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WoD Predictions?

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Ok, this is basically just a desperate attempt to get some more life to the DK section, plus im at work on a Saturday and its a boring-me-to-death kind of a day so I decided to post some thoughts for the community to mutilate.


Basically, given what information is available at the moment, how do you expect DKs to behave in WoD?



I'm mostly brainstorming the secondaries here.




Given the recent Attunement implementation of Multistrike for Blood, I'd expect our selfheals and by extent our shields to have the Multistrike ability. This would lead me to expect the top survival stats to be Multistrike and Mastery for some killer shields.


I'd assume this would be the way to go at least in the first tiers or in the beginnings of a given tier.


When we start outgearing the content and going for more damage I don't know how it will turn out. Mastery will increase damage and Multistrike will still Multistrike but then theres also the crit and through that, parry. I'd expect this to be determined later when the tuning process starts to go further and we start knowing the value of each stat per point. This ofc affects the first part about survivability too.


TL;DR: I believe our go-to stats would be MS and Mastery.




Again I'm using the current Attunement info as a basis, which for Frost is Haste. Also I've almost exclusively played 2H, so this will be on that weapon choice.


I think 2H will keep their core gameplay of capitalising on KM procs for Obliterate. I expect to be stacking haste for dem melee swings for more KM.


Seeing how our Mastery doesn't affect our number 1 damage source, and the guaranteed crits from KM, I'd expect the second priority secondary to be Multistrike and hope it procs on a KM'd Obliterate.


From there on in I'm a little clueless again. Do we value crit as highly as we do now (even if it doesnt affect KM'd Obliterates) or would we try to further bolster the hard hitters (those KM'd Obliterates) by having Versatility next in line?


TL;DR: I believe the stat prio would be roughly Haste > MS > Versatility = Crit > Mastery



Brainstorm! I need thoughts to read.

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You left out unholy :(


Frankly I think with the change to diseases unholy is going to be the go to spec. With diseases getting boosted, unholy having stronger diseases already, then a lvl 90+ skill improved diseases I think festerblight is going to be a choo choo train of devastation. Even then lets factor in necrotic plague. Necrotic plague + unholy diseases boosts = potential awesomeness. 


I'm calling it now, in WLoD unholy is going to be the go to pve spec :D

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I left out unholy cos i have no experience with the spec :(


I hope it doesn't go to a single spec being too much ahead of the rest. I've tried to have unholy as my offspec, but i didn't really ever feel at home with it. As DPS is only my offspec and I do like 2H frost very much, I hope it'll be within the same ballpark dps range with the rest.

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