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An Extensive List of Removed Flirts and Jokes in Patch 9.1.5

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Blizzard has removed many character jokes and flirts from the game in Patch 9.1.5, as part of the company-wide effort of updating outdated and inappropriate references. Check out what has been removed!

The removal was brought to our attention by Reddit user Tengenflare who posted about it on Reddit.

Later, Keyboardturner compiled a spreadsheet with all removed flirts and jokes that you can check out here. The following flirts and jokes have been removed so far in Patch 9.1.5.

Blood Elf Female Jokes

  • So I went to this troll spa the other day and I wound up with dreadlocks and a frigging bone in my nose! I mean come on! Who PAYS for that?
  • So you mean I'm stuck with this hair color?!

Blood Elf Female Flirts

  • Is that a mana wyrm in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?
  • Normally, I only ride on epic mounts... But, let's talk.

Blood Elf Female Demon Hunter Jokes

  • Of course these are real. You...mean the tattoos, right?

Blood Elf Male Jokes

  • Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me?

Blood Elf Male Demon Hunter Flirts

  • Are you sure you're not part-demon? I find myself wanting to stalk you.
  • I hope you like tattoos, because they're permanent. If you don't believe me, you could try rubbing them off.

Goblin Female Jokes

  • I'm a modern goblin woman. Independent? I still let men do nice things to me. But I stopped giving them any credit.
  • I'm a free spirit. I don't like to be tied down. What? You mean literally? Oh no... totally into that.
  • Out of the way, you nobgoblin!

Goblin Female Flirts

  • I'm short and good with my hands... how can you resist?
  • Is that your wallet? Or are you just glad to see me? Both I hope!
  • So then, he asked me to go up on him!

Goblin Male Jokes

  • Yeah. He told me to tie her up and do whatever I wanted to her... so I took her stereo!

Goblin Male Flirts

  • Ever rode a rocket before? Mine's huge.
  • I like my women the way I like my fuses: Short, fast and ready to blow.
  • I got what you need. *sound of zipper*

Orc Female Jokes

  • What's estrogen? Can you eat it?

Orc Male Flirts

  • That armor looks good on you. It would look even better on my floor.
  • Um... You look like a lady.

Tauren Female Jokes

  • One time I laughed so hard I milked all over the floor.

Tauren Female Flirts

  • I've got big, soulful eyes, long eyelashes and a wet tongue. What more could a guy want?

Tauren Male Jokes

  • Homogenized? No way, I like the ladies.
  • I know it seems strange, but I'm practically a cow. So why am I wearing leather?

Tauren Male Flirts

  • Free rides for the ladies.
  • Y'know, older bulls really only have one function.

Troll Female Flirts

  • When enraged, and in heat, a female troll can mate over 80 times in one night. Be you prepared?

Troll Male Jokes

  • I've got a shrunken head: I just came out of the pool.
  • I heard if you cut off an extremity it'll regenerate a little bigger. Don't believe it.
  • I like my women dumpy and droopy with halitosis.

Troll Male Flirts

  • Want some of my jungle love?

Undead Female Jokes

  • Yes, they're REAL! They're not mine, but they're real!

Undead Female Flirts

  • Us undead girls really know how to have a good time, because after all, what's the worst thing that could happen?

Undead Male Flirts

  • Once you go dead, you never go back.

Highmountain Tauren Female Flirts

  • Are you staring at my rack?
  • You don't need to be from the Skyhorn tribe to join the mile high club.

Highmountain Tauren Male Flirts

  • Trust me... I have experience at exploring deep places.

Nightborne Female Flirts

  • Is that an illusion in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?
  • There's no area denial in this raid.

Nightborne Male Flirts

  • Mmmm, I wanna tap that ley line.

Draenei Female Jokes

  • Yes, they are real, and they can cut glass.
  • (Removed in TBC Beta): Do Gnomes have a vibrate setting? I'm just curious.

Draenei Female Flirts

  • I want you to *lick and splat* my *gurgling noises* *slurping noises*
  • (Removed in TBC Beta): You have heard of the Exodar? I will show you the Sexodar!

Draenei Male Jokes

  • When we arrived here I lost many jewels that had been in my family for generations. If you could get your hands on my family jewels I would be deeply appreciative.

Draenei Male Flirts

  • Would you be offended if I said that you had a beautiful transgoto? The other one, that's not bad either.

Dwarf Female Jokes

  • No they're not real, but thanks for noticing.
  • It's like my father always used to say: 'Shut up, and get out.'
  • My Uncle has brass balls, no really!
  • I give myself a Dutch oven pedicure every night. I've got no foot fungus at all. My toes are pristine.

Dwarf Female Flirts

  • I'll have you know I can flatten steel with my thighs.

Dwarf Male Jokes

  • Oh, I'm having a wardrobe malfunction! ('twang') Ooo, there's me hammer.

Dwarf Male Flirts

  • You look pretty, I like your hair, here's a drink... Are you ready now?
  • I must be asleep, 'cause you are a dream come true. Also, I'm slightly damp.

Gnome Male Jokes

  • I'd like to give a shout out to my boys in Gnomeregan. Keeping it real Big-T, Snoop-Pup and Little Dees. Y'all are short, but you're real, baby!

Human Female Jokes

  • Why does everyone automatically assume I know tailoring and cooking?
  • I like to fart in the tub.

Human Male Jokes

  • A guy walked up to me and said 'I'm a teepee, I'm a wigwam, I'm a teepee, I'm a wigwam!' and I said 'Relax man, you're too tense!'

Night Elf Female Jokes

  • Oh, look, I'm dancing again! (Darkly) I hope all your friends are enjoying the show...

Night Elf Female Flirts

  • Sure, I've got exotic piercings.

Night Elf Male Flirts

  • I hope you're not afraid of snakes.

Worgen Female Jokes

  • (Human Form Only?) For the holiday, he tried to give me a bone. No...a bone. An ordinary bone. What did you think I...oh...

Worgen Female Flirts

  • (Human Form Only?) Being bitchy is in my blood. Don't pretend you don't like it.
  • (Human Form Only?) Don't worry babe... the fur is just something to hold onto.
  • (Human Form Only?) (sniffs) Well, hello...
  • (Human Form Only?) I'll teach you to make my legs shake.
  • (Human Form Only?) You know... worgen women have six nipples.
  • (Human Form Only?) It all matches. Trust me.

Worgen Male Jokes

  • (Human Form Only?) It's nothing personal, I just don't feel that I really know a person until I've sniffed their crotch.
  • (Human Form Only?) Alright: I've got hairy palms. So what?

Worgen Female Flirts

  • (Human Form Only?) I hope you like it 'ruff'.
  • (Human Form Only?) Honey... being with me is like having two guys in one.
  • (Human Form Only?) I'd like to mark your territory.
  • (Human Form Only?) What big ears I have? You should check out the rest of me!
  • (Human Form Only?) If you play nice, I'll share my bone with you...

Dark Iron Dwarf Male Flirts

  • Interested in joining the mile deep club?

Lightforged Draenei Female Jokes

  • Have you seen Prophet Velen's new dance? He calls it the 'Mac'Areena'!
    • Mac'Aree has also been renamed to Eredath in Patch 9.1.5.

Lightforged Draenei Female Flirts

  • When in doubt... touch anything that glows.
  • Let's go back to my ship and twist our nethers.
  • I admire a soldier who can... remain... at attention.

Mechagnome Female Flirts

  • I used to be a ten, but then I upgraded to an eleven.

Mechagnome Male Jokes

  • Why yes, I do have a vibrate setting! Why does everyone keep asking?

Pandaren Female Jokes

  • (Listed on Wowpedia, not in live or PTR): As your leader, I encourage you from time to time, and always in a respectful manner, to question my logic. I promise you, here and now, no subject will ever be taboo. Except of course, the subject that was JUST under discussion.
  • (Listed on Wowpedia, not in live or PTR):The price you pay for bringing up my Pandaren heritage as a negative is...I collect your head! Now, if ANY ONE OF YOU HAS ANYTHING ELSE TO SAY, NOW IS THE TIME!

Pandaren Female Flirts

  • Oh, I've never done THAT before.. Uh... You're not doing it right...
  • Let me show you my kung fu grip.

Pandaren Male Flirts

  • Yeah, I would tap dat keg.
  • Hey, hot stuff. Want to try breeding in captivity?
  • Nice pants. What's the drop rate?
  • Hey gorgeous. Wanna try crane position? Oh no... For you, monkey style.
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Alright, so im typically on the side that defends blizz in some light. I dont typically slam them harshly for anything they do. Hell I actually enjoy timegated content but this?... I dont know...

These removals are just sad, like super sad. They should just remove /flirt if they think any of these are over the top. /flirt is just an emote that implies throwing yourself at someone in a "inappropriate" way depending on the context. I always found it harmless and not once did I see someone get offended by the things my Tauren or Goblins have said.

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Now this has turned into ridiculous "operation" set into motion by Blizzard's Overlords @Activision HQ. *Picard facepalm moment with the feeling* :( Unfbelievable how good things are being removed for No Logical Reason. Many of these mentioned above have brought / bring me good RP feels when used while on Azeroth :) No doubt same happens for many others. Sad to see that Blizzard is on this steam train that's going through walls that shouldn't be broken. Here's many that definitely doesn't match with "outdated & inappropriate" content :P

Hope this stops soon & many changes to be reverted. There's at least handful of changes since all this weirdoism started that doesn't have anything to do with their lawsuit. They're just doing these cause of being half blind & bowing to fragile spine snowflakeys :( Guess it's time to unsub cause now actually good content is being removed for dumb reasons. Sad current times since past fiver years or so on movie / telly, gaming industry & on some other areas in life. *WTB Carbonite Freeze or Azerothian Mage's Ice Block time for next couple decades. Hope to see 80's / 90's return when come back*.

Edited by Fedaygin
Fixed one sentence.
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2 hours ago, Stan said:

Lightforged Draenei Female Flirts

  • When in doubt... touch anything that glows.

Can someone explain me this one?

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What theya re doing to the game in 9.1.5 is stupid its gonna be an even more reason for players to not show interest in the game i for one am not gonna play the game no more ill still og in weekly to do my 2 renowns but thats it.. ill focus most of my time on another game at least they will keep mature content in the game.

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If the "everything offends me" devs want those changes, maybe we can demand those devs to be removed from Blizzard? Should we start some kind of petition for them to stop destroying the game?


What should we put it under? Health since their mental one is lacking, politics since they're turning the game into political stomping grounds, or women's rights since they are taking away our boobs and puting fruit in their place in the game? Or just entertainment, since they're taking it away and just plain destroying the game?  There is no "stop the stupidity" topic to petition against.

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On the question "if its a manawyrm in my pockets?!" i can respond: Nope its the even bigger middlefinger now!

As someone before told - this is getting out of control. I just hope they have fresh ideas for the stuff they cut away, which are funny too and not just political correctness.

With every new info to read here and there, american PoV is getting alot stranger to me as well.

You can watch in depth details and videos about guns / weapons and any other stuff of their lobby, but once you see a nipple anywhere they are getting enraged. (bodypaint artist females hello at this point!) Nipple is just an example...

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They might as well remove all flirts, as most of them are suggestive. Remember, nothing more than holding hands, this is a Christian server. This is ridiculous. Some of the jokes weren't even raunchy.

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So incredibly beyond sick of this crap. Way to punish your players for the behavior of your employees. I've never played a private server but I'm tempted because I refuse to fund this.

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Note to the mod guys: GO RECORD THESE SO YOU CAN MAKE IT INTO  A MOD! Please. I'll burn an offering to the deity of your choice, I will, I promise. Don't let these gems die.


Edited by Ltdrifter
Clarity and humour

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6 hours ago, Stan said:

Blood Elf Male Jokes

  • Don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me?


What? How? Why? It's literally the lyrics from "Don't cha" from the Pussycat Dolls. I have never seen anyone hearing that song on the radio and go "Oh wow, I'm so insulted by this song!". Is it the word 'hot'? We only get to be cool, not hot? Or is it 'girlfriend', so it doesn't remind me that I don't have one?

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6 hours ago, Razortotem said:

Alright, so im typically on the side that defends blizz in some light. I dont typically slam them harshly for anything they do. Hell I actually enjoy timegated content but this?... I dont know...

These removals are just sad, like super sad. They should just remove /flirt if they think any of these are over the top. /flirt is just an emote that implies throwing yourself at someone in a "inappropriate" way depending on the context. I always found it harmless and not once did I see someone get offended by the things my Tauren or Goblins have said.

I feel exactly the same way as you. I grew up with Blizzard games, and I support most of what they do. I feel this is just silly, however.

Some people say it's not a big deal, it won't affect the gameplay and whatever. But then again, how does it affect the game to keep something that's been there since the start? If anyone gets offended by any of these emotes, it says more about their state of mind and/or maturity level than the emotes themselves.

Edited by Draketh
Clarifying that I meant the emotes, not the act of removing them.
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4 hours ago, Baharok said:

On the question "if its a manawyrm in my pockets?!" i can respond: Nope its the even bigger middlefinger now!

As someone before told - this is getting out of control. I just hope they have fresh ideas for the stuff they cut away, which are funny too and not just political correctness.

With every new info to read here and there, american PoV is getting alot stranger to me as well.

You can watch in depth details and videos about guns / weapons and any other stuff of their lobby, but once you see a nipple anywhere they are getting enraged. (bodypaint artist females hello at this point!) Nipple is just an example...

This actually makes me even more mad.


The McCarthy committees did NOT censor Mae West for that joke. But Blizzard does. Just think of that. Blizzard is more puritanical than McCarthy

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and people always claim the slippery slope argument is fear mongering. this is what we're talking about, they've been wanting to do this for years I'm sure they were just given a reason now and will just cry bigot incel man baby who support the toxic work culture against anyone who protest these changes.

I unsubbed after the love rocket change thinking THAT was too far, this is now like a fricking parody of extreme puritan culture

Edited by Grumar

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I can only assume the share holders wants to punish someone since currently blizzard games doesnt profit them much. 

Let's just kill and it and we preserve our money and we don't have to spend money on support the on going games of it. so they're removing enjoyable parts of the game 1 by 1 and finally close it sometime in future. 

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17 hours ago, dek1979 said:

What theya re doing to the game in 9.1.5 is stupid its gonna be an even more reason for players to not show interest in the game i for one am not gonna play the game no more ill still og in weekly to do my 2 renowns but thats it.. ill focus most of my time on another game at least they will keep mature content in the game.

Oh no, I hate what you're doing and won't play your stupid game, but I'll still pay you for logging in once a week for my 2 renown ofc...


sure you might hurt that /played metric a tiny bit, but still giving them money at the end of the day so they will have to keep digging to find a duck to give. (and don't even think of using gold token as an excuse, that gives them more money than a sub does since someone has to pay for the token...)

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On 10/6/2021 at 2:52 AM, Bobbis said:

Oh no, I hate what you're doing and won't play your stupid game, but I'll still pay you for logging in once a week for my 2 renown ofc...


sure you might hurt that /played metric a tiny bit, but still giving them money at the end of the day so they will have to keep digging to find a duck to give. (and don't even think of using gold token as an excuse, that gives them more money than a sub does since someone has to pay for the token...)

Right on bro!  Onward thru the fog....

Edited by Guest

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On 10/5/2021 at 9:56 PM, Stan said:

Mechagnome Male Jokes

Why yes, I do have a vibrate setting! Why does everyone keep asking?

bruh they removed the only good part about mechagnomes

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