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Guest Darb

just a heads up that under spell summary, 1.2.4, the healer loadout was used instead of the tank loadout

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Guest Dax

You cannot get experience from level 70 mobs. Only mobs up to level 69 will grant exp.

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21 minutes ago, Guest Dax said:

You cannot get experience from level 70 mobs. Only mobs up to level 69 will grant exp.

This is not true, you do still gain experience from level 70 mobs. There was some deeply entrenched misinformation about this when the cap was level 60, but it didn't affect anything since the best route was still in Azys Lla with level 59 enemies. For level 70 it is still best to level up on the level 70 Hobgoblins in Kholusia, and at level 80 it will probably be similar in that we will level up on densely populated level 80 enemies somewhere in an Endwalker zone.

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Guest three characters lon

Stage 12 and 13 have the same video.

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On 7/28/2023 at 8:58 AM, Guest three characters lon said:

Stage 12 and 13 have the same video.

Hi! Fixed this as soon as we got feedback on it, thanks!

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Guest BLUtraining

Just followed the location for Qiqirn Shellsweepers to learn Faze. There is no coordinate x:9 that can be gotten to in Central Thanalan. Instead they are at about x:16.2 y:19.4

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Guest Hobb

I used a method I read somewhere else to solo powerlevel. In The Tempest north of Ondo Cups there is an area with creatures called Clionids and Deep-sea leeches that are around lvl 79. If the Clionids get near the leeches, they will eat them and if you have the leeches aggroed you will get the exp.  My method was:

  1. Sleep the leech
  2. Stand near it and use sticky tongue to pull a clionid over
  3. Get some distance while the clionid was stunned
  4. The clonid would wake up, eat the leech, and give me tons of exp
  5. Book it because the clionid will one shot you at low levels

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Guest HanzzoKai

What is the ideal role to use via aetherial mimicry when soloing? I tend to use healer for Pom cure. Is there better usage?

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On 10/14/2023 at 2:38 AM, Guest Nerd said:

Wrong guide on stage 27. Sticky tongue does not work there.

There's a video attached to Stage 27, and you can see Liam use Sticky Tongue to move a bomb. It does work.

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Guest Totems

For at least White Wind, totems are not the only method to learn it. I got it earlier today from Ekidnu and Gilgamesh.

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On 11/11/2023 at 2:39 AM, Guest Totems said:

For at least White Wind, totems are not the only method to learn it. I got it earlier today from Ekidnu and Gilgamesh.

While it's technically possible, it's not useful information and as such is omitted from the spell list.

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Hello! Stage 29 guide has Watery Grasp listed twice in a row - first one should be Fluid Ball.

Next up is Watery Grasp which is a sequence of ground-targeted AOEs that will follow you. If you keep moving then you won't get hit by any of them. Right after this is Watery Grasp, which is where most people struggle. 

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Guest Goblin Punch

It might be good to mention that Goblin Punch is very good when you're running solo dungeons, since it'll be easy to fulfill both requirements of hitting enemies from the front with Mighty Guard on (assuming you have Basic Instinct to remove Mighty Guard's damage penalty), to get an instant cast single target potency 320 spell. Also it's just hilarious to have a Caster positional.

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Guest Errata

Blue Mage spell list errata and addenda:

Blood Drain can also be acquired from the bats outside Aleport.   

Bad Breath can also be acquired from the Morbols in Mor Dhona  (right next to the Lentic Mudpuppies)

The "Notes" for  Whistle are apparently a copy/paste of those for Bristle. 

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Guest Midnight

Can someone please explain to me how I'm getting hit when I'm standing where this is no ice?!? Its driving me completely insane. 


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