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[US-Mannoroth][A] <Warcraft Addicts> Recruiting 3N/W

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Warcraft Addicts: an Alliance Semi-Hardcore raiding guild located on Mannoroth with a rich history of raiding.


Established: 2008

Loot System: EPGP

Raid Days: T W TH

Raid Times: 8:45 PM - 11:45 PM EST

Current Progression: 6/7 N 2/7 H


Goal and Mission: To provide a competitive PvE environment with the understanding life will interfere at times. 


Current Needs:

Ranged DPS


(Sub Ranged DPS)

(Sub Melee DPS)

(Sub Healers)


What We Seek:

Exceptional, skilled Players, who are committed to long term progression.

Players who seek to consistently improve their characters.

Players who are like minded with our mission/goal.

Players who hold themselves accountable for their actions in game.

Players with a strong desire to be part of a family of players.


What We Offer:

A social, friendly guild, where people are laid back and a lot of fun.

A Semi-Hardcore raiding environment with an understanding of what lies outside the window next to your computer.

Guild Events that include social events, mount runs, raffles/lotteries, and much more with an officer dedicated to this.

Achievement nerds who would love to work with you to build up those achievement points.

A team of solid officers with years of experience in World of Warcraft under different game atmospheres.

Complete transparency with our policies and status of the guild.


Website: www.warcraftaddicts.org


Contact: Our officer core is dedicated to making our guild goals/mission a reality and can answer any questions you may have.




Edited by Sappora

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