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[A][EU] <Crest of Humility> [Ravencrest] LF Raiders!
Itismefrank, in EU - English Speaking
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By Rethos
US - Horde - Illidan
About The Guild
Twenty First Knights was formed in 2021 with the working gamer in mind, a grounded midcore experience where great gamers with real lives can come together and still complete competitive content without the noise and toxicity of "elite" guilds. To that end we’re more than just a gaming guild – we are truly a community made of members who enjoy playing every single aspect of the games we play, from PvE to PvP to Crafting to chattering socially with each other over Discord. We’re made up of members from all over the world, with a wide variety of ages, backgrounds, genders and play styles. Because we’re community-oriented, you’ll never feel like just another cog in the wheel. We’ve only got one common goal – to enjoy our favorite online games together. We’d love for you to join us!
What We Are Looking For
We are looking for folks who are interested in the community and the people they play with as much as the game. If you have a get in and get out mentality then Remnants is probably not for you. If you want to enjoy and down content with capable players who are friendly and patient, then Remnants is most likely a great fit for you. If you’re just returning and are looking for a great guild to catch up and grow with or are simply looking for a more grown up environment then look no further, we kindly offer a trial membership which gives you a chance to get to know us better before committing and vice versus.
We strive to help our members get the most out of PvE content and also assist them in improving and advancing. We are always willing to provide advice and guidance on builds, gearing, and mechanics. We are currently planning on restarting normal raiding and subsequently heroic raiding as our progress dictates. It is a great time to join the guild if you are just returning to the game or missed out on this content before the next patch hits.
We encourage fun and friendly gaming to both the fans of PvP and those curious about it. Twenty First Knights PvP primarily focuses on the social aspect of gaming, and players of all skill are welcome to join us at any time. To those interested in honing their skills, we are always willing to lend a hand with builds, classes, and how it all comes together to make a character effective.
Our crafting department provides the consumables you need to participate in the events of our other departments. The guild bank offers flasks, potions, and feasts for our event times, as well as gems and enchants to keep your gear competitive. We also hold raffles and gathering events with prizes for those who like to help us keep our guild bank stocked!
Play Socially or Casually
Although we have members doing end-game content, we also have many members who play when they have time, or enjoy the simpler pleasures in WoW like leveling slowly or going on random adventures. We also have a very inviting approach when it comes to difficult content: many of our members are happy to bring along a “newbie” to dungeons or new content, but there’s no pressure for you to join events you aren’t interested in!
What We Offer
Very active Discord for voice chat and keeping in touch while away from the computer Freedom to play your game the way you want Scheduled events on the calendar as well as “pop-up” events put together through guild chat Friendly and non-judgmental community and environment A structured leadership team, with officers for each of our departments (PvE, PvP, Crafting, and Recruitment) What We Value In Our Guild Members:
Positive Attitude Maturity Team Player Respect How To Join
Visit us and apply at:
We look forward to hearing from you!
By Bewm
<meow> is a brand new two day raiding guild formed by Mythic raiders eagerly awaiting the challenges BFA will bring. We are seeking like minded players that enjoy pushing Mythic progression but also wish to chill in a relaxed environment; this means no split runs, only two mandatory raid days with an optional third day and a laid-back/fun attitude outside of raid times.
During raid hours however the laid-back attitude stops because we all want to perform at our best and clear content in a timely manner, we are looking for players that meet the following criteria;
• Some level of Mythic experience (Doesn't matter when, as long as you've tasted it before and are prepared for BFA)
• Near 100% attendance to mandatory raids
• Able to communicate well and clearly on Discord, we are not interested in mute players
• Capable of being independent (Getting the correct food/gems/stats, knowing your class inside and out, preparing for new raid encounters, improving as a player)
• Able to follow instructions in English
• A stable internet connection and PC
• Take criticism and improve as a player, fix your own mistakes instead of blaming others
• Know your class, not just a single spec. You are expected to swap and adapt to what we need.
Mandatory Progression Schedule
Wednesday 20:30 - 23:30
Thursday 20:30 - 23:30
Optional Third Day
Friday 20:30 - 23:30
Other non-mandatory raids will pop up from time to time and if you're around you are welcome to join those.
We are a brand new guild formed just for BFA so recruitment is currently open to all classes.
Discord: Dexterity#0001
Battlenet: Dexterity#11719
By Thanagore
<Growth> is a newly formed guild and we're currently looking for active raiders! The principles of the guild are to respect each other and be willing to both learn and help. We want to do weekly HC clears and progress into Mythic Antorus. Right now we are looking for all roles and classes.
If you are interested then write here or contact @Thanagore on the Draenor realm.
By FearrMe
<Redshift> 3/9 M [Ravencrest] [Alliance]
Hello everyone! This is a guild that consists of a few friends that know each other in real life and even more that we have met online in the guild. We are currently looking for players to solidify our roster for further Mythic progress. We have a relaxed atmosphere in raids and like to have a laugh and a joke whilst maintaining focus on the current progression! The guild consists of 20+ years and older and everyone must speak English. We have a Discord which we use for raiding and can freely be used by members when they want. Its not a requirement that you talk in raids but it is encouraged.
We are currently recruiting for ranged dps and a healer.
Please apply at Or if you have any questions please add Fearrme#2952 or Chronoa#2148.
By Felzietoo
The Last Guardians on Khadgar / Alleria is recruiting for Heroic ToS progression. We are currently seeking DPS (Mage and Shaman DPS are a need) and a healer. (Willing to assist with gear as long you understand raiding concepts) Please contact Felzietoo-Alleria, Naporan-Khadgar or Shadowfoot-Khadgar for more information. We raid Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays 9:30-11:30 Eastern time. (8:30-10:30 Server Time)