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Garrosh Question

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Firstly, apologies: I know this is probably in the wrong section but I only ever really read the Shaman section and the people who respond on here really seem to know their stuff and its their opinions I was after (Stoove, Hybrys, CptDan, Spark etc.).


Question I had was a pretty basic one about Garrosh (normal, 10m): Does the DPS done to him matter during his transition phase? Not the one in the alternate realms, but as he is changing.


For example - at the end of P1 is there any point dpsing him between 10% and when he's back to 100%? I know after hes at 100% its a good thing. We normally get him to about 90-94% before he takes us to the first realm. Also during P2-P3 transition - is there any point dpsing him when hes below 10% and before he goes back to 25%?


I think the answer is no I but can't find any hard evidence and we have had too few tries to know for sure. Some guides say nuke hard all the time and some say it doesn't matter. I think the short amount of time (especially at the P2-P3 transition) would be better used to sort out positioning and find a decent spot for the next desecrated weapon rather than dps him as he goes back to 25% regardless ... or am I wrong?


Thanks for your time smile.png

Edited by Zahrah

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This is only a tentative answer, but I don't think it matters at all. I understand that he's healed to a fixed percentage no matter what, not healed by a fixed amount. The latter would let you "over-DPS" him in one phase, but I don't think it works like that.

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In P1 <10%, there is no point in DPSing him, although some classes can set themselves up for a harder burn when he regenerates health during that time period.


During the intermission phases, you will want to do as much damage to him as possible because when you go back down to P2, Garrosh will be at full health minus the damage done during the intermission.


P2 to P3, he will always go back to 30% hp.  Again, some classes can benefit from damaging him during this time period.

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So as Elemental for example, you might want to spam Lightning Bolt at him a bit to build up some Fulmination stacks, and then refresh Flame Shock and stuff before the DPS is useful again.

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Alright, I've actually only downed him half a dozen times (my raid weeks are pretty short these days) but as best I can tell;


When he heals to full the first time, his health is just set to 100%, and any damage between 10% and that heal is meaningless.  Clear out any remaining adds until he heals, then pound on him.


Before every other transition phase, he heals 10%, but damage in the transition phases does carry back in.


Now it's been awhile, but from what I remember; when you get him to p3, he has 25% hp added to his current total, so getting him down to 1 will make him start with 25%, but not damaging him at all would make him start p3 with 35%.


If you're capable of nuking him down to 90-94% before the first transition, you can probably get him most of the way down before the 25% heal and still have time to stabilize (probably want to pop lust after doing so rather than as soon as he transitions in that case).  The key insight about phase 3 is that unless he's so low you can kill him faster than you can kill an MC, you should be prioritizing keeping everything together over actually damaging the boss.  If he's at 3%, you still need to break MCs and so on.  If you need to tell people to stop boss dps to stabilize while he's transitioning, do it.  Control > all in this fight.


Best of luck, and please chime in if you can confirm these.

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I can tell you, definitively, for Flex/Normal/Heroic:


Phase 1 --> 2, just before the transition, DPS doesn't matter.  You can still use him to build Fulmination/Embers/Holy Power/Shadow Orbs/combo points/any other secondary resource I've missed, though.


Transition 1, he doesn't heal.  He should heal 10%, but this heal gets delayed because you may or may not have taken down that 10% before Transition 1 started.


Transition 2, he heals a static 20%.  He heals the 10% he should, as well as the 10% that was delayed from Transition 1.


Transition 3, he heals a static 10%.


Phase 2 --> 3, just before Garrosh becomes fully corrupted, DPS DOES matter.  He heals a static 25% (30% in Heroic) from his previous HP.  Getting him to 1 HP will result in him popping out at 25% + 1HP.  Most groups use their Bloodlust/Heroism here, because it's rather hard to push him to 1 HP.


Phase 3 --> 4 (Heroic-only), just before going to Stormwind, DPS doesn't matter.  He'll heal to 60%, no matter how low he was.

Edited by Hybrys
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Thats great, thanks very much for the quick and helpful replies. Turns out it was exactly the right palce to post this question :)


We've had a 2 sub 10% wipes and with a little more control and less red-mist-dps-the-boss-and-ignore-everything-else I think he's got a reasonable chance of providing loot tonight.


Thanks again :)

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That's the biggest fight with this encounter.  Just remember this:



Edited by Hybrys

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My raid's wiped to MCs when he had 400k hp remaining.  (We have a storied history of 0% wipes on many, many bosses.)  You always have to prioritize those interrupts over anything else.  Once you restrain the urge to zerg, the fight is yours!  Good luck!

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My raid's wiped to MCs when he had 400k hp remaining.  (We have a storied history of 0% wipes on many, many bosses.)  You always have to prioritize those interrupts over anything else.  Once you restrain the urge to zerg, the fight is yours!  Good luck!

You really just gotta slow the fight down in your head and keep doing the mechanics until the purples appear. It is so tempting to Zerg though.

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Yeah thats our problem at the moment; had 10 tries last night and apart from one oops in P1 we got to P3 every try. Once he changes shape though, all common sense and reason departs and chaos ensues. Its getting better though, cant be long now ... i hope :)

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