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[Archived] Beast Mastery Hunter 5.4

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  On 9/19/2013 at 9:13 AM, Atro said:

SV is now better than BM



Under what circumstance?


There is a lot of data to the contrary, SV is more forgiving so mistakes have less of an impact on dps.

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Something wrong with the Powershot explanation, states 800% primary target damage /400% secondary target damage, and 60-second CD. It's 600% primary target damage /300% secondary target damage and 45-second CD now. Someone could fix that :)

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Guest Scaramanga

With the changes in 5.4 regarding Aspect of the Iron Hawk and Spirit Bond, the guide is wrong. Spirit Bond is superior in most circumstances. For instance, say we're working w/ 600k HP. Spirit Bond will net 18k HP / 2sec. In order for Iron Hawk to match this, a hunter would have to be receiving more than 180k damage every 2 seconds (180*0.1=18). I don't think I should have to explain the absurdity of a situation where 180k / 2sec is a viable scenario. 


It's important to note that

Glyph: Animal Bond affects the healing of Spirit Bond.

Spike damage can be best mitigated w/ Deterrence & externals.

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Guest Vegaskane

Since everyone has covered standard DPS questions mine is about the usefulness of Powershot.


Normally I would agree for a raid or a que Powershot  is not so usefull...


However, I have found Powershot combined with Binding Shot extremely useful hunting some rares and elites.  On timeless isle with my BM leatherworker I tend to hunt turtles.  If you Binding Shot then use Powershot  you can daze/stun most elites before they rush you or spin as the turtles do.  So though lackluster in raids it can be very useful on some mobs.


Just a crazy thought!


Vettuschola > Darkspear > Alliance > Jùdiciùm

Flinthand > Darrowmere > Horde > Judicium

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Guest Wannade
  On 8/21/2013 at 1:47 PM, Kemanorel said:

Its worth noting that Rapid Fire gives Ranged Haste only, while pet attack speed only scales with Melee Haste, so it is irrelevant to Stampede and A Murder of Crows damage.

This is very important in my opinion because it changes our rotation in a way. As a troll BM that means I get 3 ranged haste cool downs. I found myself saving RF to use with Stampede. Because of that I have been missing one use of RF per boss fight. It's okay to cast RF with Stampede but I don't think the two spells should be linked in this way because it suggests that they are symbiotic. In fact, you would want to get as many uses from FFx5, RF, and in my case my troll haste as possible in one fight. Also Stampede DOES benefit from Bloodlust/Heroism/Time Warp and should be used when that spell is up.

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Guest Foldrick

Just curious if the BiS gearing is going ever get updated or not. It's been a while since I've seen that updated for SoO.

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Guest Some Guy
Binding Shot fires an arrow at a random raid member, debuffing this player and allies of theirs within 5 yards, causing them to be stunned for 5 seconds if they move more than 5 yards from the location of the arrow. 




Um... what?


Not only is this completely wrong, it also makes absolutely zero sense. What exactly would be the purpose of the talent even if this was correct?

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Guest Captrix

Will the best in slot portion of the guide ever be updated for SoO?

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I recently took ability_druid_demoralizingroar.jpgSpirit Bond over spell_hunter_aspectoftheironhawk.jpgAspect of the Iron Hawk.  Honestly, I like it much better.  It provides passive healing which lightens the load of your healers.  While leveling/soloing content (timeless isle), spirit bond provides a way to heal yourself without having to interrupt your rotation.  The only other thing I would do different from the guide is the opener, and its not that big of a change.  My opener is Serpent Sting -> BW -> KC -> Glaive Toss -> AMoC -> Dire Beast -> Stampede -> Rapid Fire -> Arcane Shot -> KC -> Cobra Shot.  With this (and 2x Time Warp and Heroism, according to WoL), I hit 500k opening dps on Durumu and ended with 135k.  I would add that using AMoC during BW greatly reduces its focus cost, and the cds line up quite nicely.  Also, on the stats priority, I would say that crit and haste have equal weight, while mastery just really lags behind.  With near equal haste and crit, I'm sitting at 16% haste and 30% crit.

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  On 11/15/2013 at 10:11 PM, Some Guy said:

Um... what?


Not only is this completely wrong, it also makes absolutely zero sense. What exactly would be the purpose of the talent even if this was correct?


Messing with people!


Although seriously, agreed and reason I came here, the description is wrong - Replace 'raid member' with enemy and we got it.

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Guest Galibier

At this moment I see almost no BM hunter who has rankend on WoL using AmoC, would this still be the best talent in that tier, I highly doubt it to be honest. 

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  On 11/24/2013 at 5:36 PM, calfel said:

Messing with people!


Although seriously, agreed and reason I came here, the description is wrong - Replace 'raid member' with enemy and we got it.


Thanks to you and the above poster who pointed that out. We've fixed it now smile.png



  On 11/25/2013 at 12:38 PM, Galibier said:

At this moment I see almost no BM hunter who has rankend on WoL using AmoC, would this still be the best talent in that tier, I highly doubt it to be honest. 


I'm looking into this right now. Thanks for pointing it out.


Edit: AMoC is only very slightly ahead on single target, and behind on multiple target. And since it's also cumbersome to use, I'll edit the guide to recommend Blink Strikes more prominently!

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Guest Greg

I read, and optimized my toon, but then if i moved custom weights, and stacked mastery, mastery haste, or mastery hit,on all gems, and all reforges basically to crit.... every stat in green on page 2, but if i went according to simulcraft, even the actual score is lower, i'm confused  changed attributes to 5, on all and held it.  hit/exp remained same .discuss

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  On 1/17/2014 at 11:46 PM, Greg said:

I read, and optimized my toon, but then if i moved custom weights, and stacked mastery, mastery haste, or mastery hit,on all gems, and all reforges basically to crit.... every stat in green on page 2, but if i went according to simulcraft, even the actual score is lower, i'm confused  changed attributes to 5, on all and held it.  hit/exp remained same .discuss

I'm not entirely sure what you're tying to say here. Are you saying gem mastery and reforge to crit? That would work, but not as well as a balanced crit/haste build. Simply because you don't have as much haste, which in turn lowers your focus regen. I'll be honest and say I've never worked with sim craft, but I do understand stat weights for amr. Also, hemming for agility is better than gemming for mastery (pure gems). If you want to gem mastery, then use agi/mastery gems in yellow and red sockets.

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Guest Clarl

Will the BiS list be updated to reflect the added two upgrade slots to raiding gear? I ask this because the addition of those two slots drops the value and use of Ordos Warforged gear, changing the list.

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  On 6/19/2014 at 4:23 PM, Clarl said:

Will the BiS list be updated to reflect the added two upgrade slots to raiding gear? I ask this because the addition of those two slots drops the value and use of Ordos Warforged gear, changing the list.

All best in slot lists aren't really solid advice, because of the way upgrades and warforged loot works.  Even the guide itself recommends caution:




With the advent of Thunderforged and Warforged weapons, BiS lists are much less valuable a resource than before, because we would be advising a list of items that not even the best players would have a chance to complete. Instead, we now give you advice for choosing your trinkets, your set bonuses, and whatever else is important for your class.

For the rest of your equipment, you should look for upgrades that match your stat priority. For that, we advise you to use Ask Mr. Robot.

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Guest Happeria

How does the change of Arcane Shot and Kill Shot's application of Hunter's Mark affect the basic rotation?  If I can free up a spot on my bars I would love to drop Hunter's Mark.

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  On 7/6/2014 at 2:07 PM, Happeria said:

How does the change of Arcane Shot and Kill Shot's application of Hunter's Mark affect the basic rotation?  If I can free up a spot on my bars I would love to drop Hunter's Mark.

It's still beneficial to use it before the pull, but barely so.  You can safely drop it entirely.

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Guest Pandjob

I have a question from the guide about the use of Bestial Wrath and Dire Beast.

The guide first states to use Dire Beast then Bestial Wrath so both beasts are benefiting from the extra 20% damage.

But then in the Opening Sequence section is saids to use Bestial Wrath, Kill Command,Rapid Fire and Stampede first then Dire Beast.

So which is it?

Also in the Opening Sequence section is saids Rapid Fire is best to be active as soon as possible but Stampede and Dire Beast are cast next before the first spell so to speak which is Glaive Toss.

Arent you losing the extra haste time while casting the 2 beast attacks first, neither of which benefit from haste?

I'am new to the class and BM spec so maybe I've gotten this wrong but on face value from what I've read I'am confused.

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Guest Mitro

These macros i call burst and i split it in 2 parts bcz its big

Burst 1 :

/cast Stampade


/cast (pet special *like web on spiders

/cast (pet special)

/cast (pet special)

/cast (pet special)

/cast (pet special)

Burst 2 :

/cast Rapid Fire

/use trinket

/cast Rabid

/cast Bestial Wrath

/cast Kill Command

:) :)

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Guest Guest

I'm confused...what are the statprios now after hitcap?






or other weights?

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  On 9/18/2014 at 3:05 PM, Guest said:

I'm confused...what are the statprios now after hitcap?






or other weights?

Stat weights are Crit>Haste>Mastery if you don't have the legendary cloak and LMG and Haste>Mastery>Crit if you do.

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