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What are the ilvls for the optimum dps for each spec?

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Honestly, I'd say Frost the entire way up.  It's the easier spec to play, along with scaling very linearly w/ gear.  I'm not 100%, but confident in it.

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Either one is close enough that you can pretty much just pick whichever one you like better. Frost is easier to play optimally, and it is maybe 1-2% better than unholy if both are executed flawlessly, but that doesn't mean a good unholy DK can't beat a good frost DK sometimes.


Unholy was better in ToT, but it wasn't because of ilvl, it was because of the way RPPM worked on trinkets at the time. if you sat out of combat for 5minutes you were guaranteed to have every trinket proc at the start of the fight with hero, and potion, and you had a perfect disease snapshot. now that it has been changed unholy is a little bit behind at any ilvl.

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unholy is better for progression i'd say frost is still fine don't get me wrong but as unholy u can ignore 4set as for frost 4set is basicly a must maybe not a MUST but like i'ts pretty damn good unholy a normal to heroic item is a higher dps increase then 4 I personally like unholy a lot more frost is way to boring dw is like 4 buttons 2h is like 5 and you don't have to keep track of anything but to each their own

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I should also comment on storms post it's not 100% the RPPM thing 98% of the time both trinkets rune etc all pop at start of fight the main reason unholy was insane is heroic TF Ji-kuns trinket it gave 18.9k str at it's highest stack might be lower or higher i can't remember but that's more then Heroic WF trinkets to day they nerfed it since then but that was 40ish ilvls ago which is pretty insane if you think about it

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Im back again in MoP and have been away from wow since early cata and I havent raided with DK since Wotlk and I simply love unholy dk so I went that even since most ppl play frost. And Im about getting close to 560 gear and I seriosly think  unholy outperform frost. Im not raiding seriously so Im not sure I can back that up. But when I oqueque for raids I havent been beaten in dps from another DK so far and I have met alot of dks with higher ilevel then me. They could all just be bad so :-D

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blueblurr the reason for this is unholy and frost are very slim difference and if frost is missing 4set TTT or Evil eye they instantly get knocked down a fair bit unholy only need 2 set and maybe Evil eye obviously they would perform better with the others but they don't really need as much as frost also most people who play frost just scuk in general

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