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[Archived] Shadow Priest 5.4

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does glyph of shadow word: death still give a shadow orb when used on things above 20% health?


i wouldn't think it would but they don't say it doesn't. I don't have the glyph so i can't test it myself.

Nope. It's only really useful in pvp (if that).

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Guest Gloraison

Bonjour and thank you for the guide and the discussion about it !

Something has been troubling me for a while but no one seems to argue about talents, especially SW : Insanity. Last time I checked, it had the best SP scaling and is even better when you're 4pT14. Thus I believe that it clearly is underused, even though I haven't had much time to really think about it.

If I'm correct, when I'm against many opponents, the other talent (procs on vampiric touch) is not as efficient because I will have too many procs : when you spam Mind Spike, you don't refresh your SW : Pain which results to a lack of procs to speed up MB + loss of the DoT (when there really are too many adds and the Mind Sear really looks too weak, maybe because of my equipment...) ; when you ignore some free Mind Spike, you reduce the interest of the talent and doing so won't make it powerfull enough to match with the Insanity.

Am I not correct on this way of regarding things ? Because on the other hand, you can target, destroy the DoT and cast it right after then target another one in a cycle that, ideally, never lets anything depend on randomness nor changes the rythm. I haven't analyzed it though, just experienced a better DPS with Insanity in these cases even though the occasions I had weren't that numerous nor striking. More important is the fact that nobody could tell me if I were either right or wrong.

Now against fights with no adds at all, my question is the same but this time, I've always considered the SW : Insanity as less interesting - and wish to know if I'm wrong on that. Or more precisely, I wonder if, passed a certain amount of SP, the Word is more powerful since it will benefit of a greater power (2600 + 243% against [1340 + 130,4%]*1,5 ~ 2, isn't it ?) . Which means that here, the Word is less interesting if you can stack the proc twice, which requires a bit of luck and needs for a constant proc left, or have more of them that the probabilities announced, am I correct ? In other world, am I right to consider that often chosen talent as very relying on chance to overcome the other one ? Talking about chance, you cast more Mind Spikes so it is (or seems to me) easier to have crit especially with a low percentage, which I supposed isn't enough an argument if you agreed with me before.

Now I might be completely wrong since my char still have a very weak gear but this talent, the Insanity, really interests me and I love playing with it. Should both talents be equally powerful - which was intended - I'd obviously take the Word oppositely to all these builds I see, yet I couldn't help but hope for it be better... And anyway, questioning the talent is the best way to understand it and, maybe, improve the efficience in switching during some encounters.


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I really dont add Mind Spike to my rotation with WDCL ..I just sit it at the end of my bar and if it lights up (procs) I hit it, lol..other than that, i dont use it ever. Keeps it easy, which is how I need things.. :D

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If I'm correct, when I'm against many opponents, the other talent (procs on vampiric touch) is not as efficient because I will have too many procs...

Which fights are you referring to here? You're certainly correct that FDCL loses much (all) of its benefit if you're unable to use the procs due to constant dot refreshing. But you'd need 6-7+ persistent targets for this... and Mindbender would be the recommended talent in that situation.

Power Word: Insanity is almost universally disdained, there's a good reply here regarding the current feeling towards PW:I in the Spriest community.

Basically, the consensus from current Shadow Priest theorycrafters is that SW:I isn't a viable talent under any circumstances. If that changes, due to another buff or a mechanic change, then I'm sure we'll find out about it shortly afterwards Posted Image

I really dont add Mind Spike to my rotation with WDCL ..I just sit it at the end of my bar and if it lights up (procs) I hit it, lol..other than that, i dont use it ever. Keeps it easy, which is how I need things.. Posted Image

I highly recommend Mindbender in this case! It's the ultimate 'fire and forget' talent. And it's close to FDCL on multi-target fights and even better on single target!

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Guest Gloraison

That link really helped me understand why it is so unused, thank you very much !

A few weeks ago though, when I used to have it, my gear didn't have much haste - which caused the 1) not to be so inconvenient. As for the 2), I used to be able to cast the Word 3-4 times on a target without even having a DoT on it, the SW : Pain being on another target, and that was extremely powerful (reached 200K without anything better than blue dungeon stuff except event trinket). Now about multi-target, using either tab or an addon to show ennemy bars (Tidy Plates) made it very easy to manage.

Anyway, it was most likely because of convenient circonstances that it seemed that efficient and I can only hope it will be modified. Thanks again for that quick and precise answer ! =)

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You are right. It was a type from my part, I've fixed it now. Thank you.

Indeed. We list the priority differently, but we believe that the results are the same. (and we don't include things like Shadowfiend in the rotation)

Hopefully, your post can serve as an alternative viable means to anyone digging deeper.


Thanks Stasis and Vlad for the reply and the info. This site is awesome and my main source to class rotations, talents, etc. Thanks again.

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Thanks Stasis and Vlad for the reply and the info. This site is awesome and my main source to class rotations, talents, etc. Thanks again.

Thank you too :)

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Guest Shadow Priest

Expertise counts as Hit Rating for casters now.

Do you have a link to support this? My understanding is Expertise is melee only. It has zero effect on casters.


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Do you have a link to support this? My understanding is Expertise is melee only. It has zero effect on casters.


I urge you to get up to date with Mists of Pandaria changes :) As a caster, your amount of expertise is directly converted into spell hit and this has been the case since the release of Mists of Pandaria. You can simply test this by reforging a stat other than Hit Rating to Expertise Rating and see if your chance to hit with spells increases.

If you think that the conversion from expertise to spell hit is a bug, then you can read this: http://www.mmo-champion.com/content/2896-New-In-Game-Cinematics-Beta-Class-Balance-Blue-Posts-Blizzard-News where Ghostcrawler clearly says:

Yes, Expertise should indeed convert to spell hit, even for pure casters. Casters might have a slight preference for certain types of weapons (as melee have for years). We make some mage blades, but not a lot.

Expertise also applies to Hunters now, so it is useful for every single DPS or tanking class in the game. As a result, you may want to revise your understanding that expertise is melee only ;)

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Guest Thad

thanks for the guide, i have several toons and i come here every time i have a question about stats/rotation/cooldowns/anything else class related, not to mention your raid guides have helped my guild progress, so thanks for another great guide!

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Guest Stylobate

I just wanted to submit an update, or rather a change. In the hit section..

2.2. Hit Cap

At level 90, most races require 5,100 Hit Rating to reach the spell hit cap. Some races, in some cases, only need 4,760 Hit Rating, thanks to passive racial skills:

Note that, in Mists of Pandaria, 1% expertise counts as 1% hit towards the spell hit cap.

The Humans need a double check. Thanks!

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Howdy, fellow shadow priests,

Coming from playing a rogue as my main in Cata, I've modified my simple Tricks macro to now spell_shadow_mindshear.jpgMind Sear which is very helpful because casting Mind Sear (as far as I know) on a target doesn't affect that target with Mind Sear. Therefore, casting it on a tank or single CC'd mob is more beneficial to your DPS and will not break the CC on the target. You can then also watch your dots on the boss (on Sha of Anger for instance) while casting Mind Sear on a focused target near all the adds.

"/cast [target=focus] Mind Sear"

You're welcome, GL

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If you add this to the macro: [nochanneling:Mind Sear] you'll be able to spam the spell without interrupting it. This way you don't have to worry about clipping the spell.

I think the macro would look something like this

/cast [target=focus, nochanneling:Mind Sear] Mind Sear

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Guest Guest

If you add this to the macro: [nochanneling:Mind Sear] you'll be able to spam the spell without interrupting it. This way you don't have to worry about clipping the spell.

I think the macro would look something like this

/cast [target=focus, nochanneling:Mind Sear] Mind Sear

ignoreing the target focus thing, would that be good to use with mind flay too?

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ignoreing the target focus thing, would that be good to use with mind flay too?

Yes, I do in fact have the same macro for mind flay


/cast [nochanneling:Mind Flay] Mind Flay

(also, if you use the ?-mark as iconand don't put a spell name behind showtooltip, the tooltip will automatically show the spell you want to cast and the icon will also change to the correct image)

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It is said that haste comes first before crit and mastery. But what if we reforge into Crit and Mastery.

With raid buff mastery will be around 35% so i can say that ever 3rd DoT tick will make damage twice (inv_chaos_orb.jpgMastery: Shadowy Recall). That gives us more procs from spell_holy_surgeoflight.jpgFrom Darkness, Comes Light and spell_priest_burningwill.jpgDivine Insight these procs do not benefit from haste, but they do from crit and also allows to use DP more often.

This really need testing.

Edited by Dia

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It is said that haste comes first after crit and mastery. But what if we reforge into Crit and Mastery.

With raid buff mastery will be around 35% so i can say that ever 3rd DoT tick will make damage twice (inv_chaos_orb.jpgMastery: Shadowy Recall). That gives us more procs from spell_holy_surgeoflight.jpgFrom Darkness, Comes Light and spell_priest_burningwill.jpgDivine Insight these procs do not benefit from haste, but they do from crit and also allows to use DP more often.

This really need testing.

You should have a look at the Shadow Priest sections of www.howtopriest.com. There are some amazing theorycrafters that post lots of detailed information on that site.

Edited by Tyranea

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Guest thad

I just wanted to submit an update, or rather a change. In the hit section..

The Humans need a double check. Thanks!

what about dwarf racial, if they have a wand does that count as a ranged weapon? which would give them an extra 1% exp

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Guest norpsa

With the recent changes to glyph of mind spike, would you still consider it mandatory? why?

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Guest Karlun

Solace and Insanity works passively to boost your single target damage, so there is nothing you need to do in particular.

This is not correct, the damage increase to Mind Flay is only given if Devouring Plague is active on your target. Making it at must to keep casting Mind Flay right after a Devouring Plague cast, even better to time it so you cast a last Mind flay within 0.1 or 0.2 of a second before DP drops of to even give that last Mind Flay the Insanity buff.

Also using Power Infusion just before a 3 orb DP will make your Mind Flay DoTs go faster and so do more damage within the DP time frame. Even using Power Infusion within a Heroism/Bloodlust/Timewarp will even improve the "Insanity" Mind Flay even more. So aligning PI with Hero/Blood/TW to get out a 3 orb DP followed by a couple of Mind Flay's will be a major DPS boost for the duration of DP.

And with these changes and the higher damage Shadow Word: Pain does now, Haste will be the most important stat. More so at higher gear ilvl. Above ilvl 500 you should give all attention to Haste on gemming and reforging even past the former soft cap.

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Guest sir fapaton

This guide is totally out of date and you should take what it says with a grain of salt. Solace and insanity outperforms FDCL in single target fights TREMENDOUSLY especially when coupled with PI. Someone didn't read the 5.2 patch notes... like at all.

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Guest sir fapaton

Also, glyph of mind spike is useless now because it doesn't work with FDCL procs anymore. Forgot to add that to my last post.

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With the recent changes to glyph of mind spike, would you still consider it mandatory? why?

I would no longer deem it mandatory, but it remains the only glyph that can boost your DPS, so you should use it.

This is not correct, the damage increase to Mind Flay is only given if Devouring Plague is active on your target. Making it at must to keep casting Mind Flay right after a Devouring Plague cast, even better to time it so you cast a last Mind flay within 0.1 or 0.2 of a second before DP drops of to even give that last Mind Flay the Insanity buff.

Also using Power Infusion just before a 3 orb DP will make your Mind Flay DoTs go faster and so do more damage within the DP time frame. Even using Power Infusion within a Heroism/Bloodlust/Timewarp will even improve the "Insanity" Mind Flay even more. So aligning PI with Hero/Blood/TW to get out a 3 orb DP followed by a couple of Mind Flay's will be a major DPS boost for the duration of DP.

And with these changes and the higher damage Shadow Word: Pain does now, Haste will be the most important stat. More so at higher gear ilvl. Above ilvl 500 you should give all attention to Haste on gemming and reforging even past the former soft cap.

Thank you for your comments. I've amended the guide in places based on it.

This guide is totally out of date and you should take what it says with a grain of salt. Solace and insanity outperforms FDCL in single target fights TREMENDOUSLY especially when coupled with PI. Someone didn't read the 5.2 patch notes... like at all.

Also, glyph of mind spike is useless now because it doesn't work with FDCL procs anymore. Forgot to add that to my last post.

Thank you for your comment. I do disagree however that the guide was at any point "totally out of date". The value of Solace and Insanity was very close to that of From Darkness Comes Light even until just a few weeks before 5.2 went live. You must understand that before a patch is released, we rely on information from the PTR, and results from Simulationcraft. Given the fact that Blizzard often make changes to the PTR (many of which are not documented), and Simulationcraft is always releasing new and improved versions, the value of talents before live release, and shortly thereafter, is extremely volatile.

I agree that, according to Simulationcraft, Solace and Insanity outperforms From Darkness Comes Light, but I hardly feel that having a single (or a few) pieces of advice that do not conform to the most recent trend render the entire guide out of date. And regarding your second post, I never mentioned that Glyph of Mind Spike works with From Darkness Comes Light. In fact, I specifically mentioned that it does not (I was linking to Surge of Darkness, the proc of From Darkness Comes Light, which may have been somewhat confusing).

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Guest rzel

I have a question about the foor enchant

Why is pandaren step recommended?

Greater haste has 175 haste which is a lot better than having 140 mastery.

And we should alway have the mind flay speed buff on us, so getting places should not be an issue.

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