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[Archived] Protection Warrior 5.4

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Guest Jerch

As you can see, these talents have most DPS/threat-increasing properties. However, Avatar's increased rage generation can be used to provide you with more rage to use on your survival abilities (although the overall impact will be minor), while Storm Bolt can be used to stun some adds.

Bottom of the page on the rotation, cooldown, ability page. Avatar no longer gives additional threat. Probably just forgot to update it when it changed, no big deal.

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Guest Jenram

Any plans to add the bonus of combining Tier15 2pc with Glyph of Victory Rush to the guide?

I've pretty much saved a Vic Rush proc as a CD combined with Last Stand, which usually equates to a 330k self heal. Not to mention multiple target fights where Revenge hits 2 - 3 targets, I've found that the 2pc can proc off each subsequent hit on secondary targets, I've effectively kept myself healed on Tortos tanking bats so healers could keep the raid up in the final 20% of his health when turtles are smashing into everyone. If I'm particularly stoic with the procs, I can get anywhere between 12 - 22k HPS depending on Shield Barrier usage.

Single target it procs a lot less obviously but even then I can still self heal from its procs for around 1 million - 2 million, which is just less healing the healers have to do on me. It does proc off the two abilities you're essentially supposed to use on CD/Proc in SS>R order.

I would consider it a Survival Boost and it should > Threat Boosts, I'm having Vic Rush procs heal me for 250 - 300k when buffed and flasked.

I just end up keeping Unending Rage and just switch my Repercussions glyph with Hold the Line on fights where Revenge gets used more, and vice versa, only costs a couple gold to do so.

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Guest Raseri

I'm just wondering why on the professions section it says to not consider any gathering profs with the exception of Herbalism. Why is this when Mining gives just as much stamina bonus as most of the other profs?

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Guest Silkworm
  On 7/6/2013 at 6:08 AM, 'Puulo said:

For the addons I highly suggest GTFO.

I second that and for every class and build. When those alarms start ringing you know you gotto move your fat tauren ass.

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  On 6/1/2013 at 11:17 AM, Jerch said:

Bottom of the page on the rotation, cooldown, ability page. Avatar no longer gives additional threat. Probably just forgot to update it when it changed, no big deal.


Thanks for catching that. I've fixed it now, should be up soon.


  On 6/7/2013 at 4:12 AM, Jenram said:

Any plans to add the bonus of combining Tier15 2pc with Glyph of Victory Rush to the guide? I've pretty much saved a Vic Rush proc as a CD combined with Last Stand, which usually equates to a 330k self heal. Not to mention multiple target fights where Revenge hits 2 - 3 targets, I've found that the 2pc can proc off each subsequent hit on secondary targets, I've effectively kept myself healed on Tortos tanking bats so healers could keep the raid up in the final 20% of his health when turtles are smashing into everyone. If I'm particularly stoic with the procs, I can get anywhere between 12 - 22k HPS depending on Shield Barrier usage. Single target it procs a lot less obviously but even then I can still self heal from its procs for around 1 million - 2 million, which is just less healing the healers have to do on me. It does proc off the two abilities you're essentially supposed to use on CD/Proc in SS>R order. I would consider it a Survival Boost and it should > Threat Boosts, I'm having Vic Rush procs heal me for 250 - 300k when buffed and flasked. I just end up keeping Unending Rage and just switch my Repercussions glyph with Hold the Line on fights where Revenge gets used more, and vice versa, only costs a couple gold to do so.


While your suggestions are quite nice, we're not going to add them to the guide at this late stage of the patch, since they're reliant on 2-part T15 gear. Thanks :)



  On 7/6/2013 at 6:08 AM, Puulo said:

For the addons I highly suggest GTFO.


  On 7/8/2013 at 8:45 AM, Silkworm said:

I second that and for every class and build. When those alarms start ringing you know you gotto move your fat tauren ass.


I've added GTFO to this and every other class guide, should be up shortly. Thank you!


  On 7/6/2013 at 6:03 PM, Raseri said:

I'm just wondering why on the professions section it says to not consider any gathering profs with the exception of Herbalism. Why is this when Mining gives just as much stamina bonus as most of the other profs?


There are certain inconsistencies in the way in which we discuss the benefits of professions, especially gathering ones. We're looking to make this entire topic much more consistent before patch 5.4 comes out. To answer you directly, this guide in particular should be saying that Mining is a viable gathering profession, and not Herbalism. Thank you!

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Guest Seraphgeddon

In the glyph section, there's a sentence that says "We will first begin by discussing the only glyph that affects your survivability," but there is no such glyph listed, the guide just goes right into glyphs that increase threat/DPS.

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Guest Wickedsauce

just wondering why the stat priority is still favoring a hit/exp>master build for 5.4. even mr.robot which you guys are partnered with say the avoidance build is the way to go with the addition of riposte and devistate and shield slam crits now causing enrage.

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  On 9/13/2013 at 10:32 AM, Wickedsauce said:

just wondering why the stat priority is still favoring a hit/exp>master build for 5.4. even mr.robot which you guys are partnered with say the avoidance build is the way to go with the addition of riposte and devistate and shield slam crits now causing enrage.


A good way to settle it would be to simcraft your character, but if you're not able to do that then the Warrior subforum might have some clues or support :)

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Guest Jenram

Critical Strike rating should be factored into the stat priority below Mastery and above Parry/Dodge regardless of the Icyveins/MrRobot discrepancies.

Shield Slam and Devastate crits now generate 10 additional rage.

Riposte turns 75% of Parry/Dodge into Crit rating, however reforging Parry/Dodge into Crit (where you are already hit/exp capped and can't reforge for more mastery or perhaps need to shed some excess hit/exp off those 551/566 pieces) nets you more.Crit, thus more active mitigation than Parry/Dodge VIA Riposte would supply.

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Guest Wickedsauce

I know 5.4 if fairly new and i'm sure this guide is just not fully updated but the stat priorities are not correct. This guide is still using 5.3 stats. Even Sco from the guild Method, whom it is claimed approved this guide, is reforging mastery into dodge/parry now. Just check out his armory.

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  On 9/20/2013 at 9:40 AM, Wickedsauce said:

I know 5.4 if fairly new and i'm sure this guide is just not fully updated but the stat priorities are not correct. This guide is still using 5.3 stats. Even Sco from the guild Method, whom it is claimed approved this guide, is reforging mastery into dodge/parry now. Just check out his armory.


Please do remember that the guides are aimed more at low- to mid-level raiders. If you're a high gear level or are a big progression raider, we do expect that you will find some differences to the guide. Having said that, I personally can't comment on the validity of the stat priorities - you may well be right. However, just because "these pro raiders are doing it" doesn't necessarily mean "everyone should be doing it in all cases".

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Guest thadthewarrior

i'm a little confused by your enraged regeneration  section.  the tooltip says it heals for 10% with a 2%/1sec tick for 5  seconds (double if enraged), but you say it heals for 5% with a 5% HoT (double if enraged).  the tooltip for the ability says nothing about rage cost, but you mention something about rage cost in your part.  

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Guest Guest

I am having some trouble picking up adds in the second phase 1 of heroic immerseus after i've used banner ( raid needs to not go compltely insane and spread randomly), but i was wondering, is speccing bladestorm a good idea for dealing with those adds?

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  On 11/9/2013 at 10:38 AM, thadthewarrior said:

i'm a little confused by your enraged regeneration  section.  the tooltip says it heals for 10% with a 2%/1sec tick for 5  seconds (double if enraged), but you say it heals for 5% with a 5% HoT (double if enraged).  the tooltip for the ability says nothing about rage cost, but you mention something about rage cost in your part.  


The tooltip is correct as of 5.4, 10% instant plus 10% over 5 sec. (doubled if enraged).  The 5% and rage cost are old information that Icy-Veins has not updated yet.

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Guest Grebdem

I'm a 560 prot warrior I was  hit/exp capped with 38 percent parry/ 18 percent dodge/ 20 percent block. I would take allot of spike damage even when using AM. I couldn't figure it out. In that spec you may get a constant riptose but something seemed wrong when in 10 man Normal wing 4. So I did some playing around and talking to high prot warriors. I found that stacking parry/mastery gems. to the point at 560 ilvl I was 55% mastery 37 percent parry, 12 percent dodge and 27 percent block. but with the mastery my crit block was now at 70 percent and regular block was 18 percent. I then ran a flex cause I didn't have a 10 man and if you know your warrior I took significantly less damage then the the parry dodge build. I also had plenty of riptose so my rage gain wasn't an issue. I still need to test it on hard hitting 10 man but as of now I would suggest hit/exp cap then parry>mastery>dodge. Just play with it.

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Have a question. The guide says the best profession would be leatherworker because of the boost to stamina on a item you can't gain any on, which would be 750 Stam. But wouldn't Blacksmith and Jewelcrafting combo work better? Jewelcrafting you can get two 480 gems, combie with Blacksmithing's two extra gem slots on your bracers and gloves, for a total of 960. If not, could you say why?

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LW gives the boost by itself, and lets you take a second profession to get even more stats out of it, whereas your suggestions uses 2 professions to get a boost. BS/JC is still a very good choice because of the flexibility however. You can only get stam from most of the other professions whereas JC & BS will let you get more dodge/parry or whatever stat you desire.

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Guest CyaSteve

Is the description for glyph of incite still correct?  Does Devastate have anything to do with it still?

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Just a quick reminder, Glyph of Incite was changed on live and doesn't give the buff anymore from devastate, now it's just 3 free Heroic Strikes or Cleaves after use :)

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Guest Syrril

In my opinion, thru recent experience, I've found you will help your progression guild more by stacking mastery and keeping your shield block/barrier uptime as high as possible. That will take a lot of the pressure off your healers since your incoming damage should be much smoother. As your group gears up you can switch out some stats for more crit/avoidance to help with DPS on enrage sensitive fights.

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Guest Nazgrom

579 Prot Warrior here, and I've tried parry/dodge and the mastery builds.  The parry/dodge is good at higher ilvl when you get over 30% parry and 15% dodge (I'm at 35.5% parry, 15.08% dodge), but it can be very spiky.  I've had times where I just get the snot beat out of me, and other times when I'm like immortal and can't be touched.  The parry/dodge is probably a little better for 10man, because it has higher dps.  The Mastery build is better at survival and is a lot less spiky.  I have over 90% crit block.  With Shield Block up, that means I'm taking in ~90% of ~40% almost always.  This makes shield block almost superior over shield barrier in most fights.  Also, just to add if you're guild is smart they will play to these advantages.  Like for Shamans, my guild lets me and a Monk tank Haromm, while our DK tanks Kardris outside.  This makes a really big difference.

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