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Blacksmithing Guide

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Guest Coltreign

Unless it was a stealth change on live, I just crafted 8 Rank 2 Waistguards on Monday evening before the first reset and it gave me 80 XP as it should (10 XP per craft) however the XP bar for Rank 2 is only 53% complete and states it required 150 XP for Rank 3. Can anyone else confirm this?

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Guest Phreekmedia

You said Breast and Legs would be best, but then you linked the Boots. Just FYI.

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  On 12/2/2020 at 1:03 PM, Guest Phreekmedia said:

You said Breast and Legs would be best, but then you linked the Boots. Just FYI.


Good catch, I'll fix the link. Thanks!

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  On 12/1/2020 at 5:39 AM, Guest Coltreign said:

Unless it was a stealth change on live, I just crafted 8 Rank 2 Waistguards on Monday evening before the first reset and it gave me 80 XP as it should (10 XP per craft) however the XP bar for Rank 2 is only 53% complete and states it required 150 XP for Rank 3. Can anyone else confirm this?


You are correct, this was changed literally a couple of days before launch. You now need to craft 15 of each at every rank it seems.

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Guest Ouroboros8Fate

I have Leatherworking and Blacksmithing maxed out and have been trying to level up legendaries across two of my characters. Let me just say that this system is stupid. Unless you came into this expansion early on and reaped in the rewards of early maxed legendary crafting and having people funnel mats to you or just being rich enough to buy all the mats required to max out your legendaries to max rank, you aren't going to be making much money for a long time. I lose over 5-7k gold per legendary... making most legendaries costs me about 8-13k in mats to make one piece and I can only sell it for maybe 1-4k if i'm lucky. Too many people undercut you by like 1 gold or something just so they can have theirs appear before yours on sales. So you lose gold also reposting undercuts. 

Perhaps if Blizzard made it to where you have to use each item lvl piece from 190>210>225>235 you'd make some money because everyone would still need each level to move towards the next ilvl... but now you can simply skip to 235 if you have the soul ash and don't even need to craft any lower ones.... it's stupid and basically creates a flood of rank 1, 2 and 3 pieces on the AH that may or may not sell. And you do the math... lets say there are 100 people on the server with Blacksmithing crafting bracers at 190.... That would mean you'd have 1500 190 bracers on the ah trying to compete for sales.... Maybe if you could craft the 15 pieces and use those to covert them into the next tier using some mats it would make those pieces more viable to sell... Trash system.

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Yeah, unfortunately the legendary system has not really scaled well late into the first tier.  Hopefully they throw some updates at it for 9.1, both for crafting and obtaining soul ash.

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