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[US-Stormrage}{A}<Before The Fall> 14/14H

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Before the fall has cleared 14/14H 10m, and is now transitioning to 25m raids to prepare for Mythic in WoD. The 25m raid is currently 11/14H in its first week, but is looking to quickly progress through the last 3 bosses while continuing to recruit and evaluate players to make a top 50 US level mythic team.


Raid times
T, W, Th, Su 8pm-12am EST


Recruitment Needs (as of 04/10/2014)

Ranged: Boomkin, Mage, Lock, Hunter
Melee: Ret, Fury, Feral, Monk, DK
Heals: Pally, Monk, Rdruid


As always, please feel free to apply if you feel you could offer improvement to our current raiding roster. Exceptional applicants of any class and spec are always welcome. Recruitment is open to those who are interested in raiding with us next expansion.

About Us
<Before The Fall> consists of dedicated raiders with extensive end game raiding experience. We're looking forward to pushing ranks and getting those early kills, while having fun at the same time. We're a group of like-minded individuals who thoroughly enjoy all aspects of the game and have also grown dedicated to one another. One of our goals was to create a raid environment with people who shared the same goals, those who would log on more than just raid time, and most of all to create a solid core community. 

Expectations from Applicants
Our raid team is a progression team, first and foremost. We have a group of very dedicated players who are willing to put in the extra time to get a boss kill, and we expect the same from you. You are expected to be knowledgeable of your class, have high attendance (90-100%), have great situational awareness, take constructive criticism, and of course show up to raids prepared. We are a competitive group of people, and the same is expected of our applicants. Always be looking to improve and to be the best at your role. Players are expected to use the best professions [gathering professions are for alts], select the best race, and overall min/max their character. We offer a fun but serious raiding environment, striving for the highest progression possible now and in future tiers.

Loot Policy
We use a Loot Council system which we believe to be fair. We do this to make sure loot goes out to the right people, and of course to spread it out and make sure everyone is getting the upgrades they need. Gear is only a tool to be used in order to progress.

Prowleress: Prowl#1190
Bladereaver: Bane#1725
Lamashti: Lamashti#1651

To get more info or apply, go to http://www.beforethefallguild.com

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