Mykle 0 Report post Posted June 14, 2021 To Join look for Grymstone or Myk in gameRaid Days and Times: Tuesday and Thursday5-8pm Server Time, 6-9 Mountain Time, 7-10 Cent, and 8-11 EasterLoot for Kara is going to be need before greed, main spec then off spec.,Kara Raid leader is a very knowledgeable Pally TankOn 25 mans we will migrate to a DKP systemThe goal is to get a solid first core group and depending on success and growth work toward 1-2 more groups.(what we have Tank Pally, Priest Healer, MB Hunter)Looking forOff Tank: Bear Druid or WarriorHealers 2: None priestSwing Healer: 1LockMage1 other DPSRules are simple:No DramaNo DivasNo JackassesNo Politics or Real World DramaWhat we wantFunJokesGood storiesrelaxation, what is the point of a game if it isn’t fun and relaxing.Some thick skin can helpRanksOfficer:Head Cheese -GMCat Herder -Raid leaderHead Hunter - RecruiterButter Bar -JR OfficerNon-OfficerWanna Do More -someone who helps but wants to do moreHelping Hands -Some one helpsManiac -Not so new memberHangout -New MemberPromotion based on what you do, not time in guild Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites