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No Multi-spec Soulbinds, Tank Balance, No Master Looter and More: Sloot Interview with Ion Hazzikostas

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2 minutes ago, Hagersen said:

For the guilds it meant more interacting with each other. Sharing is caring 

You can just trade the gear that drops during the Dungeons/Raids.

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4 minutes ago, Valhalen said:

You can just trade the gear that drops during the Dungeons/Raids.

yes but thats a thing you do on whisper. With nobody too interact aside from the one you trade. Personally i rather roll with 3-4 guys for an item and discuss who it would benefit the most then having a silent raid besides the tactic briefing. But thats just my taste. Everyone is different

Edited by Hagersen

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35 minutes ago, Smash said:

It's an MMO: Massively Multiplayer Online. So, go figure you have to do things with other people in order to play the game. Your entire attitude about the game from making friends to doing anything seems to be that of, "I want to play this game solo" and that's not how the game is or ever should be. There are plenty of solo games out there with 100's of hours of gameplay that you can enjoy. If you don't want to interact with others, then don't play an MMO. 

I got a guy like you in my Guild. Literally has something new to *filtered* about every day. "I killed one boss in Raid and didn't get loot so I'm not going to Raid anymore." "Nobody in the Guild wants to group up and do things together," meanwhile it's Noon and 3 people are online while he wants to do M+. Some common sense goes a long way and less bitching about playing a MMO like it's a bad Single Player game.

*filtered* off.

Stupid toxic trolling knackbags like you are exactly what I'm talking about.

I  do things with other people, I DO pug, I do BG's, I do heroics, I make groups, I run groups, I tank, I heal, I dps, I do all of that, I don't want to play a solo game, it is an MMO.

I just, honestly, hate toxic scumbags like you in the game and being forced to join scummy guilds like yours with more scummy people like you in them, in order to access the rest of the content that's locked away or being run in the stupid LFG custom tool filled with scummy boosters and "elite" guilds running their "services".


Quite simply, for your simple brain, Blizztards please remove the rated ranking requirements to upgrade conquest pvp gear and not have the upgrading locked behind nolifer, win trading, boosting and general widespread cheating and utter waste of time that is rated pvp. That's it, I'd be happy enough with that. I'd also like to queue for mythic dungeons like I can for heroics but that's probably too much to ask for in an MMO, especially when it will impact the boosting, gold selling and services, oh noes, guess the blizztard GM's won't get kickbacks then from the gold sellers...

As an aside, I'd also love if there was an addon that blocked all chat from Americans playing and trolling on EU services, Jesus Christ I'd love something like that. Full, absolute block of Americans with their trolling and stupid low IQ political and religious trolling on EU servers please, thanks.


Edited by OxO

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1 hour ago, Hagersen said:

For the guilds it meant more interacting with each other. Sharing is caring 

As someone who was raiding in older expansions, I can say loot master was a drama generator (even with systems like dkp in place, people were often trying to abuse it, like some people only showing for bosses who were on farm, stacking their points etc.). Also it wasn't uncommon for people to simply leave the guild once they've got geared up, so they could join the one with higher demands.

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4 hours ago, doritoes said:

Serious question, your comment implies that you're not doing any content in pug, and that you won't join a guild (or a guild raid ?). Why are you playing an MMORPG if you're not playing with friends or to make friends ? There's much better solo games around than WoW, with WAY better story and gameplay. I really mean this, if you're playing alone, not having fun with content, why play at all ?

A lot of people are playing this game solo, it's actually still pretty good. They either pug a lot of stuff or just don't bother with it and do other things, besides a lot of content is designed for solo play. Guilds require more commitment. Sure, you can always join one of those big "social guilds", but these are often full of people who are simply not talking/not playing together, only occasionally spamming some LFG. Many of these solo players are former raiders, I can confirm it myself. Your posts make you look conceited, one of those elitists, or perhaps fake elitists.

Edited by Arcling
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2 hours ago, Smash said:

It's an MMO: Massively Multiplayer Online. So, go figure you have to do things with other people in order to play the game. Your entire attitude about the game from making friends to doing anything seems to be that of, "I want to play this game solo" and that's not how the game is or ever should be. There are plenty of solo games out there with 100's of hours of gameplay that you can enjoy. If you don't want to interact with others, then don't play an MMO. 

I got a guy like you in my Guild. Literally has something new to *filtered* about every day. "I killed one boss in Raid and didn't get loot so I'm not going to Raid anymore." "Nobody in the Guild wants to group up and do things together," meanwhile it's Noon and 3 people are online while he wants to do M+. Some common sense goes a long way and less bitching about playing a MMO like it's a bad Single Player game.

except that WoW is a single player game and the vast vast vast majority of players playing wow have always been solo players.  The entire reason LFR was added was because Bliss publicly stated only 10% of the playerbase ever set foot into a raid and over 80% of the development resources was going towards raids, so they were spending nearly all their time on content the majority of players would never see.  There is a big difference between playing a game with other players in the world (which is actually what MMO are)  and having to group  with people who are jerks in order to do anything.  People like you are the problem with WoW.  You scream players should have to do stuff in group content, but you stay in your own isolated little group and never accept anyone else into it.  As someone who is disabled do you know how hard it is to do anything in a group?  It's impossible to pug because you just get kicked 2 minutes into anything because someone else thinks you aren't good enough.  The every guild I've joined has kicked me out once they realized I'm disabled cause "we don't wanna carry you / you can't use voice chat"  Your example also shows how your attitude is snobbish.  You state yourself at the time your guildmate is available to play there isn't enough players in the guild to make a full group and you are blaming him that it's his fault at the time he can play no one else can and because of this the game obviously isn't for him.  Hey if you can't play the game at peak hours when everyone else can well that's just tough luck dude, find another game, heaven forbid you got a job with weird hours.

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3 hours ago, OxO said:

In my 40's

I meant kids as in maturity rather than age also but I get what you're saying.

I'm being forced basically to join a raiding guild in order to access the bulk of the game, or as others have said, I should just not bother playing, go play another game, I need to make virtual friends and put up with their crap in order to access the rest of the game that's locked away behind timegating or go suffer through making a rated pvp group so I can upgrade the conquest pvp gear, which I had capped in a couple hours this week.

Maybe it is best I just quit, no content or upgrade paths for gear there for me anyway, outside of heroics and random BG's.



You obviously don't enjoy the game, so why do you keep playing?  And complaining that you are "too old" to join a guild is stupid, and makes the rest of us older people look bad

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43 minutes ago, Environment said:

You obviously don't enjoy the game, so why do you keep playing?  


I do actually love the game, that's the thing with people jumping on others who make genuine complaints, they think we actually hate the game because we complain to try make things better and point out the stupidity in some of the Dev decisions or the lack of near any kind of input from GM's in the game in regards botters, boosters, win traders, elitist guilds selling runs and gold/other services, destroying the economy and the game itself while hiding behind excuses that they need the money for repairs/flasks or other ridiculous stuff.

There is no legitimate reason why gear bought with conquest has to be locked behind some idiotic pvp rating/rank to upgrade it, it forces people into awful, god damned fking awful rated pvp with all the win trading, boosting and other stupid crap that goes with it.

Also no reason whatsoever these days to not allow people to queue for Mythics like we can for normal and heroic dungeons.

Anyway, yes, I have cancelled, sub runs out on 21st this month and I don't intend on resubscribing until they remove the elitist crap in the game, do something about the scumbags boosting, win trading in ranked pvp and all the elitist guilds ruining the game by running boosts and selling gold/services. Not paying a monthly fee to be spammed or to be locked behind elitist crap and be forced into rated pvp or raids I have no interest in.

Thanks for your reply though, it was really helpful, you should tell more people to quit so you have less people to play with. 🙄


Edited by OxO
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12 hours ago, Starym said:


Covenants and Soulbinds:

  • Covenants overall are considered a success.
  • Still no plans to change the Soulbind system in regards to multiple specs. Players should experience less issues with it as more Conduit slots and the third Soulbind is unlocked, and if it turns out only 1 Soulbind is viable/the best across all specs , they'll address that with tuning.
  • You can only get duplicate Conduits if you haven't "turned them in" in the Forge.


  • Tank threat shouldn't be infinite, so they can't just do a few abilities and then kite around.
  • There's a middle ground to threat that they're looking for.
  • They are trying to avoid a pure "damage" meta for tanks, especially since there were times when tanks were outdpsing the DPS. Survivability needs to also be a factor.

M+ and the Great Vault

  • The Great Vault has worked out well so far, but they could/should have been clearer with explaining exactly hot it worked.
  • Gearing / gearing speed in general is in a good spot they're happy with.





Soulbinds and Covenants:

I don't agree that Covenants are an overall success along with Soulbinds.  The problem is that each Soulbind is time gated with Renown at various levels.  The progression in itself is limited and too slow to open the pathways up to make role priority viable.  Technically you can use the same opened Soulbind but change Conduits if need to be but you might not see improvement per role.  I would rather have all 3 Soulbinds treated equally in opening pathways at the same time imo.  The drop rate for higher level Conduits seems a bit on the low side in all aspects of acquisition.   Ran into a Havoc DH that told me they ran Plaguefall over 10+ times, via keys, and yet to get the Conduit Relentless Onslaught.


I find this a bit odd of how they are approaching this for the reason they reduced Tank threat at the start of BFA then decide to increase it in Shadowlands for finding a 'middle ground'.  Along with not wanting Tanks to ,"just do a few abilities and kite around."  They also don't want to make "damage" meta for Tanks?  To be Honest I would rather have a Tank that knows every aspect of their class and do just as much damage and hold threat compared to those that don't utilize their toolkits on a given class and just want to sit there like a bump on a log and expect to be praised for it.  I expect the same from Healers as well; if a party is already topped off and the group is safe from immediate damage throw in some dps.

Great Vault/Mythic+ Gearing:

It's a bit low on gearing imo think I ran 15 different level keys on Saturday through Sunday and not gotten any gear upgrades except for 1 Conduit.  Can't say how I like the Vault till I get home from work today but I think they should change the amount of loot that drops in Raid and in Keystones.


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37 minutes ago, OxO said:


There is no legitimate reason why gear bought with conquest has to be locked behind some idiotic pvp rating/rank to upgrade it, it forces people into awful, god damned fking awful rated pvp with all the win trading, boosting and other stupid crap that goes with it.

Also no reason whatsoever these days to not allow people to queue for Mythics like we can for normal and heroic dungeons.

Anyway, yes, I have cancelled, sub runs out on 21st this month and I don't intend on resubscribing until they remove the elitist crap in the game, do something about the scumbags boosting, win trading in ranked pvp and all the elitist guilds ruining the game by running boosts and selling gold/services. Not paying a monthly fee to be spammed or to be locked behind elitist crap and be forced into rated pvp or raids I have no interest in.

Thanks for your reply though, it was really helpful, you should tell more people to quit so you have less people to play with. 🙄


No legitimate reason? It's always been the case that to get the best PvP gear, you need to rating to prove you DESERVE it, and that seems to be the point you're missing. You want something that you don't deserve.

As for your mythic queue point, maybe? But I personally would like to be able to choose who I play hard content with, not be forced into a group with scrubs. Start your own group if this is a problem for you.

They won't be removing the "elitist crap" from the game. Good players that put in a lot of time are rewarded better in MMOs. All MMOs are like this. If you take away the prestige from the neckbeards, all of them will move on to something else then the game will turn into Hello Kitty Island Adventure where everyone gets a gold star that means nothing.

I'm not finding it hard to play with decent players. If when you look around, all you see are assholes, you're the asshole.

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you need to rating to prove you DESERVE it,



Yeah sure, wtf, as if ANY RATING in rated BG's was "deserved" - the play mode is utterly destroyed and worthless because of win trading, boosting and other nob jockeys from "elitist" guilds and the usual gold sellers selling the service of boosting in ranked. My god, you actually said "prove you deserve it" as an answer for rated pvp, jesus...


If when you look around, all you see are assholes, you're the asshole.

"nif nen nu nook anound, nall nu nee na nassnoles, nur neh nassnole"

I read it like that, as I imagined you speaking that way while sitting in a puddle of your own urine , just so you know, thanks.



Good players that put in a lot of time are rewarded better in MMOs.

I'm a good player, I put a lot of time into the game but this expansion is really shallow and you're some moron for suggesting time = rewards, in a MMO that's been utterly destroyed rewards wise with boosting and elite guilds/communities and their members selling services. Stand at entrance, pay gold, get gear, hur dur...



All MMOs are like this.

No, no they're not.



 If you take away the prestige from the neckbeards, all of them will move on to something else

Yeah sure, well okay then bye bye, cheerio, there's the 1% gone from the game that Blizzard puts the most effort into catering too, now maybe with that neckbeard 1% gone the other 99% can get something too, without Blizzard falling over themselves for the real world sponsored and scummy boosters from the elitist guilds streaming themselves "ahmahgerd am so famous on youtube and twitch ahmahgerd duuuur duuuur" while sitting in puddles of their own urine. Must get cold after a while huh ?


Edited by OxO

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21 hours ago, Smash said:

It's an MMO: Massively Multiplayer Online. So, go figure you have to do things with other people in order to play the game. Your entire attitude about the game from making friends to doing anything seems to be that of, "I want to play this game solo" and that's not how the game is or ever should be. There are plenty of solo games out there with 100's of hours of gameplay that you can enjoy. If you don't want to interact with others, then don't play an MMO. 

I got a guy like you in my Guild. Literally has something new to *filtered* about every day. "I killed one boss in Raid and didn't get loot so I'm not going to Raid anymore." "Nobody in the Guild wants to group up and do things together," meanwhile it's Noon and 3 people are online while he wants to do M+. Some common sense goes a long way and less bitching about playing a MMO like it's a bad Single Player game.

People have literally forgotten or ignore what type/genre of game WOW is and then complain that it sucks.

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On 12/15/2020 at 7:34 PM, Calorat said:

except that WoW is a single player game and the vast vast vast majority of players playing wow have always been solo players.  The entire reason LFR was added was because Bliss publicly stated only 10% of the playerbase ever set foot into a raid and over 80% of the development resources was going towards raids, so they were spending nearly all their time on content the majority of players would never see.  There is a big difference between playing a game with other players in the world (which is actually what MMO are)  and having to group  with people who are jerks in order to do anything.  People like you are the problem with WoW.  You scream players should have to do stuff in group content, but you stay in your own isolated little group and never accept anyone else into it.  As someone who is disabled do you know how hard it is to do anything in a group?  It's impossible to pug because you just get kicked 2 minutes into anything because someone else thinks you aren't good enough.  The every guild I've joined has kicked me out once they realized I'm disabled cause "we don't wanna carry you / you can't use voice chat"  Your example also shows how your attitude is snobbish.  You state yourself at the time your guildmate is available to play there isn't enough players in the guild to make a full group and you are blaming him that it's his fault at the time he can play no one else can and because of this the game obviously isn't for him.  Hey if you can't play the game at peak hours when everyone else can well that's just tough luck dude, find another game, heaven forbid you got a job with weird hours.

I like the singleplayer aspect of WoW. I hope they continue to expand on it. Do like Torghast. Let people grp if they want, but let people solo it if they want. I prefer soloing because some players just fool around way too much. Less people, less hassle. 

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