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[Archived] Arms Warrior 5.4

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I'm the one who does all these listings and the reason why I had left this item (and other PvP trinkets) in the list (when we do not normally list such items) is because it is great for increasing item level and getting into LFR early. That said, you made good points, so we decided it may be better to remove them.

Note that these listings are generated automatically. The [1/2] and [2/2] upgrades are always included.

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Guest greenspeed

Any negative remarks about your guides are just cheap griefer spam ! Keep up the good work......Gs

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Guest Jabari

Quick question re: gems:

If you're advocating putting the orange str/crit gem into red sockets, shouldn't the prismatic socket (from belt buckles/blacksmithing) take a pure-crit yellow instead of an orange?

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Guest Aspekt

I'd like to make you aware if you aren't already that as of 5.2, haste is quite a bit ahead of mastery for arms warriors. Theorycrafting still in the works but this claim is unlikely to be taken back, considering people crunching numbers have haste competing more with crit then they do with mastery so crit>haste>mastery is very likely to be correct. I am using this build currently to excellent results.

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I'd like to make you aware if you aren't already that as of 5.2, haste is quite a bit ahead of mastery for arms warriors. Theorycrafting still in the works but this claim is unlikely to be taken back, considering people crunching numbers have haste competing more with crit then they do with mastery so crit>haste>mastery is very likely to be correct. I am using this build currently to excellent results.

Being a Simc contributor, I think it's better to wait for a few days that things settle down, there are always a few broken things so close to the release :P

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Guest lotharian

Speaking of bummer trinkets Relic of Xuen (476) is far superior to Helmbreaker Medallion (496) With ujpgrades like these its no wonder Arms Warriors suck at PVE

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Guest anan

Walk me through the logic of using Heroic Strike over slam as a rage dump after 5.2. I like your guides and they've always mostly been good but this one has me stumped. Is it just because Heroic Strike is on its own gcd? I'm finding I have more than enough dead spots or spots between MS while I'm not at max taste for blood to dump with slam and not cap rage.

Slam hits harder and costs less rage. I feel like I'm missing something important.

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Guest Voroth

Mastery is now less effective then haste due to the massive haste buff we received which is more beneficial then a 55% weapon damage attack as it increases attack speed which in turn increases rage generation which in turn increases your dps

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Guest Jason


The rotation guide is very confusing. In particular:

- #3 and #4 should switch places

- You say that I should HS if rage>70 & CS=up. Shouldn't I prioritize Slam over HS when CS is up unless I'm in danger of capping rage (rage = 90 or 100 with the glyph)? There's no mention of how CS up affects Slam's priority.

It might be best to rewrite the guide given there are 4 situations: 1) Target > 20% & CS down, 2) Target > 20% & CS up, 3) Execute range & CS Down, 4) Execute range & CS up.

Would be easier to figure out.

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Guest skunk

in your opinion, with as strong as shield slam is right now from what i've noticed, say around level 50 would it be ok to run dungeons as prot spec in battle stance? I'm noticing things die a lot faster in this spec. I que as DPS and noticed it really fun to play. I'm new to the class and don't know if this would be an issue in regards to certain attacks/threat. thanks in advance.

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Guest Vandrad

So overall, what is better? Dragon Roar or Bladestorm for dailies, heroics and raids? Overall.

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the guides in icy veins arent set in stone nor are they law. you are allowed to deviate from them and experiment on your own time. instead of bashing the admins. Some dps enhancing talents are based on situation, and based on preference.

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Guest Dharock

i'm slightly confused with rotation

Slam hit for 220% base dmg 2193 for 20 rage

HS 110% + 549 and 30 rage

OP 105% (60% crit) for 10 rage

I would have put slam a lot higher in priority rather than being the least used.

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i'm slightly confused with rotation

Slam hit for 220% base dmg 2193 for 20 rage

HS 110% + 549 and 30 rage

OP 105% (60% crit) for 10 rage

I would have put slam a lot higher in priority rather than being the least used.

Slam does more damage, but Heroic Strike is the better rage dump because it is off the global cooldown. If you are using up global cooldowns on Slam, you risk wasting potential Overpowers. I hope that's clear enough, let me know if not :)

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Guest Xyr

I'd like to point out that you can use overpower for free for 10 seconds after an excecute, rather than just the first one being free of rage.

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Guest Al

To be completely honest, I've played an Arms warrior since I first stole the toon from my wife, about mid-way through BC. I have ALWAYS found haste to be a wasted stat, as it does (in my opinion) nothing more than help me white swing faster. Instead of swinging every 3 seconds, now I can swing every 2.79 seconds, or whatever it is I have on my toon. Mastery, every time I attack, I have a roughly 50-50 chance to attack, but for % damage as a white swing. In that 2.79 seconds, chaining attacks (ex. OP tied to HS or Cleave), that's 2 attacks on one GCD, add another OP or MS in the other second or so that it takes for my GCD to reset. 3 attacks, each of which have a 48.93% (my mastery %) chance to trigger another attack, all while waiting for the one white swing to come .21 seconds sooner. Maybe I'm missing the overall picture, but haste seems nothing more than a wasted stat, which I avoid as much as possible. There have been instances where I've pulled 115k+ dps on single-target fights, and there have been times where I have pulled only 90k+ dps single target fights., and that's not counting buffs such as the Conductive water in ToT, Jin'Rokh (sic). My item level average is only 514, but IS haste really that good?

With Fury, I can see haste being more beneficial, as you'd be swinging two weapons, vice an Arms one. I'm not a proponent of haste for warriors, I never will be, unless I can find a convincing argument that can prove why it's better than Mastery, not simply "Because it just is".

Nykkie @ Eonar

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Guest quest_1789

I'd like to point out that you can use overpower for free for 10 seconds after an excecute, rather than just the first one being free of rage.

yes, imo this should be changed

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Guest Grayson Carlyle

The guide states to use Dragon Roar during Colossus Smash.  This should never be done.  Dragon Roar ignores armor and does not get any benefit from Colossus Smash.  You should use it very specifically when Colossus Smash is not on your target.

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Slam cleave will happen on its own as Slam gets a 2 yards (which is ridiculously small btw) AoE when you have sweeping strikes on.


Stat priority is still Crit (to 32%) > Haste > Crit > Mastery if i recall correctly.

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Guest supersquid

Thanks for the guide, there's just one thing I'm confused about. The priority list for the rotation says to use overpower, but then also says to use slam when over 40 rage. Since you're going to be over 40 rage most of the time, does that mean overpower is only used when below 40? Or is slam only used when colossus smash is up or as a rage dump?

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Guest gfjnhbde

it says the reviewer for this guide is an arms warrior but when you click on the link he is actually a fury warrior. and mastery is now better than haste? last week this guide said haste>mastery now its mastery>haste is there a reason for the change?

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it says the reviewer for this guide is an arms warrior but when you click on the link he is actually a fury warrior. and mastery is now better than haste? last week this guide said haste>mastery now its mastery>haste is there a reason for the change?


You might find that top players like that swap specs based on their raid environment. It doesn't stop them knowing what they're talking about.


If I recall correctly, we did have a discussion about stat priorities for this guide and it got changed to reflect the current thinking on best practice.

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Guest gfjnhbde

I reforged mastery>haste but it doesn't seem to be as good for me. I raided today the same boss that I had done the day before with haste>mastery reforging and there was a difference of about 30 - 40k worse off than I was with haste


seems like haste is better for me. I dunno if that works for everyone but ill be sticking with haste for now at least

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Guest Panzerfar

I really like this guide, and want to thank you for putting a lot of work into it.

I have a question regarding the 2-pcs rotation with CS up. if I'm at 70-80 rage, is Mortal strike still prior to slam/overpower? As far as I know, MS doesnt hit harder than slam/OP? I find it a bit confusing :-)

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