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World of Warcraft vs Elder Scrolls Online

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Greetings everyone,


I just wanted to hear you opinion about Elder Scrolls Online  .


I ve been playing wow since the begining but  if i have to rate best RPG game EVER i will point Elder Scrolls with no doubt( and some other RPG' s better that WoW too). 


Also , the new improvements Blizzard is introducing (better character look, not that anyone needs it since your char is covered with armor and helm, and all Warlords of Draenor features) are just a way to answer the chalenge of Elder Scrolls Online (if  you didnt know it so far it really is). All sites and forums are speaking about the new MMORGP king incoming a.k.a. Elder Srolls so Blizzard are just trying to think of something new, which will also be an exellent new experience for all of us.


To be honest first screenshots and gameplay videos from ESO are  ...well .. really good. smile.png


I dont want to offend anyone and this topic is in every possible way friendly. OFC i will play WoW too but i belive i ll try Elder Scrolls as well.


p.s. official web site elderscrollsonline.com


best wishes

Edited by Varkaaf

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I had a lot of fun playing it in the beta. If you're thinking you'll be playing an MMO Skyrim, you're wrong. From what I understand it is most closely like Dark Age of Camelot - personally I've never played DAoC but my sister worked for DAoC in a role that would be like a Blue poster for Blizz. 


ESO is MORE more RP then WoW is, better lore, more depth, more feel to it. Just the creation options alone will blow you away. The combat is a little odd, but not to bad at all. Just takes some getting used to after so many years of WoW.


I haven't played much since ESO went live due to school and raiding, my sister and brother in law have been playing it a lot and they both really like it, but there have been some major opening bugs. 


Just like with any MMO, if you want to get in on the ground floor then go for it, but know that there will be bugs that might ruin your day. 


The dev team for ESO is MASSIVE, give the game a couple of months and I'll bet the opening day bugs will be handled.

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I'm actually very interested in ESO. I don't usually care about all the hangups other people have. What I liked most about WoW in the early days of 2005-2007 was how immersive the world felt.


Feels a lot smaller now. If ESO can deliver that feel of immersion I'll be all over it. Not instead of WoW, but definitely instead of some of the stuff I do in WoW.

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It's a great game for the immersive experience, extensive customization options and lore.


It's an awful game for it's clumsy and ham-handed combat mechanics.


WoW, currently, is pretty well the opposite.  I'm madly in love with the combat mechanics, but I dislike the limp MoP lore, and lack of customization available.

Edited by Hybrys
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I'm with the swasticactus 100%.


I'll be ok with clunky combat as long as it's easy. I can find challenge in other places, if ESO gives me a nice "experience" then that's reason enough to play it. I wouldn't do anything end-game since I raid on WoW.

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