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When should i start sock wicked gems as shadow is it after 550 ilvl or when i have reached hast cap 18215 i have 2 part tier

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it doesnt make that big of a difference. if you can do it and stay within a half a percent of hit cap, its fine. people who talk about minmaxing their gems are usually fully geared raiders that have plenty of resources. keep in mind it isnt going to be some huge boost to your dps. if you dont have the time to amass resources easily, dont give up too much just to change all your gems for a 3% dps gain.

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When should i start sock wicked gems as shadow is it after 550 ilvl or when i have reached hast cap 18215 i have 2 part tier

im not sure what gem you are talking about but im guessing Wicked Vermilion Onyx.  In this case you should never be using that the gem. passively you will get hit/ spirit on most of your gear that you wont need to gem to hit/ spirit. you might have to reforge just a little bit to hit/sprit but you should never need to use that gem. Quick Sun's Radiance for yellow Reckless Vermilion Onyx for red. Energized Wild Jade or Lightning Wild Jade for blue, as long at your with in a 1/2 % point you should be good

Edited by TIme987

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spriest bis just like every other caster dps wants gear with no spirit/hit as much as possible. the wickeds give you more secondaries, which outweigh int heavily once you've got a 567+ weapon and all 561+ gear. the extra hit in your gems lets you reforge more hit out of your gear. the extra secondaries with the 2pc yield a bit more dps than reckless gems would.

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