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[Archived] Beast Mastery Hunter 5.4

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Any toughts on the Rabid change?

It's a nerf to our burst because of how our pet scales with AP. Not sure about sustained however.

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The gearing section needs to be updated a bit. Monks are now sharing tier tokens with hunters, shaman, and warriors and two of the 3 specs use agility so they share the rings/trinkets/necks. inv_helm_mail_raidhunter_l_01.jpgCrown of the Doomed Empress is better than the current helm listed as well as some other slight issues regarding the bis listings such as inv_jewelry_ring_143.jpgRegail's Band of the Endless.

Edited by Tehstool

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Guest Herpderphunter
  • Lynx Rush Your pet rapidly charges from target to target, attacking 9 times over 4 sec, dealing 200% of its normal attack damage to each target. Your pet rapidly charges from target to target, attacking 9 times over 4 sec. Each attack causes the target to bleed for 1,000 damage over 15 sec, stacking up to 9 times.

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Guest Mortalheárt
  • Lynx Rush Your pet rapidly charges from target to target, attacking 9 times over 4 sec, dealing 200% of its normal attack damage to each target. Your pet rapidly charges from target to target, attacking 9 times over 4 sec. Each attack causes the target to bleed for 1,000 damage over 15 sec, stacking up to 9 times.

Will be testing at PTR atm not sure if that's gonna be that way

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  • Lynx Rush Your pet rapidly charges from target to target, attacking 9 times over 4 sec, dealing 200% of its normal attack damage to each target. Your pet rapidly charges from target to target, attacking 9 times over 4 sec. Each attack causes the target to bleed for 1,000 damage over 15 sec, stacking up to 9 times.

Thanks for posting :)

This is still only in PTR stage, so we won't update the guide until it goes live. But feel free to discuss it here.

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Thanks for posting Posted Image

This is still only in PTR stage, so we won't update the guide until it goes live. But feel free to discuss it here.

I'm really intrested in the testing results! Similair with the Rabid change.

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Lynx Rush damage reduced by 54%.

this doesnt seem al that great, Did anyone have time to test it yet?

Sadly, we don't really have time to play on the PTR at all right now. We don't generally concern ourselves with the many changes that occur there (and on the Beta), since historically there are many versions that a spell will go through until the final builds, which we find is the only tie to really start taking anything as fact.

Your post is appreciated, though, I didn't mean to imply otherwise.

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Sadly, we don't really have time to play on the PTR at all right now. We don't generally concern ourselves with the many changes that occur there (and on the Beta), since historically there are many versions that a spell will go through until the final builds, which we find is the only tie to really start taking anything as fact.

Your post is appreciated, though, I didn't mean to imply otherwise.

first of all, thanks for your reply,

second, I completly understand!

however I'm worried about BM hunters getting the nerfbat, I understand BM is a bit of a problem in PvP atm (due to the high burst)

But I hope this wont affect PvE too much, maybe its time to switch to survival??

anyways, I hope to hear anything soon.


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Well, I can't really comment on PvP, but BM is currently in a lovely place in PvE. It would be a shame to see that ruined, and have everyone go defaulting back to Survival/MM after not even half a raiding tier.

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I wanted to say thank you for the guide. It is very informative and cleared up a lot of things for me. I've always played Survival (a brief stint as MM when it was the "optimal spec") and recently discovered that BM is actually quite fun. I had some questions about the opening sequence presented:

For the first massive set of cooldowns (LR, DB, Stampede, BW, RF), wouldn't it be more advantageous to use Dire Beast and Stampede before BW since they do not benefit from BW (or am I wrong?) and they would just cost a gcd when I could be taking advantage of the damage buff by firing shots? Also, since pre-potting means I'd have 23+/-1seconds of Vermin's Bite, wouldn't it be better to have Stampede take advantage of as much of the agility increase as possible?

Since RF doesn't really hurt the pets' damaging abilities, nor am I casting any Cobra Shots, is there a reason why RF should be used last in that first set of cooldown usage (Before Readiness) other than the possibility of sitting on really high focus during the duration of BW?

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I wanted to say thank you for the guide. It is very informative and cleared up a lot of things for me. I've always played Survival (a brief stint as MM when it was the "optimal spec") and recently discovered that BM is actually quite fun. I had some questions about the opening sequence presented:

For the first massive set of cooldowns (LR, DB, Stampede, BW, RF), wouldn't it be more advantageous to use Dire Beast and Stampede before BW since they do not benefit from BW (or am I wrong?) and they would just cost a gcd when I could be taking advantage of the damage buff by firing shots? Also, since pre-potting means I'd have 23+/-1seconds of Vermin's Bite, wouldn't it be better to have Stampede take advantage of as much of the agility increase as possible?

Since RF doesn't really hurt the pets' damaging abilities, nor am I casting any Cobra Shots, is there a reason why RF should be used last in that first set of cooldown usage (Before Readiness) other than the possibility of sitting on really high focus during the duration of BW?

Hey, thanks for the compliments and the post.

You're right, Dire Beast and Stampede do not benefit from Bestial Wrath. They also don't benefit from Rapid Fire (right now, but this seems like it might change in 5.1). So, to have the most free global cooldowns while in Bestial Wrath and Rapid Fire, then you should basically cast:

  • Dire Beast and Stampede (they take up global cooldowns)
  • Rabid (no global cooldown, also it's not attack speed not attack power anymore, but the tooltip doesn't reflect it)
  • Bestial Wrath
  • Glaive Toss, Lynx Rush (both benefit from Bestial Wrath being up)
  • Rapid Fire
  • Readiness
  • At this point, you use everything, and reset everything (except Stampede) with Readiness. After this point, you should recast Dire Beast and Glaive Toss right away, and Rabid, Bestial Wrath, Lynx Rush, and Rapid Fire when they run out.
Phew. I think that's it AND More accurate now. I'll edit the guide(s) to match this, but I'd appreciate it if you could point out any flaws in my logic :)

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Hey, thanks for the compliments and the post.

You're right, Dire Beast and Stampede do not benefit from Bestial Wrath. They also don't benefit from Rapid Fire (right now, but this seems like it might change in 5.1). So, to have the most free global cooldowns while in Bestial Wrath and Rapid Fire, then you should basically cast:

Dire Beast and Stampede (they take up global cooldowns)

Rabid (no global cooldown, also it's not attack speed not attack power anymore, but the tooltip doesn't reflect it)

Bestial Wrath

Glaive Toss, Lynx Rush (both benefit from Bestial Wrath being up)

Rapid Fire


At this point, you use everything, and reset everything (except Stampede) with Readiness. After this point, you should recast Dire Beast and Glaive Toss right away, and Rabid, Bestial Wrath, Lynx Rush, and Rapid Fire when they run out.

Phew. I think that's it AND More accurate now. I'll edit the guide(s) to match this, but I'd appreciate it if you could point out any flaws in my logic

Lol, thanks for the fast reply. I was wondering if I would get a reply or not since the last post was back in October :)

It would certainly be nice if Rapid Fire did something for our pets too since we are hunters and rely on our pets quite a bit. If it does start to affect DB and Stampede, it should be easy to incorporate Rapid Fire with a macro since it is not on the global cooldown list.

That list is what I've been trying to get right for my opener to make the best use of CDs while under the most agility (although I'm not sure what you're trying to say about Rabid =p) as long as the Kill Commands are included in there.

Hopefully BM is still a viable spec to play in 5.1 :)

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I always reply to every post in the comments to any guide, provided that I have something at all meaningful to say (or, in the case of people reporting errors, to say that I have fixed them). The fact that the last post was in October is merely an indication of the last time someone decided to comment :)

Anyway, I've now updated this guide, as well as the other two hunter guides (which share a similar section). The changes should go up soon.

I'm going to be out of town for a few days, but I'll be sure to check for any replies when I get back :)

Thanks again!

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Guest Rorrie

I am a new BM hunter and just wanted to quietly point out that you have an amazingly helpful sight and I am so grateful I stumbled upon it. A couple mis-prints you may already know about but have left in for their comedic value - if so, please disregard. In the description of the ability Pin when referencing a crab's special abilities - it mentions that it can not be cast in Tree of Life form ...lol... I almost pee'd my pants. I envisioned my crab pet, mid boss fight turning into a tree and healing our raid while pinning an add down all at the same time. I'd have to name that crab Hercules...wow that would be cool though.

The other one that cracked me up was in the pet attributes section. The pet shown to provide water walking is listed as quilen (which provides battle rezzing during combat and is completely awesome.) But that aside, the funny part was when I read the description and it said allows you and your water strider to walk on water for 10 minutes. So I envisioned taming a quilen and then poof a water strider would magically appear out of the blue when my pet was out of course and allow the three of us to stroll around atop a body of water and fish and cavort for 10 minutes..lol (Posted Image)

My imagination sometimes runs away with me, as I'm sure you've noticed, but thanks for the giggles in the midst of a very stressful pre-raid cram session. And again thank you for all the research and hard work you put into this sight it is really helpful and easy to understand, and very well laid out.




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Guest Tabien

So with the changes to Lynx Rush going into effect today, should my BM Hunter be swapping to Murder of Crows, or sticking with Lynx Rush?

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So with the changes to Lynx Rush going into effect today, should my BM Hunter be swapping to Murder of Crows, or sticking with Lynx Rush?

My question indeed aswell.

On another note: I;ve seen the Method vs Sha of Fear video. I saw their hunter using Barrage, does Barrage actually our preform Glaive Toss? or only with higher haste/crit values? I;m running mastery/crit atm,

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So with the changes to Lynx Rush going into effect today, should my BM Hunter be swapping to Murder of Crows, or sticking with Lynx Rush?

My question indeed aswell.

On another note: I;ve seen the Method vs Sha of Fear video. I saw their hunter using Barrage, does Barrage actually our preform Glaive Toss? or only with higher haste/crit values? I;m running mastery/crit atm,

I ran a few simulations, and it appears that Lynx Rush is no longer as good as Murder of Crows, for Beast Mastery. I'll update the guide accordingly, but I want to check a bit more.

Regarding Barrage/Glaive Toss - Glaive Toss still Sims higher than Barrage, even in Heroic gear level - there may be other reasons why players on (I presume heroic) Sha of Fear are using it, though.

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I ran a few simulations, and it appears that Lynx Rush is no longer as good as Murder of Crows, for Beast Mastery. I'll update the guide accordingly, but I want to check a bit more.

Regarding Barrage/Glaive Toss - Glaive Toss still Sims higher than Barrage, even in Heroic gear level - there may be other reasons why players on (I presume heroic) Sha of Fear are using it, though.

They are using it for add control. In P2 of the H sha fight you have to aoe down adds and it helps a bit.
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Guest Sean

Im really confused with this "Ask Mr Robot" thing guys help me out please. The stat priority after caps is Crit, Haste, Mastery right? Well if i go consult robot dude he stacks everything ON mastery and takes it OFF crit! If i use wow reforge it does the exact opposite.... So which one is right? Ive always used wowreforge upon reccomendation from you guys, until you posted this robot thing. Now im confused because robot doesn't stack the wieghts the same as you say they should be...

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Im really confused with this "Ask Mr Robot" thing guys help me out please. The stat priority after caps is Crit, Haste, Mastery right? Well if i go consult robot dude he stacks everything ON mastery and takes it OFF crit! If i use wow reforge it does the exact opposite.... So which one is right? Ive always used wowreforge upon reccomendation from you guys, until you posted this robot thing. Now im confused because robot doesn't stack the wieghts the same as you say they should be...

Can you provide your armory link? It should never reforge to Mastery, and I loaded several hunters in the optimizer and it doesn't suggest Mastery for any of them.

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Here is what Ask Mr. Robot tells me about your Hunter after I click Optimize.

Posted Image

It's quite clear to me that it's not telling you to get Mastery anywhere, and it's consistent in prioritizing the other stats.

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Guest Sean

OMG!!! Hmm right ok.. I can assure you at the time of me posting the first question it was a totally different scenario. I've just looked myself and yes now it's saying the right thing. Even my wife was stuck with it and she's played since vanilla! We even spoke to several hunters in game and asked them. I'm really not blonde I promise :P

Ok in that case I have a couple of questions if that's ok.

1. When using Mr Robot the are the reforge stats based on the optimised enchants and gems being in place? From what I can make out they seem to be which is kind of a problem if there is no enchant in place, because you can't tell it to ignore it. You can only lock something if there is something there to lock. Which surely means your only going to get the best out of the reforge stats once all the optimised items are in place. That kinda leads me onto the next query...

2. Wow reforge reforges what you have at the time so if your at a point in the game where you can't afford or obtain the optimised enchants/gems would that not be better to get the most out of your stats? For example the best gem for my helm is nearly 1000g for me to buy, now i could buy it but i dont see the point in spending that until i get a better helm that im likely to keep for a while. If I use wow reforge now it tells me to reforge in a completely different way to what Mr Robot has so is wow reforge now wrong?

Thanks for your time hope you can shed some light on this.

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I think you can't lock the enchant slot if there is nothing on it, but as a work around you can force a worthless enchant on that slot (let say stamina) and lock it so it would reforge without replacing it. Wont get your best refoge but it should help

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