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New World Patch 1.0.4 Notes

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A new patch has arrived in Aeternum and it's focusing on some common issues players have called out and it's also re-enabling Outpost Rush and server transfers (both a while after the patch goes live, depending on region)!  The big fixes include the AoE War-related exploit, faction token limit increases and fixes, a buff to Life Staff and many other bugfixes!

Amazon Logo1.0.4 Notes (Source)

New World Update 1.0.4 will release for the Central Europe, US East, South America, and AP Southeast regions at 10PM PT (5AM UTC) on October 27. US West will begin downtime at 11PM PT (6AM UTC) on October 27.

Greetings, Adventurers!

Update 1.0.4 is primarily focused on fixing the top issues our players have been hitting in recent weeks, especially those impacting wars. Notable fixes include resolving the AoE magic effect War exploit, the issue preventing players from being able to appropriately increase their Faction token cap, and beginning work on addressing issues causing invulnerability. We’d like to thank you for your patience as our team continues to work on resolving the issues, and for your reports on our official forums. You can find a full list of changes and fixes below, but first, we’d like to share our plan for rolling out Outpost Rush and server transfers in a safe method.

Outpost Rush and Server Transfers Rollout Plan

After the downtime required to deploy the 1.0.4 update, we will re-enable Outpost Rush and server transfers at the times listed below.

Server Transfers

US West will be enabled at 2AM PT (9AM UTC) when downtime from 1.0.4 is complete. After we monitor Server Transfers in US West to ensure no new issues are encountered, we will re-enable it for the remaining regions at 2PM PT (9PM UTC). No server restarts are required.

Outpost Rush

South America: 2AM PT (9AM UTC) when downtime from 1.0.4 is complete.

After we monitor Outpost Rush in South America to ensure no new issues are encountered, we will enable it for the following regions at the times below.

US West: 10AM PT (5PM UTC)

US East: 12PM PT (7PM UTC)

AP Southeast: 2PM PT (9PM UTC)

Central Europe: 7PM PT (2AM UTC, 10/29)

Our goal is to adhere to the schedule above, but may need to adjust the timing depending on any issues (or lack thereof). We’ll keep you updated on our forums and through in-game messaging for any incoming downtime. Thank you to our players in US West and South America for helping us ensure these features are ready for the worldwide rollout, and thank you to everyone for your understanding and patience.

General Changes

  • Removed the Everfall starting beach to funnel new players through the other 3 locations to increase the probability of new players and friends being able to start together.

  • The first house discount reduces the purchase price, but does not reduce taxes. However, the UI indicated to players that their taxes would be reduced, and it was only after purchasing the house and needing to pay taxes that they discovered they had to pay full price. We will compensate any player who purchased a house before the UI fix went out with 2,000 coins.

  • Slightly improved performance within Wars.

  • Slightly improved the performance of the Life Staff with changes to the passive abilities Mending Touch and Blissful Touch.

  • In update 1.0.3 we corrected a bug causing companies to lose income from owning multiple territories or from failed War declarations. With this update we are reimbursing lost coin revenue.

    • The Company treasury will be reimbursed for all lost coin revenue resulting from the issue.

    • The revenue returned will not exceed the treasury cap.

    • If a Company has been completely abandoned, they will not recover lost coin.

  • We increased the Faction token cap by 50% for each Faction tier. We made this change so that players can earn extra tokens even if they've hit the reputation cap and want to save up while working to advance to the next Faction rank. Here are the new values:

    • Tier 1: 5,000 tokens, increased to 7,500

    • Tier 2: 10,000 tokens, increased to 15,000

    • Tier 3: 15,000 tokens, increased to 22,500

    • Tier 4: 25,000 tokens, increased to 37,500

    • Tier 5: 50,000 tokens, increased to 75,000

General Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the Faction token caps were not increasing after players had completed the rank-up quests for their faction.

  • Fixed a rare issue causing world time to skip ahead or behind, which would subsequently cause a variety of issues across the world.

  • Fixed an issue causing players to lose houses they owned in Cutlass Keys.

  • Fixed several rare server crash issues.

  • Fixed an issue with the suspension/ban notification showing incorrect times.

  • Fixed an issue where players could use their world transfer token while they still had active trading post contracts, causing additional issues when the transfer resolved.

  • Fixed an issue causing some AI to not spawn in the world as intended.

  • Fixed an issue where Mrykgard Corrupted portals in Shattered Mountain were distributing higher tier gear than intended, and respawning faster than intended.

  • Fixed an issue where enemies in Myrkgard Corrupted portal events were dropping loot.

  • Fixed an issue causing an unintended animation when interacting with the bubbling cauldron housing item, and an issue causing the ladle object to not appear in the player’s hand while interacting.

  • Fixed an issue with Starmetal and Orichalcum ore veins where large ore veins were rewarding small amounts of ore and small ore veins were rewarding larger amounts of ore.

  • Fixed an issue where the War lottery timer would not pause correctly during the War lockout period.

  • Fixed the render distance of the Jack-o-Lantern Pumpkin lights.

  • Fixed an issue causing the GM chat tag to show on non-GM players.

  • Fixed an issue causing armor textures to flicker.

  • Fixed an issue in the Starstone Barrows Expedition where the arcane protection was not protecting players from certain lasers.

  • Fixed an issue where certain enemies in the Amrine Excavation were invulnerable.

  • Fixed an issue where the Ice Pylon could stay on an infinite cooldown.

  • Fixed an issue where players could obtain rings that had two perks sharing an exclusive perk label, and shouldn't exist on the same ring.

  • Fixed an issue causing the projectile visual to be absent from Ice Gauntlet and Ice Pylon attacks.

  • Fixed an issue where players would be unable to complete a variety of game actions after fast traveling.

Speculative Fixes

The fixes listed below are tentative fixes and mitigations. Our goal is to get these changes out and see if issues persist, so we can continue to work on them and address in a future update if necessary.

  • Fixed a War exploit where players could use area of effect (AoE) magic effects to capture rally points without taking damage. This should be improved by the War performance and Life Staff performance updates, but we will continue to monitor to see if issues persist.

  • We have fixed several known causes of players being invulnerable. This issue is a top priority for our team, and we are continuing to track down fixes for additional causes of this issue.

  • We have speculatively fixed the issue where players could get stuck after leaving Outpost Rush. This was a rare issue and our team was not able to reproduce it. We will continue to monitor during the rollout.


Thank you for your support! We’ll see you in Aeternum.

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