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[Archived] Arms Warrior 5.4

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  On 11/19/2013 at 12:22 PM, Panzerfar said:

I really like this guide, and want to thank you for putting a lot of work into it.

I have a question regarding the 2-pcs rotation with CS up. if I'm at 70-80 rage, is Mortal strike still prior to slam/overpower? As far as I know, MS doesnt hit harder than slam/OP? I find it a bit confusing :-)


You might find that if you don't get a good response here, starting a thread in the warrior forum would get better results.

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Guest Spartian-baelgun

i would like you guys to include a macro i find helpful.


#showtooltip BloodBath

/use bloodbath

/use sweeping strikes.


This macro works great with using bladestorm.

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Guest Khoko

This guide is not the best and it doesn't add up.  Anyone that has been playing arms in 5.4 will immediately see the descrepancies in this guild.. Rewrite please.

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  On 3/19/2014 at 1:09 AM, Khoko said:

This guide is not the best and it doesn't add up.  Anyone that has been playing arms in 5.4 will immediately see the descrepancies in this guild.. Rewrite please.

Do you have any points to support this claim?

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Overpower reduces the cooldown of mortal strike by 0.5 seconds.  This fact isn't mentioned anywhere in this guide.  (I tested on a target dummy, with my omnicc showing the MS CD with one decimal place.  You can also see the CD sweep jump.  So I'm 100% confident that it's true in-game.)


 I looked, but none of the arms passives in the spellbook, or the tooltips for any of the relevant abilities, mention this interaction.  What's up with that?  Is it even documented in-game anywhere?  Most undocumented stuff is just things that had to be one way or another.  This is a specific link that had to be put in on purpose, so I find it really really weird that it's not documented.



http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/1340569-5-4-PVE-Arms-Warrior-Guide says:

Outside Colossus Smash:


Even though Slam doubles the damage of Overpower, you will want to prioritize Overpower outside of CS both to lower the cooldown of Mortal Strike, and for additional chances to proc Sudden Death.


 That's the only mention of it in that guide, as if it was something everyone already knows!



 So again, what's up with that?  Has OP always worked this way?  I only rolled a warrior alt during 5.4, to use the BoA garrosh shield and/or 2H axe that I had.

Edited by Karsteck

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