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[Archived] Holy Priest 5.4

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when you say for cloak enchant lightweave is the most recomended at 2k proc of int witch most of the time will be wasted wouldnt dark glow be better seeing as your are almost never at 100% mana and you will almost always make use of it

Why would it be wasted? Just like Darkglow not being wasted becuase you are below 100% mana, you are usually constantly healing (even hot ticks) which can make use of it.

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Guest alpanhell


I see some earlier postings related to this so I think maybe it has changed but I'm still confused. In stats priority you have intell > spirit (which makes sense to me), yet in gems you say I should put a sparkling (spirit) gem in a prismatic socket. Shouldn't I be looking for brilliant (intell) there? In fact you have no brilliant gem mentioned anywhere, not even for a red socket (though you do have purified which is reasonable).

In any case thanks for your guide, much appreciated!!

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Guest Körsbäret

Hi, thank you for a nice guide! Many good things to take note of.

Another reason why I feel Desperate Prayer is a great spell is because if you combine it with Void Shift you can compensate for your own health loss by using this instant selfs cast during high damage. I've macroed Void Shift + Desperate Prayer + PW:S for this purpose.

When it comes to the discussion about Mastery, I must say that I don't concur completely with the guide either. I don't see the point of stacking haste if your next break point is very far away. I heal 10-man and usually we 2 heal on progression. I feel echo of light really help keeping the raid from falling below a certain point when there is a lot of raid wide damage and also when movement is required. It's very rare that the raid is completely topped off. I can't say how it compares to crit though because I never stacked it whole heartedly. I can't recall if Echo of Light has been my top healing done spell but very often it's in my top 3 (usually poh, coh and echo). Although I should add that this mostly applies when there is a lot of raid wide damage. From our (myself & co healers) perspective it was super awesome on Garalon, Amber Shaper & Empress, I stacked a bit more Mastery for these fights. I usually heal with Shammy, Druid or Disc. Because of my personal experiences (since I'm not basing it on any wide statistics) I feel the guide under valuates mastery, which I felt the need to point out for balance' sake. Posted Image

Please keep up the good work and I look forward to reading more! \o/

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Guest Epik

I Love you guys, I always come here to check out what I should be doing. I'm wondering what your personal opinion in on the Mindbender vs PW: Solace spell. I mean, obviously, at first glace, if you were to cast PW:Solace every 10 seconds on Cd then you get a 6% mana regen per 60 seconds (before haste) and that is completely doable considering it's an instant cast incorporating a quick macro would work easy enough to handle targeting and casting; and of course with mindbender you're looking at a 3% regen per 60 seconds- so clearly to look at it that way, Solace is the way to go. So I was wondering what you guys think-- what would you go with?

Again, thanks so much for all the information!

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I've completed several updates to this guide, fixing issues reported here (thanks, it is very much appreciated!) as well as other issues. Notably, I've changed the guide to reflect much more favourably on Mastery as opposed to Haste or Crit, and also to reflect that single target healing is quite viable. They should be going up later today!

Regarding the previous post, I think that of those two, it's really up to how often you can actually cast Power Word: Solace. If you can afford to use it every time the cooldown is over, then great. But if not (super heavy raid damage, though I can't think of a situation quite that stressful), then Mindbender would better since it requires fewer casts. If you're doing single target healing (and so, aren't relying on Prayer of Healing, Circle of Healing), then FDCL is probably better than both.

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Sorry Vlad, Divine Insight is on another talent tier (rank 5).

Other option other than PW: Solace and Mindbender is From Darkness Comes Light.

Im still not convinced on either Solace or Mindbender, atm I am using mindbender just for the fact that it is less casts. I really really miss being able to spam Solace in times of little to no damage though.

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Sorry Vlad, Divine Insight is on another talent tier (rank 5).

Other option other than PW: Solace and Mindbender is From Darkness Comes Light.

Im still not convinced on either Solace or Mindbender, atm I am using mindbender just for the fact that it is less casts. I really really miss being able to spam Solace in times of little to no damage though.

I don't know why I said Divine Insight :P Thanks.

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Guest Storm

So given the stat priority changes, AMR has not updated and is still showing int > spirit > haste > crit > mastery.. any recommended weights to manually use the new stat priority of int > spirit > mastery > crit > haste? (just swap master and haste numbers?) Thanks!

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Guest CamelKnight

So given the stat priority changes, AMR has not updated and is still showing int > spirit > haste > crit > mastery.. any recommended weights to manually use the new stat priority of int > spirit > mastery > crit > haste? (just swap master and haste numbers?) Thanks!

I came here because of the same conclusion. AMR is telling us to get haste over mastery, while IV is going for mastery over haste. it's like my shadowpriest is telling me to do this, while holy is telling me to do that. :S

Funny thing is that AMR is actually pointing to IV and vice versa Posted Image

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Guest davesignal

Vlad, you mention that the Renew glyph is normally a disadvantage, but that's not really true. It is always a HPS gain to glyph Renew, since it increases your ticks by 33%. If you are tank healing, this is a tremendous boon! Since you are going to be automatically refreshing Renew with Chakra: Serenity, the reduced duration is completely irrelevant and it should never fall off anyway. It should be considered a required glyph for single target/tank healing.

If you are not tank healing, however, the situation is different. If you have very little haste, then the glyph is a boon: below the first Haste Breakpoint for Renew (around 12.51% with raid buffs), Glyphed Renew has the same HPM but superior HPS (you will heal as much over 9 seconds glyphed that you would 12 seconds unglyphed). You should always glyph Renew at this point (unless other glyphs are more valuable for your encounter).

If you have between 12.51% and 16.65% Haste, with raid buffs, then the Glyph of Renew is a HPM loss but remains a HPS gain, due to the additional tick you gain by breeching the first Renew break point. At this point, you should only glyph Renew if you are tank healing.

At 16.66% Haste, with raid buffs, Glyphed Renew hits its first break point and gains an additional tick-- at this level of haste, Glyphed Renew is once again superior in terms of HPS and HPM.

To make a long story short-- due to Haste Scaling, follow these rules

Below 12.51% Raid Buffed Haste: Use Glyph of Renew for Raid Healing and Tank Healing

Between 12.51% and 16.66% Raid Buffed Haste: Only use Glyph of Renew for Tank Healing

Above 16.66% Raid Buffed Haste: Use Glyph of Renew for Raid Healing and Tank Healing

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Guest jhazrun

If you have between 12.51% and 16.65% Haste, with raid buffs, then the Glyph of Renew is a HPM loss but remains a HPS gain, due to the additional tick you gain by breeching the first Renew break point. At this point, you should only glyph Renew if you are tank healing.

It's a relatively obscure interaction, but Chakra:Serenity refresh actually always calculates the new duration as if Renew was unglyphed, haste breakpoints included. With e.g. 15% haste, a glyphed Renew has 3 ticks normally, but 6 when refreshed (4 base + 1 from >=12.51% haste + 1 carried over).

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Guest CamelKnight

In 5.2 a new tier set was introduced. For priest it has a nice buff: Your Prayer of Mending heals for 10% more each time it jumps to a new target.

What I want to know is if it stacks with "Glyph of Prayer of Mending". So would the next jump be +70% or just be +10% since the extra 60% from the glyph falls off after that?

If it's 70%, I can see that glyph becoming mandatory when you have at least 2 items of the new tier set. Favoring just about anything.

I currently have Renew, Mass Dispell and Lightspring glyphed (the last since ppl are unable to click Lightsprings since.... well, forever). It would be a hard choice to drop any of those tbh.

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Guest Mr Holy

I'm afraid I have to join Peelyon, "Guest_resto spec warlock_*", and everyone else in disagreeing with the stat priorities guide. intel > spirit > haste till cap > mastery > haste > crit sounds very appropirate and should be strongly considered.


"Note that in 10-man raiding, Mastery is of low importance since it does not benefit from Posted ImageRenew (which is used extensively)."

This is just incorrect. All you have to do is log on to your priest, cast renew, and see that mastery does kick in. Not sure how this has gone unnoticed. This only furthers the argument for a higher mastery priority.

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Guest baur


"Note that in 10-man raiding, Mastery is of low importance since it does not benefit from wow_icon_spell_holy_renew.jpgRenew (which is used extensively)."

This is just incorrect. All you have to do is log on to your priest, cast renew, and see that mastery does kick in. Not sure how this has gone unnoticed. This only furthers the argument for a higher mastery priority.

but just for the initial healing that it does.

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Guest Kent

The info on glyphs is incorrect, glyph of deep wells increases lighwell charges by two, glyph of lightwell changes your lightwell to the old clickable style and increases healing by 50%.

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Guest Duchess

Since AMR does not provide a setup for the Stat Weights we prefer for 25man raiding, could the numbers to input manually please be added to the guide where it mentions going to AMR? smile.png

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Guest Sidka

Section 3.3.4 in the Rotations and Cooldowns...


I want to mention that Void Shift is the best spell to clear a DK's Purgatory. Since it's percentage based, it will ALWAYS heal through whatever they just took, and clear the debuff. As well, it will not bring you below 25% doing this. 


I rarely have seen this mentioned anywhere. Just regards to it being like a LoH for priests. I did this again this week in a 10 man in ToT. 

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Guest Sidka

Hello again, 

I wanted to add a few more things to this. 


For Builds, Talents, and Glyphs

4. Tier 3 Talents

From Darkness, Comes Light. The information there is great already, however I wanted to add that this DOES proc off of Renew's initial cast. If you're a 10 man raid healer, this is really nice to stack obtain free stacks of Serendipity. 


Now... if you have the T16 2pc bonus from Siege of Org, it increases the next Greater Heal or Prayer of Healing by 50% per charge of Serendipity. Making easy 850k+ crit heals (iLvl 548 when I discovered this, now 561) with Greater Heal, using this combination. 

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Guest Lucifia

Hi guys,


just wondering, as the Prismatic Prison of Pride is part of the BiS trinkets for holy priests (at least, from what I read on this site), and it adds 7% haste, would it be possible to add a soft cap value for haste that would take this 7% into consideration to the table?


Unless I'm not understanding this right, I'm currently over cap when reforging to 4721, as this trinkets bumps my haste above the intended 16.66%.


Thanks for the guide, it rocks smile.png

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Guest Lucifia

Hi guys,


just wondering, as the Prismatic Prison of Pride is part of the BiS trinkets for holy priests (at least, from what I read on this site), and it adds 7% haste, would it be possible to add a soft cap value for haste that would take this 7% into consideration to the table?


Unless I'm not understanding this right, I'm currently over cap when reforging to 4721, as this trinkets bumps my haste above the intended 16.66%.


Thanks for the guide, it rocks smile.png


After re-testing, it appears I was wrong about this, as the 7% haste is included in the 4721. My being over soft cap was more a problem with reforgelite than anything.

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Hi guys,


just wondering, as the Prismatic Prison of Pride is part of the BiS trinkets for holy priests (at least, from what I read on this site), and it adds 7% haste, would it be possible to add a soft cap value for haste that would take this 7% into consideration to the table?


Unless I'm not understanding this right, I'm currently over cap when reforging to 4721, as this trinkets bumps my haste above the intended 16.66%.


Thanks for the guide, it rocks smile.png

I'm curious how much Renew makes up of your total healing?  This is the second time this month that someone has referenced keeping their 4721 plateau.  If you prefer, just PM me your WoL or WL and I'll poke around there for some answers.  Thanks in advance!

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