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    • By kidglock34
      I figured I'd do a Part 2 of this since I've managed to move from having never tanked before to now I can't get enough of it. 
      I've noticed a few things and wanted as much input as I can get. What has struck me so far is the lack of healers running PUGs at the lvl 60-ish area. It takes forever to get a PUG group together and I haven't been able to keep a healer with us more than 1 run through. I've made some DPS friends through PUGs which is pretty cool, but what is up with the healers???
      The second thing is how my damage relates to a few other classes at about the same level. I'm currently lvl 67. I'm able to hold aggro nearly most of the time. I have some PUG members than have a pet with taunt or something but for the most part I am good to go. What I will see are Death Knights and some Warlock/Mages that seem to be doing crazy damage while only being a level or 2 higher than I am. Is that normal or am I undergeared? I haven't quite downloaded a damage meter just yet but from watching the health bar on the enemies I've noticed that those 2 can do some big damage by themselves! So is it a gear issue with me, is it just the nature of their class at that level or are they over-geared with extra goodies figuring their main has helped pay for their current state of their equipment? And with that, any recommendations or just hang in there until I get much higher level when better equipment appears? I have Heirloom for my chest, back, shoulders, weapon and trinkets. I haven't really found any quest gear or dungeon drops that is better that what I have now.
      I can't say Thank You enough to everybody that posted advice and encouragement in my first thread. It was very helpful and I've taken a lot of it to heart and put it to work. I have had so much fun doing this...as like most things in life you are leery of...once you try it you only regret NOT doing it sooner. 
    • By Ziltana
      I'm totally ecstatic for the progression potential of mythic 5mans in Legion, and want to master the changes to prep. So I ran some Mythic dungeons tonight and would be eternally grateful for any advice from any of the experts out there :)
      Here are my logs:
      And Armory, definitely not fully geared, but pretty decent for mythic dungeons: 
      Overall, how are my numbers looking? Decent for this gear and content? 
      Some specific things:
      Am I casting Regrowth too much? It feels much more important now with the mastery stacking, but I'm not sure if it's worth the mana especially once fights start getting longer.
      I also feel like I'm replacing HoTs a little too early. Should I basically be aiming to recast Hots as late as possible, or is it more important to keep their durations high at the cost of efficiency?
      And lastly, should I worry about my overhealing? If so, what can I do to try and lessen it while maintaining hps?
    • By Archimage
      Gear scale accordingly in Timewalking dungeons to the item level of the expansion, so I was wondering if I used the Warglaive of Azzinoth in BC expansions and Shadowmourne in WotlK dungeons, will it be better than current gear?
      If I went back to BC and WotlK dungeons to farm gear, that the gear I get there won't be scaled down and will become BiS gear.
      If this is true, does anyone have the BiS lists for BC and WotlK?
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    • By Alex
      Hello guys
      I am new here and I wanted to ask what is the best spec for pve dps for warrior. I am strugling to do dmg on sigle target in heroics and cm dungeons as fury warr with 636 ilvl, when multiple mobs like 3+ Im doing great, I go with ravager and bladestorm and within seconds I go to the top on the dmg metter, but after that while these 2 are on cd I feel so useless, I am trying to do some aoe with whritwind, raging blow and dragon roar but its not going well, but that is not the real problem at all, it gets even worse when boss fight is coming, when I need to attack a signle target for a longer time, then Im not even in the top 3 dpsers on the current dmg metter. Once in cm, my dmg sucked so bad because mobs are killed 1 by 1, you know cc and stuff. I even think that I will do more dmg on sigle target as tank (most of the time as tank I am first at dps) isnt that weird to be first at dps as tank but not in the top 3 as dps in the same instance multiple times? same ilvl btw. I have read all the talents, rotations, glyphs and addons here on icy veins and Ive managed to improve my tanking skills but still nothing with the dps I am considering changing to arms spec, but I am afraid I will have the same problem. Am I doing something wrong or should try change to arms? Sorry for my bad english, its like my third language
      Mortall - lvl 100 Warrior on Kazzak
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