing very strong but for me personally it's the equivalent of taking an ambien. So try them out and see what fits.

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Well that's a loaded question if I ever read one.


Overall, all the healing specs perform roughly the same. There is no "best" healer in any objective sense.


However, different healers have different specialities, and it happens that Resto Shaman currently specialise in Smart Healing and burst healing, especially when your raid is stacked. These traits suit us well to the current tier of raiding.


The large presence of Smart Healing does mean that (provided you know which spells need to be used on cooldown), you can easily do respectable throughput as a Resto Shaman. But why would you want to do respectable healing when you can do very good healing?


With some skill and planning, Resto Shaman make very good healers. Not only do you bring good throughput, but you bring a wide array of utility which is hard to beat. Truly skilled Resto Shaman spend a lot of their effort on maximizing their utility, as well as healing.


So, to return to your question; Are Resto Shaman easy? No. No healers are easy.


If I were to rank healers in terms of how easy their mechanics are to get to grips with, then I might rate Shaman as among the easier to get to grips with currently. If you want an intuitive healer, you need look no further than Shaman.




The expansion is coming, and in the expansion our speciality is going to change. Smart heals will no longer exist, and the bandages which made Shaman easier in 5.4 are going away. Historically, Shaman has been a very challenging class to heal with; all the indications show that it will be similar when the expansion launches. I'm looking forward to our gameplay becoming challenging again, and the class will be better for it. However, you might not want to assume that Resto Shaman will stay as intuitive as they currently are. I think that this is unlikely.


Does that help? :)

Yes this does help thank you very much. You have convinced me to become a Resto Shamy as my main took. Thank you :D

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Yeah, personal taste definitely comes into the decision. But we can't really help you with that! :D

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Yeah, personal taste definitely comes into the decision. But we can't really help you with that! :D

But now here's a real loaded question, which is better in a dungeon/raid environment, Elemental or Enhancement shammy. I like both play styles because hey you get to use a shield and other casters dont.

And I know that elemental shamans are thr casters, but enhancement is like a hybrid melee caster which seems like it could be effective in PvE but im just not sure. If I have too I could just fiddle around with both of them and see which one I like but if choosing thr other stops a RL from choosing me to go and wanted thr other one then what?

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If Resto is your main, often it just comes down to loot matters. I like both styles, and both specs seem to me (a Resto main) to be reasonably well balanced most of the time. Elemental is easier to get a ton of reasonable gear for, so I roll that usually.

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I play all three specs, but I'd only call myself competitive with the dps ones.  Since Stoove has already attended to your resto queries, it's my turn!

EDIT: I, uh, seem to have written a lot.  Wow.  tl;dr they're both great at everything, elemental is easier to learn but can't be pushed as hard.


But now here's a real loaded question, which is better in a dungeon/raid environment, Elemental or Enhancement shammy. I like both play styles because hey you get to use a shield and other casters dont.

And I know that elemental shamans are thr casters, but enhancement is like a hybrid melee caster which seems like it could be effective in PvE but im just not sure. If I have too I could just fiddle around with both of them and see which one I like but if choosing thr other stops a RL from choosing me to go and wanted thr other one then what?


Ele and resto technically share gear, but you're actually better using dedicated ele gear that's 20 ilvls lower than using resto gear for ele.  Not an exaggeration.  I have shot up 20k dps with a sidegrade.  Our itemization is bad.  If you're just using your offspec to farm valor or what have you, this is totally fine, but if you want to be competitive in a raid environment you're going to need two gearsets no matter what you do.


One isn't "better" than the other, not even in any given category.  They're just different.  I'm going to go through a few key points and discuss those differences, and hopefully that will help you make a decision.


Single-target damage:

The only metric most scrubs care about, but at least for good reason; even the AoE-heavy fights this tier end with pure single-target dps checks.  If you're at all familiar with warlocks, you'll understand immediately what I mean when I say the difference here is like the difference between Destro and Affliction.  Enhancement is going to parse higher.  Their initial burst is shenanigans (I burst over a mil dps even when I forget to pre-pot) and as fights get shorter on farm content that skews things in their favor.  Similarly, enhancement benefits a lot more from good trinket proc RNG just because of Assurance of Consequence.  Overall, I find my single-target dps is higher on any farm fight as enhancement.

...but I only use it for a scant few progression fights, because I can play elemental to nearly full effectiveness while running around like a decapitated chicken, being the raid's mechanics monkey, and being undercaffeinated.  The dps difference isn't that big, and it's a lot easier to get it out of elemental than enhancement.  The real difference here is actually that elemental isn't bothered at all by things not going according to plan; just waltz over, deal with whatever, return to boss.  Enhancement is extremely strong even under stress as long as you keep your cool; they have the tools, but the tools are a bit more active.




Enhancement's AoE goes through the "warrior cycle", in that it's completely terrible for awhile, and then they buff it by something ludicrous like 80%, realize "whoops" and nerf it, and then nerf it again just to be sure, and then have to double it again... it keeps happening.  Anyway, we're currently riding the high tide of Enhancement AoE, so it's actually really powerful... once it gets going.  There's still that nasty ramp up time.  The 4pc set bonus helps with that a lot, and for WoD, a triple-strength version of it becomes baseline, which is awesome.  As long as you remember when adds spawn, and make sure Lava Lash isn't on CD when they do, you can do teh massive deeps like any other melee.

For elemental, you park yourself, and spam Chain Lightning.  AoE "preparation" consists of casting Elemental Blast on the boss before adds spawn, if you care.  Yep.  That's it.  I regularly burst a million dps on random trash with no cds or anything, and it gets downright ridiculous when I have pots + cds going too.  It's not all sunshine and rainbows, though; AoE is the one thing that elemental can't do while walking around for the hell of it, except with SWG up.




Ranged have it easy right now, and elemental can maintain a nearly full rotation on the move.  Single-target, anyway.  Elemental is more tied to the floor than Arcane Mages when it comes to literally anything else; AoE was mentioned already, but healing is another big one.  And you will be using those heals.

Enhancement is vastly more mobile than most melee, due to a huge number of things.  Totemic projection, ghost wolf, spirit walk, ascendance, SWG, even just having your filler be castable while moving and at range, it's great.  Maelstrom weapon means I can even drop Healing Rains while running around Norushen's laser.  In fact, when doing anything besides single target dps, I would say enhancement is actually more mobile than elemental, and it also wins out by a mile if you have to travel rather than just move.




Enhancement wins.


I suppose I should elaborate.  "Elemental gear" this tier consists of their tier gear, trinkets, the ring off Thok, and the boots off Siegecrafter.  Everything else is will make you cringe, because it has spirit on it.  Literally.  All of it.  Everything.  (Technically you can get weapons (plural but no more) without spirit.  They have crit.  Less bad, but still bad.)  You will be over hit cap.  During initial normal progression, when we weren't clearing the tier-dropping guys regularly, I got to ilvl 560 and could not get below 20% hit between reforges and gemming stamina.  I've since gone up a scant 5 ilvls and a mighty 50% dps thanks to tier sidegrades.  If your raid does not take pity on you tier-wise, welcome to hell.

Meanwhile, enhancement can get mastery/haste in almost every spot without even needing tier drops to not be sad.  It's lovely.  Closest thing to a drawback is sharing gear with hunters.




This is where it gets weird.  Elemental has higher spellpower, so their heals heal more... but the CDs are quite close (enh bursts harder and can make better use of AG, but ele's HTT does more) and cast-time heals require, well, cast-times.  For elemental, that is.  Enhancement can drop healing rains while moving without breaking rotation; all they lose is a single Lightning Bolt cast, which really isn't much.  (It will be more in WoD when Maelstrom Weapon starts buffing damage per stack too, but right now it's really not much.)  You can even glyph Maelstrom Weapon to make Chain Heals and the like quite powerful.  Back in 5.3, enhancement shaman had the dubious honor of having amongst the highest healing outputs in the game, (possibly the highest, but I never saw a fully geared healer compete with one of these people; still, 200k sustained hps was dumb for a dps to be pulling) thanks to the shenanigans of old conductivity and what the aforementioned glyph used to do.  For heroic Norushen, I actually solo-heal the raid as enhancement for a minute while the healers do their stuff, and still pull very competitive dps while doing so.  As elemental, I can do better single-target spot healing (enhancement can't really cast more than one heal every 5-8 seconds without using CDs), and if you get good at manipulating Clearcasting you can do tremendous self-hps if drakefire decides to target you eight times in a row.  Not that I would have experience with that every pull, or anything...




Thunderstorm is amazing, and will save your life a lot.  You can cast it while stunned, you know.  As long as the stun can be removed, anyway, it doesn't work on Fracture because reasons.  Elemental can also equip shields, which is nice, until you realize that they made almost all of the non-tank-related physical damage ignore armor this tier.  Thanks guys.  Clearcasting abuse puts elemental ahead if you get good at it, but it takes a lot of focus and will shut down your dps while in staying-alive mode; as you might guess from previous sections, enhancement can just rely on Feral Spirits and whatnot while continuing to dps.  If you glyph Flame Shock for an AoE fight, enhancement also drags in fantastic amounts of (usually) superfluous self-healing.  Oh, and Assurance of Consequence reduces the CD on all their defensives, and Spirit Walk will get you away from anything, even Thok.




Not unlike healing, elemental has some fantastic raw power (tanks are fond of Earthquake on mob groups) but enhancement can do it all without losing dps.  The joys of having downtime in your rotation.  Chuck totems while waiting for Stormstrike to come back off CD, that sort of thing.  Spirit walk is also not to be underestimated, it's fantastic.



Ease of Use:

I could teach a four-year-old to play elemental, and they'd probably do 75% of what I do.  The whole rotation is like, four buttons, strict priority order, plus a button since you took Elemental Blast, and usually boils down to "press the shiny".  Expertise in the raw patchwerk rotation consists of remembering that you can wait to cast Earth Shock until you do other things first, because only Lightning Bolt procs Rolling Thunder (UNTIL WARLORDS!!1!one).  Mastery of the spec is not related at all to the pressing of dps buttons, but rather all the other stuff having such a simple rotation lets you get away with.  Like doing laps around the boss while dpsing, or having the best snap AoE in the game, etc.  (What this says about those guys in lfr who still manage to mess it up is depressing.  I encountered one using water shield before, and when I mentioned it he said it was because he kept running out of mana.  Which was because he was using water shield.  *cry*)

Enhancement... okay, so I started playing this spec because I got gear for it, because up until about three weeks ago I was the only person in my raid group who could use mail.  When I first tried it, I was bad.  Really bad.  Gave up on it until about a tier later, when I realized my ilvl for enhancement was actually higher than for my actual main spec (at the time) of elemental.  Somehow, it just clicked.  You get an intuition for it; I honestly don't know how to teach it.  It's a pretty smooth learning curve; just keep doing it, you'll improve.  And keep improving, for a very long time.  Elemental can only push its dps so hard, and the vast majority of that is actually "how do I maintain my simple rotation while performing mechanic x".  If you're new to melees, especially, enhancement is going to throw you for a loop.  Once mastered, though, it is incredibly rewarding.





Elemental is easier to do well with, but gearing it will make you cry.  It's extremely capable, very forgiving, and easy to learn.  Enhancement can do everything and still maintain amazing dps at the same time, if you're good at it.  Getting good at it, on the other hand, is much more difficult.  Both of them are fantastic specs that bring immense utility and healing to your raid, and do great dps.


Whatever you go with, I'll be happy to help.  Welcome to the fold!

Edited by SparkSovereign
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next patch if spriest changes work out, ele and boomkin will probably be fighting for who isnt last on the dps charts. the casting while moving is going away, so ele will not have many selling points. traditionally enh is much higher on damage, but this patch theyve allowed ele to have a bit of fun.

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I play all three specs, but I'd only call myself competitive with the dps ones.  Since Stoove has already attended to your resto queries, it's my turn!

EDIT: I, uh, seem to have written a lot.  Wow.  tl;dr they're both great at everything, elemental is easier to learn but can't be pushed as hard.



Ele and resto technically share gear, but you're actually better using dedicated ele gear that's 20 ilvls lower than using resto gear for ele.  Not an exaggeration.  I have shot up 20k dps with a sidegrade.  Our itemization is bad.  If you're just using your offspec to farm valor or what have you, this is totally fine, but if you want to be competitive in a raid environment you're going to need two gearsets no matter what you do.


One isn't "better" than the other, not even in any given category.  They're just different.  I'm going to go through a few key points and discuss those differences, and hopefully that will help you make a decision.


Single-target damage:

The only metric most scrubs care about, but at least for good reason; even the AoE-heavy fights this tier end with pure single-target dps checks.  If you're at all familiar with warlocks, you'll understand immediately what I mean when I say the difference here is like the difference between Destro and Affliction.  Enhancement is going to parse higher.  Their initial burst is shenanigans (I burst over a mil dps even when I forget to pre-pot) and as fights get shorter on farm content that skews things in their favor.  Similarly, enhancement benefits a lot more from good trinket proc RNG just because of Assurance of Consequence.  Overall, I find my single-target dps is higher on any farm fight as enhancement.

...but I only use it for a scant few progression fights, because I can play elemental to nearly full effectiveness while running around like a decapitated chicken, being the raid's mechanics monkey, and being undercaffeinated.  The dps difference isn't that big, and it's a lot easier to get it out of elemental than enhancement.  The real difference here is actually that elemental isn't bothered at all by things not going according to plan; just waltz over, deal with whatever, return to boss.  Enhancement is extremely strong even under stress as long as you keep your cool; they have the tools, but the tools are a bit more active.




Enhancement's AoE goes through the "warrior cycle", in that it's completely terrible for awhile, and then they buff it by something ludicrous like 80%, realize "whoops" and nerf it, and then nerf it again just to be sure, and then have to double it again... it keeps happening.  Anyway, we're currently riding the high tide of Enhancement AoE, so it's actually really powerful... once it gets going.  There's still that nasty ramp up time.  The 4pc set bonus helps with that a lot, and for WoD, a triple-strength version of it becomes baseline, which is awesome.  As long as you remember when adds spawn, and make sure Lava Lash isn't on CD when they do, you can do teh massive deeps like any other melee.

For elemental, you park yourself, and spam Chain Lightning.  AoE "preparation" consists of casting Elemental Blast on the boss before adds spawn, if you care.  Yep.  That's it.  I regularly burst a million dps on random trash with no cds or anything, and it gets downright ridiculous when I have pots + cds going too.  It's not all sunshine and rainbows, though; AoE is the one thing that elemental can't do while walking around for the hell of it, except with SWG up.




Ranged have it easy right now, and elemental can maintain a nearly full rotation on the move.  Single-target, anyway.  Elemental is more tied to the floor than Arcane Mages when it comes to literally anything else; AoE was mentioned already, but healing is another big one.  And you will be using those heals.

Enhancement is vastly more mobile than most melee, due to a huge number of things.  Totemic projection, ghost wolf, spirit walk, ascendance, SWG, even just having your filler be castable while moving and at range, it's great.  Maelstrom weapon means I can even drop Healing Rains while running around Norushen's laser.  In fact, when doing anything besides single target dps, I would say enhancement is actually more mobile than elemental, and it also wins out by a mile if you have to travel rather than just move.




Enhancement wins.


I suppose I should elaborate.  "Elemental gear" this tier consists of their tier gear, trinkets, the ring off Thok, and the boots off Siegecrafter.  Everything else is will make you cringe, because it has spirit on it.  Literally.  All of it.  Everything.  (Technically you can get weapons (plural but no more) without spirit.  They have crit.  Less bad, but still bad.)  You will be over hit cap.  During initial normal progression, when we weren't clearing the tier-dropping guys regularly, I got to ilvl 560 and could not get below 20% hit between reforges and gemming stamina.  I've since gone up a scant 5 ilvls and a mighty 50% dps thanks to tier sidegrades.  If your raid does not take pity on you tier-wise, welcome to hell.

Meanwhile, enhancement can get mastery/haste in almost every spot without even needing tier drops to not be sad.  It's lovely.  Closest thing to a drawback is sharing gear with hunters.




This is where it gets weird.  Elemental has higher spellpower, so their heals heal more... but the CDs are quite close (enh bursts harder and can make better use of AG, but ele's HTT does more) and cast-time heals require, well, cast-times.  For elemental, that is.  Enhancement can drop healing rains while moving without breaking rotation; all they lose is a single Lightning Bolt cast, which really isn't much.  (It will be more in WoD when Maelstrom Weapon starts buffing damage per stack too, but right now it's really not much.)  You can even glyph Maelstrom Weapon to make Chain Heals and the like quite powerful.  Back in 5.3, enhancement shaman had the dubious honor of having amongst the highest healing outputs in the game, (possibly the highest, but I never saw a fully geared healer compete with one of these people; still, 200k sustained hps was dumb for a dps to be pulling) thanks to the shenanigans of old conductivity and what the aforementioned glyph used to do.  For heroic Norushen, I actually solo-heal the raid as enhancement for a minute while the healers do their stuff, and still pull very competitive dps while doing so.  As elemental, I can do better single-target spot healing (enhancement can't really cast more than one heal every 5-8 seconds without using CDs), and if you get good at manipulating Clearcasting you can do tremendous self-hps if drakefire decides to target you eight times in a row.  Not that I would have experience with that every pull, or anything...




Thunderstorm is amazing, and will save your life a lot.  You can cast it while stunned, you know.  As long as the stun can be removed, anyway, it doesn't work on Fracture because reasons.  Elemental can also equip shields, which is nice, until you realize that they made almost all of the non-tank-related physical damage ignore armor this tier.  Thanks guys.  Clearcasting abuse puts elemental ahead if you get good at it, but it takes a lot of focus and will shut down your dps while in staying-alive mode; as you might guess from previous sections, enhancement can just rely on Feral Spirits and whatnot while continuing to dps.  If you glyph Flame Shock for an AoE fight, enhancement also drags in fantastic amounts of (usually) superfluous self-healing.  Oh, and Assurance of Consequence reduces the CD on all their defensives, and Spirit Walk will get you away from anything, even Thok.




Not unlike healing, elemental has some fantastic raw power (tanks are fond of Earthquake on mob groups) but enhancement can do it all without losing dps.  The joys of having downtime in your rotation.  Chuck totems while waiting for Stormstrike to come back off CD, that sort of thing.  Spirit walk is also not to be underestimated, it's fantastic.



Ease of Use:

I could teach a four-year-old to play elemental, and they'd probably do 75% of what I do.  The whole rotation is like, four buttons, strict priority order, plus a button since you took Elemental Blast, and usually boils down to "press the shiny".  Expertise in the raw patchwerk rotation consists of remembering that you can wait to cast Earth Shock until you do other things first, because only Lightning Bolt procs Rolling Thunder (UNTIL WARLORDS!!1!one).  Mastery of the spec is not related at all to the pressing of dps buttons, but rather all the other stuff having such a simple rotation lets you get away with.  Like doing laps around the boss while dpsing, or having the best snap AoE in the game, etc.  (What this says about those guys in lfr who still manage to mess it up is depressing.  I encountered one using water shield before, and when I mentioned it he said it was because he kept running out of mana.  Which was because he was using water shield.  *cry*)

Enhancement... okay, so I started playing this spec because I got gear for it, because up until about three weeks ago I was the only person in my raid group who could use mail.  When I first tried it, I was bad.  Really bad.  Gave up on it until about a tier later, when I realized my ilvl for enhancement was actually higher than for my actual main spec (at the time) of elemental.  Somehow, it just clicked.  You get an intuition for it; I honestly don't know how to teach it.  It's a pretty smooth learning curve; just keep doing it, you'll improve.  And keep improving, for a very long time.  Elemental can only push its dps so hard, and the vast majority of that is actually "how do I maintain my simple rotation while performing mechanic x".  If you're new to melees, especially, enhancement is going to throw you for a loop.  Once mastered, though, it is incredibly rewarding.





Elemental is easier to do well with, but gearing it will make you cry.  It's extremely capable, very forgiving, and easy to learn.  Enhancement can do everything and still maintain amazing dps at the same time, if you're good at it.  Getting good at it, on the other hand, is much more difficult.  Both of them are fantastic specs that bring immense utility and healing to your raid, and do great dps.


Whatever you go with, I'll be happy to help.  Welcome to the fold!


The help is well apprecited, reading all of that took me about 10 minutes jeez. I might not even have an off spec just because I dont like switching back and forth, i'm just going to get good enough at healing so in raiding groups they'll want me to go cuz I'm just that good. and finding gear has never been a problem with me for some reason :P

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Yes this does help thank you very much. You have convinced me to become a Resto Shamy as my main took. Thank you biggrin.png

With boosts to 90 the increase in the number of Shamans, especially resto has gone through the roof. Alot of recruitment threads that are looking for healers atm, are full on shamans. Go druid. Resto druid healing is more active, fun and you have all of the roles in one class. Melee dps, Ranged dps, Tank, and Healer. 

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Now now, let's not start a superiority war.


'Cause Shaman are so much better ;)

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as far as output on the charts go, druid probly will look really good on recount next xpac. 


Needs reasoning. A statement as big as this requires discussion, especially so far in advance of the Beta. ~Stoove


if everyone sits low on hp hots will get used up instead of overhealing. wasnt that the main thing in cata? the tree would hot everyone to full and then go oom, and when damage came in everyone would die and blame the healers that did the worst on recount?


if someone just wants to play the class tahts the best, they probably dont care about doing good with a specific class, just looking good with whatever class has an edge at looking good. like how some pvpers keep one of every class at max level just in case one class is supposedly op.

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      ### Totemly Awesome!
      # Class: Shaman
      # Format: Wild
      # 2x (0) Totemic Surge
      # 1x (2) Cagematch Custodian
      # 2x (2) Devolve
      # 2x (2) EVIL Totem
      # 2x (2) Flametongue Totem
      # 2x (2) Serpent Ward
      # 2x (2) Totem Golem
      # 1x (2) Trick Totem
      # 1x (2) Vitality Totem
      # 1x (3) Grand Totem Eys'or
      # 1x (3) Instructor Fireheart
      # 2x (3) Mana Tide Totem
      # 2x (3) Totemic Reflection
      # 2x (4) Draenei Totemcarver
      # 2x (4) Splitting Axe
      # 2x (5) Totem Goliath
      # 2x (6) Thing from Below
      # 1x (9) Alexstrasza the Life-Binder


      # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone
    • By positiv2
      This thread is for comments about our Restoration Shaman Shadowlands Leveling Guide.
    • By positiv2
      This thread is for comments about our Enhancement Shaman Shadowlands Leveling Guide.
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