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<Jynx> Horde - LFM 6/10 Mythic

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<Jynx>  Founded originally back in 2008 is an international and Semi-Hardcore PvE guild on Kazzak EU.


We are currently recruiting players primarily for our core team. Our application is open to any exceptional player that strives to achieve Cutting Edge in current content.  We take priority in providing a drama and toxic free environment for all and a relaxed, mature atmosphere. 

 Our progression:

10/10 CN Normal

10/10 CN Heroic

6/10 CN Mythic

What do we expect from you as a raider:


 - We’re looking for players that consistently strive to improve their performance as the goal of     the raid is always to achieve a cutting edge during the current tier. 

 - Full knowledge of your class

 - Knowledge of the current tier.

 - Strong attendance 95%+.

 - A stable computer and internet connection.

 - To have a fully functional mic and able to speak is highly desired. 

 - The ability to accept criticism without taking it personally.

 - Your character needs to be optimized with adiquent gear, flasks, pots, gems ect

 - To show interest in guild activities outside of raiding, such as farming M+


What can you expect from us:


 - We're eager to give  everyone the chance  to maintain a healthy balance between real-life and  the  game, hence we have set our raid times to be as efficient as possible for players to achieve that balance.

 - You're to play in a stable and solid guild, led by an experienced raid leader who makes sure every aspect of the guild is well managed.


Raid Days: 


- Main raid - Wednesday/ /Sunday  19:00 ST to 22:00 ST. (Temporary 3 nights a week  for progression for three weeks then dropping back to two) 


- Optional alt run - Friday 19:00 ST to 22:00 



Despite our current recruitment needs, we will all way's consider all other applications submitted to our guild.

Minimum Requirements:

We ask that people that are intending to apply to join or mythic team, to be at least one or two out of ten mythic, and to have a minimum of 210 I-lvl


If you're interested in joining us or if you have an inquiry please do not hesitate to add the following officers: 


Emmi2013#2825 GM  // Airiain#4406 (Discord) 

diyone#2435 Co GM

Astro#21726 Co GM

Apply here




Edited by Luairna
updating progression

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We are still looking for additional raiders to join our ranks, We are currently not looking for any resto druids - 

We are looking for:

Disc priest 

And any melee and range dps

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Updated with our current progression, 

in regard's to recruitment, we are mainly looking for dps that have either a Healer or tanking OS

How ever all applications will be considered, and socials are welcome to join!

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Recruitment update. 

We are looking to expand our roster with strong dps to continue progression in CN Hc and into mythic, we are currently looking for additional DPS 


Other classes maybe considered, 

Healers and tanks at this moment are not required. 

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We have now started mythic raiding, currently 1/10 Mythic CN 

Looking for fresh dps to join our progression team.

Shadow priest 
Unholy DK

All other classes will be considered 

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We are currently 2/10M with hungering on 3% 

We are now looking for: 

Monk tank, 

Disc priest 

We will how ever consider any range dps applicant - and welcome players for social and M+ 

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We are currently looking for a monk tank to join our core team on a full time biases, Ideal candidate will have a at least 1 - 2 bosses killed on mythic, and a minimum of 210 item lvl. 


we are all ways considering applications for all classes and specs. 

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We are currently recruiting for exceptional dps of all classes, how ever mainly disired are WW Monk / Ele shaman / Mage


currently 3/10m, with lady on 5%

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