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Considering boosting a shammy, got some experience, details inside

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One of my favoured strategies for coming up with names is picking a related word to your spec and translating it into latin. E.g. for a Resto Shaman you might choose "water" or "heal" and base a name around that.

Japanese works really good sometimes.

My warlock is named Karas, which means raven, and is sporting T8,5

Imo 1 of my best creations ever in all the rpgs I played

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Minor thread necromancy and double post, double violation ><'


Just a quick question; what you guys think of Shinzen as for a female Draenei? Shizen is Nature in japanese, but it's taken, and I like the ring of Shinzen more than Shizen anyway.


Or should I try to get Shizen via a GM?


Since you guys helped me SO much, I thought I'd ask here ^^

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Ugh.. oh.. reviving this post from nearly dead.

I kinda figure thats to late for me to post anything, it was 10 days since your last post and you were probably already long far ingame but nevertheless ill share my experience.
I play ALL classes that have melee or healing offspec;

DKs, Druid, Monk, Rogue, Warrior, Shaman, Paladin, Priest. As you can see, im huge altoholic. Im not playing them that frequently and constantly, as i have life, school and a job too, but i like variety of playstyles and having option to choose what playstyle i want to play when i sit in front of PC as casual gamer. all of them are above ilvl540 as were already far in to expansion and, as i said, i really like the change of playstyles as i "feel." Ill leave out pure DPS classes out of this talk as they dont matter now. This is all experience from someone who went from hardcore rider to caual/semi casual gamer so ill mostly focus on fun part, and leave numbers to pros that are already posted here. Keep in mind that these are all personal opinions so if anyone loves any ot the classes that i mentioned in some bad way, dont troll or flame please.
So.. lets start.
Druid - TWO melee and TWO ranged specs, only class with four (and all) roles available. Playing Feral was extremely fun at the start, as cats can really run fast all the time, ALL THE RUNZ! Bear was for tanking stuff here and there while farming old stuff, mainly old content like TK, SSC and stuff like that. Resto was extremely fun, mushrooms, hots and aoe healing. Felt like godz of healing, but.. it was so much passive. you get all your hots up, mushrooms go boom, cast AoE and.. that was it. Keep up and maintain your hots. That quickly bored me and all the Cat excitement was passing too.. no big numbers, just bleed, and i like big numbers. So, overall it was fun for a short ride.
Paladin - Oh man.. paladin.. where to start with him? my Main was paladin since BC, famous shockadin build in which i fell in love and kept being paladin. They were fun.. WERE.FUN. ends there. Leveling an paladin still is pain in the butt. Prot is fun, blasting with holy shields stuff and cant really dying (still one of the best, if not THE best tanking toolkits owners). But leveling as prot was meh. Holy? No way no how. Retri.. Slow and boring, all those slow swings. Now.. lets forward some time in future, on lvl90 pala. Well. They are fun. and thats it. Retri can produce some big hits but rotation is so boring, seal swaping and keeping inquisition up are pretty much all your stuff you need to take care of. Sure, there are CD utilization to produce more effective DPS.. But thats it. I repeat, Paladin was my main since BC up to MoP! They far to homogenized classes and paladins, fun wise, took really big hit. Cata paladin did have AoE healing, but still were focused on Single target healing and keeping tanks up. I loved when i knew that my only job in raids was to keep the tanks up. Priest or shammy got the rest of the raid covered and thats it. Sure, i wasnt the jerk so i kept helping them to top the raid, but my primary goal were the tanks. Now.. as for me.. paladins lost that role, they went to much into AoE healing and they lost that "im special here, sent by Divine identity to help you mortals out and all that while looking good and keep shining around." We kept the shine shiny wings and golden knoght with, imo, one of the best looking sets around still, but we lost that "were special" feeling. Pala healing ended up quite.. passive. well retri too.. boring at least. I dont know ONE person who plays pala and doesnt have at least fairly complexive alt as Shaman, Sub rogues or such. I know why they went and homogenize holys so much, i undestand it and i to some point support it. Back in the pre MoP exp a holy was MUST in raids to keep the tanks up, any half geared paladin could do equally good job as good geared shaman, druid or priest. Why? Because our heals were hitting like crazy! that had to change.. and it did.. IMO in a somewhat bad way for palas as they lost their "touch."
If youre up for fairly passive and kinda boring experience that keeps topping the healing meters. Go pala. but i think that it will bore you quite fast.. as it was mine me. I keep playing them, but just to keep him "there" ready for WoD and chasing old transmog sets.
Monk - My new main. Well. If you are back on Live servers it means that you have a new class available, monks. I highly suggest you to try one. Tanks, Healers and melee DPS. They took all the fun stuff from all the classes added a small touch of pandaren brew flavor and made monks. I was tanking most of the leveling and some MoP LFR runs. It IS fun! really fun, smashing boss head with keg of brew, keeping your stacks of brew up are really fun. Fairly decent toolkit, not as bigs as paladins, but fairly decent. Officially class with the most mobility. DPS part is fun too, but you probably want to know about healing.
Monk healing composes from two styles, official "mistweaving" and "unofficial" Fistweaving. Mistweaving is fun and ok, fairly strong as monks can have HUGE INSTANT healing bursts at the cost of mana. But mana was never monks issue, at least not after you pass ilvl500, which is easy to hit. Monks aoe healing toolkit is fairly good but it lacks power. in 10 man we can almost blanket our whole raid with healing in a seconds (up to 8 targets in constant smart HoT, whole raid insta heal and Statue passive healing). were not so represented so much in 25m progress ladder as we lack the toolkit for 25mans.
Now, unofficial healing style, fistweaving. As the name says.. Monks DO DAMAGE TO HEAL! do i need to say anything more? Its unofficial as its not supported by blizzard or were having special toolkit for it (we will have it in WoD with new healing stance added). It was something that was planned during MoP betas as Monks "special" healing style. As it was hard to balance they didnt went trough with whole idea, instead they just gave us an option of such playstyle at the huge cost of efficiency. But as gear improved more and more room opened for fistweaving. Result was several nerfs to mistweavers spells as they kept getting better and better. Still, at the end of exp, there is a lot of room for fistweaving (any of LFRs and large number of Flex SoO bosses). Blizz decided to just went trough with it, were at the end of expansion and making some major changes to class is pointless. They decided to save those changes for WoD. Idea is that you use your Its few DPS spells to do damage from which you get a ton of passive healing trough mistweavers and statue passive to heal the raid. As i said, mistweavers dont really need to pay attention to mana at this point (or pass ilvl 500ish), so your goal is to hit 5100 spirit (which is extremely easy) to cap Hit and exp and then stack as much Int as you can. More int more spell damage, more damage more healing. Generally Its really not so wide spread as its not official and not so many bosses can support that healing style, you can pretty much fist all LFRs and majority of Flex with it, but if we talk about progress or guild gearing runs, pretty much forget it and go full mistweaving. But when we can to fist.. i get roughly 160-180k-ish DPS and around 150-170k HPS. So.. were increasing raid damage output and keep healing. This is, in 10 man, really good. Key note is to know when to mist and when to fist, as to when you should STOP fisting as its insanely fun. My 2 cents.. try out monk, it might not be what are you looking for, but whole class is fun to play and extremely mobile. with monk its down to either you like it or you don't theres no "maybe" with them. DPS wise they dont have instant burst, and their DPS is not rolercoaster ride, their DPS is constant with a bit higher numbers when tiger pet is out and your under brew buff, but thats it. Survival kit is really good. Bad thing about monk healing is.. all the overhealing. I know some extremely good Mist monks that know how to keep low on overhealing meters, for US, Casuals/Semi casuals.. Were in upper half of overhealing. But, as i said, we have no issues with mana, nor im in a progressive team so i dont really care so much about it.
Shaman - Straight off the bat - i play Ehance with Resto offspec so i have two gear sets that i have to manage. My main alt and class that i played back in vanilla. Enhance. I have no word to express my joy while playing it. Fast hitting, flashy with insane burst and big numbers, wide array of survival CDs, personal and raid wise. Healing wise. Its fun, not so much as monk healing (at least not for me) but It is fun. Pretty much everything is said about them by more serieous people, or pros, like Stoove and Hybrys. Gaming wise, its fun, Glyphing your Riptide you can blanket out whole raid chain heals and healing rains.. I love it, IMO, gods of AoE healing while having fun! They already explained about totems so were not so much more locked in place, they are now more CDs than actual buffs to manage. Our healing became more active and fun. I like it, i really do and its fun and keeps you up. My 2 cents. really fun spec to play.
Priest - Dont really want to comment on that one as its clother and more healing orientated class than other ones already mentioned.

Bottom line is.. between Shaman and Paladin, as i already had them as my mains, fun wise i would go for Shaman every day. I still carry paladins in my heart and hope that they will find a real direction with them. It looks like somewhere along the line they lost their "paladins way" and became just to much homogenized class wearing one of the shiniest and best looking sets in game, with retris crying for rotation change. As would anyone here say to you, Its down to personal choice really, were all giving you our opinion on this topic, my 2 cents are here. Keep in mind that you posted this in Shaman sub forum, so you really wont get that much opinion on a paladin side. I would like to suggest you to at least try monks, you might like them. 

Im sorry for a long long wall of text and thanks to anyone who actually took time to read it all and survived all the grammar errors. smile.png

Edited by Bedle

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Healing wise. Its fun, not so much as monk healing (at least not for me) but It is fun. Pretty much everything is said about them by more serieous people, or pros, like Stoove and Hybrys.




Sadly, I reckon if we were real pros we wouldn't do this for free ;)

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