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[US-Whisperwind][A]<Everclear> Currently expanding raiding team with eyes set on WOD

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<Everclear> is a new alliance progression raiding guild on the Whisperwind server, looking to recruit talented players.

As Warlords of Draenor draws near, a new guild is emerging, <Everclear>. EC is an adult friendly guild founded by a group friends. These players have known each other for several years. Their raiding experience and leadership, places EC in an ideal position to grow on the Whisperwind server and lead players through end-game content.

What we have to offer
1. Players looking to kill bosses;
2. Social and friendly guildies who enjoy playing the game;
3. Drama-free environment;
4. Solid progression;
5. Recruitment when needed;
6. Strong leadership.

Our Expectations
1. Complete the application fully and thoroughly;
2 Maintain consistent attendance;
3. Show skill, knowledge and talent with regards to your class and spec;
4. Be serious in raids (know strats, use consumables, be punctual, and humble);
5. Communicate well, using ventrilo;
6. Keep up to date on the guild news through regular use of guild Forums.

Raiding Schedule (All times are United States Central Standard Times)
Sun - 9:00 pm to 11:00 pm ** invites starts at 8:45 pm
Tues - 9:00 pm to 11:00 pm ** invites starts at 8:45 pm
Thur -9:00 pm to 11:00 pm ** invites starts at 8:45 pm

Finally, if this sounds intriguing to you, please contact us at everclear.shivtr.com by submitting an application, or in game by whispering / in game mail, Thechad, Sindyloo, Thosadin, Gatecaster or Pennycillin on the Whisperwind Server. We welcome your interest.

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I modified your title to align with the topic guidelines here at Icy-Veins.  Best of luck in your searches.

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