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Torghast is "Horribly Overtuned" Right Now According to the Community

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After the recent buffs, the community thinks Torghast is incredibly overtuned in its current state.

It all started with Torghast buffs on December 14, when Blizzard increased the health of mobs inside Torghast and the community's reactions to it were predominantly negative. 

We're starting off with a failed Torghast run. All went well until the 4th floor of Layer 7 when all of a sudden, the player's pet started taking damage equal to 60% of its health each hit from a mini-boss. Somehow, they made it to the boss room. The player encountered the ooze boss in the final room. It had 628K health and was impossible to solo. With no crowd control options at 10 stacks, they could not finish the run because the boss did too much damage. Apparently, this is the first time ryan77k was not able to finish their run.

The health increase of Torghast mobs makes it more time-consuming. Many players would enjoy it if Blizzard embraced the silliness of Torghast rather than constantly tuning it towards becoming a slog. With the fixes, they are making it longer and more restrictive, which are two exact opposite things Torghast should be, according to FattyBear and others.

For instance, it was easier for healers and tanks to complete Torghast before December 14. Blizzard buffed Torghast and made it harder for healers and tanks to complete it instead of leaving it "fun and broken" and maybe buffing DPS specs...

Other players are having issues defeating Empowered Guardians to ascend to the next floor.

And the posts never cease to end. The vast majority does not like how time-consuming and boring Torghast has become after the recent buffs, while others would like more rewards from the feature.

It seems the community wants Torghast to be about crazy builds and one-shots at the end of the day. What do you think about Torghast after the buffs? Let us know in the comments!

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I haven't gone to Torghast this week yet, but I main prot pally and Torghast was already a slog. There was some fun stuff to discover, but mainly it was just killing endless amounts of essentially identical mobs over and over. I was still more or less enjoying it (since I was only doing 2 runs a week, one in each wing), but this makes it sound like I'll just pick a lower layer to get some soul ash until I can upgrade my one legendary to max. I don't at all relish the idea of doing something time-consuming and tedious just so I can keep crafting more legendaries (and costing myself hundreds of thousands of gold in the process).

The one saving grace I can see is that Blizzard's intent might be that layer 6+ are supposed to be really difficult, with the gear we have now. Over the next couple of months as item levels creep up toward and past 200, higher layers will become a lot easier. So maybe the intent is that most people will be doing up to layers 3 or 4 normally, and then pushing into 5 and 6 as their gear gets better, and then by the time 9.1 comes out, being able to tackle 7 and 8. But it is a little frustrating to have 7 and 8 available and almost impossible to beat. It seems like maybe they undertuned it and failed to communicate that the higher layers are supposed to be insanely difficult and time-consuming at this point in the expansion: managing expectations, basically.

Edited by dirtside

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been going through Torghast on my rogue, just massive issues in terms of survivalbillity, actually have to avoid elites as they tend to just get stacks to a point where its not doable on higher layers.

i would say tanks and healers were in a good spot, tiny buff sure, but this is too much for now.

dps anima powers feel underwhelming compared to what tanks get, my monk for example, its a massive gap.

but hey what can i do about it, hope they get a balance patch for this or possibly revert the change and try a different aproach.
feel free to comment if you dont agree with what i said above.

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Solo Torghast is masochism, but in group it's entertaining enough that I won't complain about it. I think it's the right nudge in the direction to tell people "hey, if you want to solo in an MMORPG you are doing it kinda wrong".

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Just went through layer 7 on my outlaw rogue - it was rather easy. I mean yes, mobs were hitting hard, but there was nothing that a rogue with his toolkit could not handle. If you are struggling on a first floor that means you need to get better gear, you shouldn't just waltz in high layers and expect to kill everything at 180 ilvl. If you are struggling on higher floors: A. You got unlucky with your powers B. You got lucky but chose shite ones (in rogues' case there are a LOT of useless purple quality powers and quite a few powerful white ones). C. You need to get better gear

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Before the exp launched, I expected Torghast to be a bit like a D3 rift, starting pretty easy with a decent range of difficulty ramping up, for the entire player base.

It's pretty unusable for a casual, you really need to be at least heroic geared to get through the first few layers, unless you get good powers.

The differencial between the trash and the bosses is a bit mad too. I can walse through trash, and suffer against the bosses horribly....

Go talk to the Diablo team, now!

You should be able to do layer 1 at least with no anima powers......... Progressive difficulty from there. Fun remember!!!!!!!!

Edited by Boothyp

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17 minutes ago, Badadada said:

Solo Torghast is masochism, but in group it's entertaining enough that I won't complain about it. I think it's the right nudge in the direction to tell people "hey, if you want to solo in an MMORPG you are doing it kinda wrong".

I am 100% certain Blizzard is not using this as an opportunity to gate-keep how players experience their game world. In fact, this very sentiment is what is wrong with a lot of the community as a whole. "If you're not playing how I play, you are doing it kinda wrong."

You are of course entitled to any opinion, but again I am certain Blizzard is not immature & vindictive enough to actually do this. Honestly think this post should be pulled by moderators, but instead I'm just going to refute it directly here.

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Solo'ed Layer 7 last night and took my time with it while in Fractured Chambers.  Tonight I'm going to attempt Layer 8 solo and let people of Guild watch via Discord.  Probably will die for the first time but willing to keep going and navigate the challenges.  

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13 minutes ago, Valhalen said:

I think Blizzard made all these buffs to encourage people to run Torghast in groups rather than solo.

Which would kill it for those of us who prefer to solo. As I have said for years, they tune to hardcore because that's what all the devs are. Short sighted as usual.

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My experience on a shadow priest is absolutely terrible. It's boring because it takes a long time. But hey, at least my powers can be used for the forces of good, like making Mawrats reproduce when mind controlled.

On a Havoc DH I was having problems on layer 6 where I could mostly clear through the trash efficiently but reach a point on the final boss where I was dealing with one shot mechanics. Frustrating.

Swapping to Vengeance last week I could see that Torghast is absolutely tuned for tank specs. I imagine, and what I've read so far, that the changes this week has just made it more of a boring slog fest for tanks though still tuned for such specs.

I absolutely dread trying 7 and 8 this week on the priest, and may not even attempt. I am not sure if farming layer 3 for the legendary recipe is the most efficient thing to do, but it's where I'm likely to end up.

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I play DH and switch between havoc and veng (whatever is needed). Thorgast i was only running as veng. It was not hard/difficult last two weeks and i havent tried this week. Last week, i did layer 6 in one and layer 5 in other wing. It already felt very "clumpy". As i said, it was not difficult. My layer 6 run i skipped alot of trash, cherrypicking spots for anima powers and rushed to endboss. It was not fun anymore. This is the reason why i said "ah, its not worth to finish other wing in layer 6".

This week i read its even more clumpy. I dont know if i gonna push layers. Think i do it in one wing and then i don't care anymore. But what i really really dont like: there is no catch up. If you miss 1 week, you can get soul ash from this missed week. Well yeah, this is another issue...

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I was so sick of this that I jumped off the side of the ledge just to end it. I logged off and said, I’ll never go into that place again. I was so discouraged. And when you get to the 5th boss you can forget letting your defensives come off cool down before engaging mini boss; you’re punished for not staying in combat. When you try to wait for pain suppression, fear or dome, another add spawns so now you have to blow your defensives all over again or else you’ll die to the elite add. Good grief. Just let my defenses come off cd so I can use them for the mini boss. 

Edited by Kissimee

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Content designed to be challenging winds up being challenging and not something you can AFK through like Warfronts and Island Expeditions.  And of course a  player community that is used to everything being handed to them with a minimum of time and effort complains.   I'm not surprised in the slightest.   


Edited by Stunlocked

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I was doing the quest "Explore Torghast." I managed to get to layer 6 (and the end floor bosses were already annoying enough. I'm ilvl 148 Death Knight. I am not sure why the key didn't drop sooner, or if it would have dropped as soon as I downed the ghoul with the damage buff that stacks as it moved... and made bad spots on the floor, forcing movement.

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I thought it was alot of fun to solo or group up in Torghast before. Now the bosses hit like trucks and have so much hp it takes forever to kill. We had to abandon our L8 run at the last boss because it was unkillable...

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2 hours ago, Stunlocked said:

Content designed to be challenging winds up being challenging and not something you can AFK through like Warfronts and Island Expeditions.  And of course a  player community that is used to everything being handed to them with a minimum of time and effort complains.   I'm not surprised in the slightest.   


Challenging content is designed to be challenging. The difficulty of content in torghast is unpredictable. Stuff like the regular assassin being more difficult than pulling 3 elites at the same time is rubbish by design if there was any. Stuff like one end of floor boss being a training dummy and the other casting every 0.5s chunking away 30% hp with each is nonsense 

Go play some proper games to see what content designed with difficulty in mind actually plays like

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Finished Layer 8 of Fractured Chambers tonight with just one death.  So I attempt to do Layer 8 of the other wing.  Done fine scaling up the levels till I reached the gate boss of Floor 4.  And here is the odd thing I go with my rotation and listen to DBM and watch the cast bar.  He only spams his one attack with his auto attacks however he does (and this does NOT show) apply Pacifying Dust to you where you basically just sit there for 4-5 seconds unable to attack.  I'm not sure but this might be a unintentional bug or DBM is wrong about the mob encounter entirely.  Unfortunately you can't kite the mob he ends up resetting.

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Considering Torghast doesn't drop any gear, and there is already a cap on the amount of soul dust you can get and legendaries you can wear, it seems really stupid to increase the difficulty.  Solo players need something to do and Torghast (so far for me at least) has been really fun.  Then I went in this week with my tank and it seemed like the difficulty had tripled from the week before.  We already have Dungeons, Raids, BG's for people who like / have groups for group content.  Solo players have questing and that's it.  IF something doesn't change Shadowlands will end up just like BfA,  were tons of people play for about a month, get to max level on a few toons then quit in mass cause they are bored / have nothing fun to do.

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5 hours ago, Badadada said:

Solo Torghast is masochism, but in group it's entertaining enough that I won't complain about it. I think it's the right nudge in the direction to tell people "hey, if you want to solo in an MMORPG you are doing it kinda wrong".

except, for all of WoW's history solo play has been the vast majority and group content the minority.  Maybe instead of constantly adding stuff to try to justify group content ( like how they added LFR since Blizz themselves said something like 90% of their development time was going to raids which only something like less than 10% of the playerbase ever even stepped into) Blizz should embrace solo play / players and go after retaining them instead.

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its fine for classes that get insane anima power combos and get lucky, but when i get like 8 commons in a row, and one epic that "increases pet damage through eyes of the beast" (because i want to use my pet for all my damage and not use any of my other anima powers LOL) it *filtered* sucks. Even as a hunter I barely made it through 7 because of my extreme unluckiness combined with *filtered* anima powers

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IMO they could restrict the bulk of the buffs to Twisting Corridors (aka the actual Challenge mode of Torghast), and leave the parts of Torghast that are required for personal power alone regarding challenge. I don't mind the solo experience being challenging at 6-8 but even groups have trouble in layers 7 & 8 post buffs (which also got the healer/tank HP and Damage buffs, which blizzard, were VERY NOTICABLE IN A GROUP, you dumb asses! Even though they were supposed to be scaled down in groups) unless their power selection is perfect or they have the right mix of classes to actually kill the bugged boss.

We had a fairly uneventful, smooth run, in Torgast Upper Levels 8, my first time tanking it in fact, but our class distribution didn't have enough stuns to kill the boss and he eventually became stun immune at the 10+, making him impossible, as his Mass Drain ability WILL one-shot the whole party in 4-5 seconds unless he's stunned to stop it (normal interupts don't work vs it). My tank survived until the Tarrsuque spawned since simply due to his power set making him nigh immortal, though the boss would've eventually gotten to 20-30+ stacks and overcame my regen before I could solo kill him, so it was doomed even if the other party members had just stayed dead. (in case you're wondering why, it's because there were almost no mobs on any of the floors (we had a few exploding skeleton packs on floor 1 but overall it was pretty empty), it was purely a trap maze of near instant death traps every floor until the 5th, with only an occassional tower sentinel and mawrats, and a bunch of anima power vases. And a rare spawn on the 5th floor.

The next 3 8's we couldn't even get past floor 2, because we got an invasion floor on floor two that had elite mobs involved and by the time we got to them, they were at 46 stacks (but apparently deal no actual damage to the invasion mobs they're fighting but still get stacking buffs), and could not be skipped, and 1-shotted the tank and the rest of the party as soon as we tried to slip past them.


Even layer 6, which was a cake walk the week before, felt no different than the 3 previous 8 runs. Letting any spell go off one-shot the party after 2 stacks, add on this, that also nerfed a lot of abilities in that same patch, so classes that could've saved the run anyway with good power luck, were prevented from doing so even if they got the powers they needed. (and this was 195+ group, that does Mythic 10/11's fairly easily).

Also that Enemy benefiting from Party Haste buffs things they mentioned also seems to have NOT been fixed, since when we actually got to the boss and Hero'd, he also got the benefit from it, and was haste buffed for the duration. (we actually had 3 time-warps due to both mages having the First -TW on a floor doesn't count power). Same thing happened to the mini-bosses as well.

Edited by ZanathKariashi

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Just did a Torghast last night that my group failed.

Our group was made up of BrM (me) + RDruid + Frost DK + Arms Warrior, we had a Unholy DK who was not able to run past the fire traps and died like 10 times, wasting our death counts to like 7 at the start of floor 1 of Layer 7 Fractured. He left after his 10th Death.

Our FDK and AWar had great Animas and was doing ridiculous damage, but at floor 5, just before we get to the mini boss and get to floor 6, we had 2 of those deathspeakers who does the wave of suffering. They were surrounded by a few other elites that took us too long to kill at floor 5 with a group of 4. And by the time we killed all the adds and managed to get to one of the Deathspeakers, the 2nd deathspeaker was already at 10stack of buffs, he was running at 430% speed and damage was 430% more. His Wave of suffering insta kills me and any one else in LoS. At our last death count, we decided to try and run past it and get to the next floor, but sadly, he just one shot all of us when we tried to run past it, and it just chased us down and with the 430% speed buff, they just ran to us instantly.

That was the first time I failed a Torghast run and in a group no less.

I will still try to do Layer 6s solo because i find it still manageable, but at Layer 7, I will do with a group and will skip layer 8 entirely because It is not worth the time for 40 soul ashes, maybe next week when it resets, I'll try to do layer 8 as a group again.

I play 2 tank characters, BrM and Prot Pally, I shudder at the thought of playing it on my Hunter.

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