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Any reason to not take exhilaration on nm Garrosh progression?

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It seems like it would "mitigate" more damage than iron hawk where it actually matters, aka empowered whirling corruptions. While you're able to det 3 of them in a row normally, take exhilaration will allow you to easily survive 5 of them in a row with minimal healing pressure.

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I'm no expert hunter, but my advice is to try it, and see how it performs for you. If you find it more comfortable or more effective, stick with it. If Iron Hawk does better, use that. As long as you keep enough Tomes of the Clear Mind on you, it should be easy to swap talents in between pulls. 

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30% of your health = 240.000 if you have say 800k hp, so ~250k damage mitigated. It's almost nothing compared to how much 15% dmg reduction will mitigate across all of the fight's Whirls.

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30% of your health = 240.000 if you have say 800k hp, so ~250k damage mitigated. It's almost nothing compared to how much 15% dmg reduction will mitigate across all of the fight's Whirls.


It's actually not like that. The idea is to space this out with det for all of the whirls, so you get something like a sequence of det, ex, det, det, ex that covers nearly everything. Due to the way cooldown stacking works for defensives, stacking det with iron hawk reduces the reduction of iron hawk to a measly 5%. Considering whirl is the only real major damage source in that entire fight, this might be a better way.

Edited by AMonkeyCourier

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A 25 heroic Empowered Whirl in phase 3 hits for 450K per hit. Using Azortharion's value, you would negate only  250k damage from one hit every two minutes whereas you would negate At the least 45k off of every possible hit throughout the entire fight aswell as any other damage sources that can and will hit you. As to the value of iron hawk dropping when deterrence is up, so what? You will already be taking only 225k damage from any hits which alot less than many of the other classes. 


By not taking iron hawk you are requiring your healers to heal 10% more damage you are taking throughout a fight that consistently dishes out damage. The other thing to mention is that there should already be cooldowns being mapped out for the whirls and you should be planning your deters around the ones where you would be taking the most damage. 

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800k hp is very generous, I'm 587 iLvl and have like 794k HP, ppl progressing Garrosh HC prolly have way less.


I don't get why you're (OP) saying that Whirl is the only real damage source in the fight. What about transitions? Dmg is pretty big there as well..

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Iron Hawk all the way and since I play BM primarily, I use a Spirit Beast with Spirit Mend macro'ed as a self healing CD as needed for just such occasions (provided I'm am semi in range of my pet). Hell, at my current gearing, a macro'ed Spirit Mend is like a Lock Stone with a 30 second CD (actually heals more - just over a 10 second period). ;)

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