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Ele shaman, won my cloak but which one?

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Toon http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/wyrmrest-accord/Royorcison/advanced


Should I choose the DPS cloak (Jadefire Drape) or the healer one? Leaning strongly toward the DPS one because:


a) hit is currently over 20% with every item containing spirit (or hit) reforged into either mastery or haste and,


b) I have no plans on using my resto offspec any time soon and if I do, would then be willing to pop for a new cloak (which may not be needed if I reach the spirit cap without it after reforging back into spirit)



From what I've read here, the additional crit, while not an important stat, is more valuable than going even further over the hit cap (which is worth nothing). Am I missing something?

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I'm unsure why this is even a question.


The moment that you get the purple cloak, you can also get the legendary cloak!  The proc matters heavily for DPS, so you should definitely be grabbing the DPS one, regardless of the stats.


Don't upgrade it either!  It gets automatically rolled over to 608 once you upgrade it to Legendary.

Edited by Hybrys

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I'm unsure why this is even a question.


The moment that you get the purple cloak, you can also get the legendary cloak!  The proc matters heavily for DPS, so you should definitely be grabbing the DPS one, regardless of the stats.


Don't upgrade it either!  It gets automatically rolled over to 608 once you upgrade it to Legendary.

Couple reasons. For starters, the ele shaman guide on this site lists both cloaks (Jadefire Drape and Cranewing Cloak) under best in slot for elemental, and only the one proc (Xing-Ho, Breath of Yu'lon). This might lead one to believe (possibly mistakenly) that the proc is assigned based on the spec at the time Wrathion's draconic essence is used and not on which cape it's being used on.


Second, choosing the wrong one would potentially cost me 7K gold to rectify. Seemed prudent to ask. Thanks for the response.

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Couple reasons. For starters, the ele shaman guide on this site lists both cloaks (Jadefire Drape and Cranewing Cloak) under best in slot for elemental, and only the one proc (Xing-Ho, Breath of Yu'lon). This might lead one to believe (possibly mistakenly) that the proc is assigned based on the spec at the time Wrathion's draconic essence is used and not on which cape it's being used on.


Second, choosing the wrong one would potentially cost me 7K gold to rectify. Seemed prudent to ask. Thanks for the response.

Fair enough.


Good luck!

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