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[H]LUX AETERNA - PVE - Deathwing

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Lux Aeterna is a young guild formed by experienced friends who have grown tired of the elitist and sometimes toxic environments that exist in some progressive raiding guilds. We have come together to play in a fun and relaxed environment while still looking to progress through end game content in the near future. At Lux Aeterna there is a place for everybody, if you are a new player looking to have a fun levelling experience then you will find it with us. If you think some end game content is out of your reach and are afraid to step into Mythic Dungeons or Raids then join us, we will happily get you in groups with experienced players so you can join in the fun. At Lux Aeterna the focus is on fun and relaxation and everyone is welcome to play their own way, one day a week or several days a week, all are welcome. 

If this sounds of interest to you then feel free to message me





Edited by jonnod
horde tag added

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