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Leatherworking Guide

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Guest Guest

For the Desolate Armor Kit reagent list, you wrote 8xDesolate Armor Kit instead of 8xDesolate Leather.

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  On 2/15/2021 at 8:42 AM, Guest Guest said:

For the Desolate Armor Kit reagent list, you wrote 8xDesolate Armor Kit instead of 8xDesolate Leather.


Good catch, thanks. I just committed a fix for this.

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Guest Ten Bulls

Crafting has become way too complicated for casual crafters.  What happened to the simple put "A" with "B" and get "C"?

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Guest Guest

Thanks for the guide it is very detailed and helpful. 

Did you mean to have leatherworker under Topic "6. Best Leatherworking Gear" instead of Blacksmiths?  It currently reads, "Blacksmiths, like other professions, can use three pieces of gear:"

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  On 12/2/2022 at 4:58 PM, Guest Guest said:

Thanks for the guide it is very detailed and helpful. 

Did you mean to have leatherworker under Topic "6. Best Leatherworking Gear" instead of Blacksmiths?  It currently reads, "Blacksmiths, like other professions, can use three pieces of gear:"


Heya, there were some leftovers from the initial guide rush indeed, thanks for pointing it out, will have it fixed in the new version of the guide I'm currently working on 🙂 

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Guest Smokke

There needs to be a note on what enchantments to use on the professional tools.

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  On 4/12/2023 at 3:58 PM, Guest Smokke said:

There needs to be a note on what enchantments to use on the professional tools.


Completely depends on what you are aiming for.

If crafting items that have no quality or you are hitting max quality by default already -> enchant Resourcefulness.

If crafting items where max quality is much more valuable than rank 2s and you cannot hit it without inspiration -> enchant Inspiration.

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Guest NewPlayer

having read through multiple professions pages of your site I am still utterly at a loss how to get from:

1 point in leatherworking 


2 points in leatherworking

You need to do some QoL overview on guides to include in actual new players, not just the perspectives of players who know the system well. All the guides are essentially impenetrable because they totally avoid the basics.

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  On 3/27/2024 at 12:05 PM, Guest NewPlayer said:

having read through multiple professions pages of your site I am still utterly at a loss how to get from:

1 point in leatherworking 


2 points in leatherworking

You need to do some QoL overview on guides to include in actual new players, not just the perspectives of players who know the system well. All the guides are essentially impenetrable because they totally avoid the basics.


You gain skill by crafting items with your profession. So when picking up Leatherworking from trainer (and thus starting at 1 point) the first thing you will want to do is open spell book, swap to professions tab at bottom, then click the icon next to "Leatherworking" on top right area and from that menu you can select items you can craft (in white) as well as see items you might learn to craft in future the darkened areas below.

Click on one white item at the top to see what materials are used to craft it, buy those from the auction house and once you have the materials you can go to the profession table near the trainer, select the item you want to craft and click "create" or similar button depending on profession in the bottom right of the crafting menu. Congratulations, you have just advanced from 1 point to 2+ depending on what you crafted!

Every 5 skill points up to 50 (after which you need special recipes driven by talents to get further up as explained in the guides) you can talk to the profession trainer to learn new crafts that will be giving you skill points beyond what the old crafts did, as every craft will only you take you so far in the 1-100 skill journey and they stop giving as you grow more skillful, with the skill ups you get being represented by the arrows next to the craft in the UI. Green = low likelihood of getting a skill point, Yellow = high likelihood of getting a skill point, Orange = guaranteed skill point (might be more than one if there's a number there as well).

These are the absolute basics for someone who never experienced WoW Professions (or really any crafting system in any other game since most copied WoW style crafting and UI elements) before, hope it helps! 🙂

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