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Help with AskMrRobot, for my BM hunter.

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Im a 575 Bm hunter and have been using AMR ( AskMrRobot ) and FMD ( FemaleDwarf ) for sim'ing. Every time I change the stat priority to Haste, Mastery, Crit I end up sim'ing lower then if it was set to Haste, Crit, Mastery. I leave the sim on default except for fight length which i set to 10 mins instead of 5 mins. Can someone please tell me if Im doing something wrong. In the edit stat weights part of AMR I was setting haste to 2.5 mastery 2.45 and crit 2.4 everything else was default for BM Hunter. The normal AMR BM Hunter weights are haste 2.5 crit 2.45 master 2.4. 


Realm: Feathermoon

Toon: Fenrisrex 

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Okay, I'm a little confused at what you're asking.  If AMR and FMD agree that you should be going Haste > Crit > Mastery, what exactly is the issue?

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Thought that i might be doing something wrong while reforging my gear or setting stat weights

No sir, it sounds like you are doing exactly the right thing by testing it on AMR and FMD both!  It's most likely that at your gear level and w/ the CDR trinket (Assurance of Consequence), Crit comes ahead and you're optimizing your character correctly!

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