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Damage Calculation

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I've heard that people time themselves killing Ghom to see if gear tweaks had a positive affect, but I've always just run a few rifts and gone with whatever feels best.


it's tough to judge damage output on a monk because it's pretty easy to extremely tanky. you can lose track of time putting yourself in the center of bigger and bigger battles.


I didn't realize that the wowprogress folks had a diablo side until just recently.



It's very interesting to see how all the bonuses added together can really up your atual damage, although the toughness is all wrong. in game i have over 11 million. id imagine that site isnt taking into account OWE, but it may also be overlooking paragon.


does anyone else use any other sites for diablo damage calc?

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It doesn't figure in any stat modifications from passive or active skills. I find it's a great tool for comparing your stats to other people. For example I can look at some of the top Demon hunters and figure out what they did to get their damage to 2mil+ while I'm having a hard time getting passed 1.2mil.


Also maybe you look at your character's page and notice your resistance is top 1000 in the world, but your vitality like 50,000th. then maybe you would benefit more by changing some stats around.

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