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I want to check to see what members of my raid team are getting themselves capped. The ilevel difference between best and worst geared is staggering.

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I believe the buff is called Valour of the Ancients.


I guess you can just select them in raid and see if they have it, if your UI shows buffs like that on players (mine doesn't, so if yours is the same you'll need to enable it).

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Why are you trying to see if they're getting 50% more Valor on their account?  It has no relevance to raiding...


Or are you confusing this with something else?

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Ah, for babysitting purposes.  I see now.  Um, I don't think that's going to pop up in the combat log.  Not sure if he ever meant for it to track. 


For calculation purposes, if a raider hasn't replaced a piece of gear and they had 2/2 upgrades before new upgrade patch, they should only have 4 pieces left without 4/4 upgrades.  I only have both rings, neck, and bracers remaining.  For each piece they replaced, subtract 2 pieces that should be 4/4 upgraded if they 4/4 upgraded new piece.

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Damn, son, NICE!  1 more weeks of upgrades and you'll be there.

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Damn, son, NICE!  1 more weeks of upgrades and you'll be there.


I know a lot of us have been playing demo with a high haste build lately so I am interested to see what people can pull with upgrades and a high crit destro build.  I wish I felt more comfortable playing demo on Garrosh because it's so much fun.  

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I know a lot of us have been playing demo with a high haste build lately so I am interested to see what people can pull with upgrades and a high crit destro build.  I wish I felt more comfortable playing demo on Garrosh because it's so much fun.  

I wish I was comfortable playing Demo on Siege -> Garrosh.  It's not that I'm uncomfortable with the spec, but the way we do the belts is we get mines on every set except the third.  Demo doesn't have a lot of control or damage potential on small mines spread out.  I might get in on Siege next week as Demo if I sit another melee and bring another ranged to do mines for me.


For Paragons, I haven't tried it.  I'd think Doom sitting on non-kill targets and single target focus would be good, but I'm afraid numbers would look inflated due to Shadowflame cleaving and Doom multi-dotting.  I still think I'm just going to do it next week.  Hard for me to keep switching specs when I'm constantly rotating our 14 man roster.


For Garrosh, the other Warlock in the group and I control the Engineer and first transition.  We've done Destro each week just because of the Engineer and intermission.  I think I could swing Demo if he stayed Destruction and got the Engineer down.  I'd just need to completely retool what I'd do on the intermission since Havoc + 2 CBs usually clears my side quick.  Not worried about sustained damage in P2/P3/P4 - just that damn intermission.


One of these weeks, I'll go back to Mastery > Crit > Haste for Destruction.  Might be next week since I'll have all of my pieces 4/4 upgraded.  I'm chasing that 5M CB with you.

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If your sole desire is to cheese this, do you need to go with the haste is shit build?


I wouldn't say it's cheesing it.  You're just maximizing the damage your chaos bolt will do since it scales off crit.  The old gear swap with tier 14 4 piece would be considered cheesing it.  


While the mastery > crit > haste build will result in higher CB's if you snapshot it perfectly (4 piece, trinkets, other int procs) the most important part is actually getting used to timing your CB properly so you don't miss anything.  

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I agree with you completely about the last 3 bosses Zagam.  Destro just seems to work so well on Siegecrafter 25 man.  We just recently made the switch to 25 man heroic.  I used to play affliction on our 10 man kills but the mine cleave is just so strong with the boss tanked right on top of them it's hard to not play destruction.


Paragons does seem like a cheese fight when playing demo.  It just makes me sad thinking about the crazy numbers we could have pulled had UVLS not been nerfed.  I still like playing affliction a lot on that fight however.  


The AoE pad on Garrosh is really nice as demo although it does lack during the first intermission since you can only Mannorth's the first set you kill.  Doom multi dotting weapons is fun however.  I feel bad you do the engineers.  Once we made the switch to 25 man I made the rogues hop right on that with a hunter.  It feels nice to just spam tunnel the adds in P1 for once. 

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I'm gonna play Demo on Garrosh on Sunday unless it turns out we lack boss damage (shouldn't do really!).


Mannoroth's seems like pure cheese over a second Dark Soul, but I guess could be decent.


At which points in the fight do you use it other than first pack of adds (is it even up for second pack?), intermission one, and intermission 2? I only do 1 pack in first intermission anyway. I guess popping it before MC's in anticipation would be good.

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I agree with you completely about the last 3 bosses Zagam.  Destro just seems to work so well on Siegecrafter 25 man.  We just recently made the switch to 25 man heroic.  I used to play affliction on our 10 man kills but the mine cleave is just so strong with the boss tanked right on top of them it's hard to not play destruction.


Paragons does seem like a cheese fight when playing demo.  It just makes me sad thinking about the crazy numbers we could have pulled had UVLS not been nerfed.  I still like playing affliction a lot on that fight however.  


The AoE pad on Garrosh is really nice as demo although it does lack during the first intermission since you can only Mannorth's the first set you kill.  Doom multi dotting weapons is fun however.  I feel bad you do the engineers.  Once we made the switch to 25 man I made the rogues hop right on that with a hunter.  It feels nice to just spam tunnel the adds in P1 for once. 

If you think Destro works out well on 25 man, imagine how needed it is on 10 man.  You have limited choices on who can CC, slow, and burst mines.  Destro is so good at it that I solo the mines from belts 5 and 6 while the raid burns the boss.  Locky, my Warlock partner in crime, can pick up the slack if I go Demo this week like I did when he went Aff.  Pretty much burn the boss, help with missiles, and keep Doom on each Shredder for Imp procs.  For Paragons, Dooming non-kill targets is like a gimme for single target damage.  Hopefully the Imps aren't awful when they come out and hit the right target.  If UVLS hadn't been nerfed, Demo would be rolling Affliction numbers on Protectors and Demo would single handedly be the best single target DPS in the game.  On Gary, Locky switched to engineers this week and I killed Garrosh a little unfulfilled.  I felt replaceable...haha  Next week, I'm going Demo, but not for the AoE burst - for the actual sustained damage.  What I'm concerned about is Felguard placement, dealing with adds from Empowered Whirl (since I Havoc CB and kill two immediately and Shadowburn others), and burst in the first intermission.


I'm gonna play Demo on Garrosh on Sunday unless it turns out we lack boss damage (shouldn't do really!).


Mannoroth's seems like pure cheese over a second Dark Soul, but I guess could be decent.


At which points in the fight do you use it other than first pack of adds (is it even up for second pack?), intermission one, and intermission 2? I only do 1 pack in first intermission anyway. I guess popping it before MC's in anticipation would be good.

If you're in 25, Demo shouldn't be terrible.  You have others that can pick up what you lack as Demo.  I was talking to Locky about talent choices for Demo - I don't think AD is worth it over a 9 minute fight (if you skip T2) and especially over a 12 minute fight (do T2).  Manno's only has a focus on P1 which is negligible, so I was seriously debating going KJC to keep my Shadowbolts flowing during all the movement.  We don't see a T2, so Manno's would be worthless past P1.  For T1, it MIGHT reach 3 front groups, but I'm not 100% sure on that.  I don't think you'd wanna pop it before MCs in case you got MC'd - you'd REALLY hurt the raid.

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What I'm concerned about is Felguard placement, dealing with adds from Empowered Whirl (since I Havoc CB and kill two immediately and Shadowburn others), and burst in the first intermission.

My main gripe with pets on Garrosh is that you lose command over them if you get MC'd as I believe they become hostile to you during the MC. IIRC, it puts them on passive, and you can no longer use Command Demon.


Basically results in having to resummon.


I can get over this, however.




I was talking to Locky about talent choices for Demo - I don't think AD is worth it over a 9 minute fight (if you skip T2) and especially over a 12 minute fight (do T2).  Manno's only has a focus on P1 which is negligible, so I was seriously debating going KJC to keep my Shadowbolts flowing during all the movement.  We don't see a T2, so Manno's would be worthless past P1.  For T1, it MIGHT reach 3 front groups, but I'm not 100% sure on that.  I don't think you'd wanna pop it before MCs in case you got MC'd - you'd REALLY hurt the raid.

We'll probably still get T2 on 25 man, our best push was 15% but average was more like 19%. Still carrying some socials and sub 580 DPS. As everyone shifts above 580 we'll likely skip it for sure.


I'm gonna go with Mannoroths for phase 1 fun cheese, but I do think it will be good for bursting my add pack in p1 due to there being 3 targets. 


The thing about MC's, haha yes I am going to try that. We still 4 heal with disc and pala so HP bars on the raid barely move except during emp whirl. Will see if they can handle it first of all. Sounds hilarious though - 21 targets!

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The pet struggles are for real.  Want to know the fun part, though?  Felstorm is like a 2% DPS gain over an entire fight but can be a loss.  I actually watched my skada for 10 minutes the other night comparing him to the Wrathguard - DPS went DOWN during Fel/Wrathstorm and came back up when he unloaded with his Mortal Cleaves/Legion Strikes since he filled with energy.  Losing command of Felguard isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it would be useful for stacked MCs. 


What I would try to do for stacked MCs is use HoG right as MC is happening.  If you get MC'd, 21 targets with 9+ ticks of Shadowflame = 42 DF/tick = almost 400 DF over 6 seconds, more if you count pets and guardians hit at the same time.  If you don't get MC'd, you still get 5 targets with 9+ ticks of Shadowflame = about 100 Demonic Fury.  Shadowflame also hits less hard than Immo Aura, but if you want to make your healers wake up, MF IA them.

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Yeah that's definitely more efficient for a single target damage gain for sure.


Is that 100% how shadowflame/HoG works? I've never tested it, but does it wait until it actually lands before determining who is in range, as opposed to when you cast it?


I'm like 99.99999% sure you are correct, but part of me thinks I'll get all hyped and find it only hit the boss.

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HoG damage and targets do not get hit until it lands.  This is what enables HoG weaving where you pop into Meta to buff the damage :D  Same concept for MCs - saw it happen in Flex.  Drop HoG, get MC'd, everyone gets Shadowflame and moves 30% slower and takes lots of damage cuz I just popped Dark Soul and went into Metamorphosis like a dickhead. 


I've also seen it in PvP where I'll cast it on a Mage while he's standing near his healer.  Mage Blinks and HoG only hits Mage.  So it's definitely all calculated when it lands (makes you wonder why it's different than every other spell).

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Yeah I knew that's why it enabled the shadowflame stacking, I just wasn't sure how it interacted with targets appearing after the cast.


That's good to know!

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It's not really different though. HoG itself works based on cast, but the Shadowflame DoT snapshots from when its applied, just like the CB DoT from GoSac.

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It's not really different though. HoG itself works based on cast, but the Shadowflame DoT snapshots from when its applied, just like the CB DoT from GoSac.

It's also largely irrelevant since Hand of Gul'dan hits like a wet noodle.  It's all about the Shadowflame damage.  On my Malkorok parse, HoG average non-crit was 70k and average non-crit Shadowflame was 35k.  Shadowflame, for me, ticks 12 times, so I'm getting 6x the damage from Shadowflame over HoG damage.  Maximum HoG hit I had was 147k while I had a Shadowflame TICK for 330k.

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Wheee finally hit 3 mil, can I join the club now tongue.png


Here's the link because I'm too technologically incapable to figure out how to post images with the right extension (whatever that means) on this community:




Log: http://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/3ZM12kp7nBdvFHrX/


On another note, Zagam when I have time to look over my logs and pick out my own mistakes, I'll need you to look at it and to slam me, harder than you slam anybody else before...

Edited by mucrackerwow

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I ran Demo in a Flex 4 on Monday, and it was pretty fun doing Garrosh with it, I just had to make someone else do engineers, since that used to be my job. I'm not sure if it was healers being unprepared, or what, but I dropped HoG right before MCs went out, and my Shadowflame dropped our mage right after he got out of MC, it was awesom- I mean, terrible. So terrible :P 

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Wheee finally hit 3 mil, can I join the club now tongue.png


Here's the link because I'm too technologically incapable to figure out how to post images with the right extension (whatever that means) on this community:




Log: http://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/3ZM12kp7nBdvFHrX/


On another note, Zagam when I have time to look over my logs and pick out my own mistakes, I'll need you to look at it and to slam me, harder than you slam anybody else before...

Welcome to the club.  Can't promise that hard of a slaming - I am engaged to be married soon, you know.  Will take a look soon (very busy at work this week). 

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