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[EU-Twisting Nether][H] Archaic Order - recruiting dps and healers - [13/14HC]

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AO In a Nutshell.

AO is about letting people with "Real Lives" experience the end-game content. We have a relatively light and structured raiding schedule but we take our raids and gaming seriously; the philosophy is quality over quantity. We value "nice people" who fit in with our social vibe as much as our gaming aspirations: we'd rather take a nice guy with good dps, than an asshole with amazing dps.

"Raiding for grown-ups" would make a pretty good tagline for the guild.

What we're looking for

- You're a grown-up (or at least act like one most of the time).
- You are able to communicate in English.
- You have a stable ISP and decent computer.
- You have exceptional knowledge of your class and game mechanics.
- You take raiding seriously and PvE progress is your primary goal.
- You have good current and previous HC raiding experience
- You have the gear to jump into heroic encounters.

Application Process

Create a forum account and use the template below to post your application to this forum. If you'd like to talk to us in game first then the officers are Oriental, Trollnt, Noxeema, Shaorma; but feel free to ask anyone for a chat.

We'll acknowledge your application and you'll probably be asked some questions about it, if there is initial interest you will be invited onto Ventrilo for an interview. It normally takes us a few days to a week to make a decision.

Raid times 8pm-12pm (server) Wednesday, Sunday, Tuesday



If recruitment isn't open for your class we are always looking for exceptional applicants!





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