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Warlords of Draenor Alpha: Filling Your Toy Box

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Learn how to get all of the Toys in Warlords of Draenor!

Looking for something to pass the time while waiting for the upcoming expansion? Already have your Legendary Cloak and want something else to grind for? How about collecting all of the currently obtainable items which will be changed to Toys in the upcoming expansion! Think your backpack (and bank) can handle it?

We've put together a list of all of the items currently classified as "Toy" in the Warlords of Draenor Alpha. For ease of use, this list is sorted by source of obtaining the Toy. Of course, as this is the current list from the latest Alpha build, the list is subject to change. Items will certainly be added in later Alpha builds, so please keep in mind that this list is in no way indicative of the final Toy Box we will see once the expansion goes live! Please also be aware that some of these items are no longer obtainable. However, there is always a possibility that Blizzard could retroactively re-award or otherwise add a method of re-acquiring these items if they have been deleted. For example, they could mail another inv_misc_enggizmos_20.jpgCrashin' Thrashin' Flyer Controller to all players who have earned the corresponding Feat of Strength. We'll have to wait and see!

Check out our guide detailing where and how to obtain all of the current Toy Box items! Bear in mind that there's are quite a few potential items which are not yet classified as Toys. We'll be updating this guide as more items are added to the Toy Box in future Alpha builds!

Be sure to also check out our preview of the Toy Box UI, which shows off the in-game UI and explains the features!


These Toys are earned upon completion of various achievements, some of which require a bit more work than others. Avid Pet Battlers will probably appreciate the Safari Hat being added to the Toy Box!
  • inv_holiday_brewfestbuff_01.jpgHonorary Brewmaster Keg
    This item is awarded by the achievement inv_misc_archaeology_vrykuldrinkinghorn.Pub Crawl, which requires the player to complete a variety of achievements within the Brewmoon Festival, Unga Ingoo, A Brewing Storm and Greenstone Village scenarios. The achievements can be earned on any difficulty, but all meta-achievements must be earned on the same character.
  • inv_helm_cloth_petsafari_a_01.jpgSafari Hat
    This item is awarded by the achievement inv_pet_achievement_defeatpettamer.jpgTaming the World, which requires the player to defeat 40 Master Pet Tamers in Pet Battles across the world.
  • inv_misc_book_11.jpgThe Schools of Arcane Magic - Mastery
    This item is awarded by the achievement inv_misc_book_11.jpgHigher Learning, which requires the player to find and read all of the volumes of "The Schools of Arcane Magic" found in Dalaran. The books are random spawns and this can be a time-consuming activity, as the books will only spawn every couple of hours.
  • inv_misc_coin_18.jpgTitanium Seal of Dalaran
    This item is awarded by the achievement inv_misc_coin_02.jpgThe Coin Master, which requires the player to complete three Fishing meta achievements. The player must fish every single character's lucky coin out of the Dalaran fountain, so this can be another time-consuming Toy to earn!


All archaeology Toys can be randomly discovered when completing artifacts for their respective branch. All Toys are Rare quality discoveries. Do keep in mind that certain branches of Archaeology will have minimum skill level requirements in order to access dig sites to survey. Good luck!

Night Elf Archeology (75 Archaeology Skill Required)Dwarf Archeology (75 Archaeology Skill Required)Draenei Archaeology (300 Archaeology Skill Required)Nerubian Archaeology (350 Archaeology Skill Required)Tol'Vir Archeology (450 Archaeology Skill Required)

Dropped by NPCs

These Toy items have a rare chance to drop from mobs around the world (mostly in Pandaria). Most of the items have specific drop sources, which are typically rare spawns found in Mists of Pandaria zones. To make locating the mobs and farming these drops easier, the drop lists have been organized by the general location of the source mob's spawn.

Mists of Pandaria Toy Drops
Valley of the Four WindsKun-Lai SummitDread WastesVale of Eternal BlossomsTimeless Isle Toy DropsIsle of Thunder Toy DropsNon-Pandaria Toy Drops

Miscellaneous Sources

These Toys didn't really fit best in any other category due to the special circumstances of being obtained. Some of these toys are significantly harder to acquire (inv_ingot_04.jpgUnsealed Chest items, I'm looking at you)!


Engineers rejoice! The various crafted teleporters are now considered Toys, and you can easily hotkey your various teleportation Toys and free up some bagspace! It's worth nothing that while the Wormhole Generators are not currently included on this list, there's certainly no reason we can't expect them to be added in a later build.
  • inv_misc_enggizmos_07.jpgDimensional Ripper - Area 52
    Crafted by Engineering. Requires 350 Goblin Engineering to craft and use. Binds when used, can only be used by Goblin Engineers. Will not show up as incomplete in a Gnomish Engineering character's Toy Box.
  • inv_misc_enggizmos_12.jpgUltrasafe Transporter: Toshley's Station
    Crafted by Gnomish Engineering. Requires 350 Gnomish Engineering to craft and use. Binds when used, can only be used by Gnomish Engineers. Will not show up as incomplete in a Goblin Engineering character's Toy Box.
  • inv_misc_enggizmos_07.jpgDimensional Ripper - Everlook
    Crafted by Engineering. Requires 260 Goblin Engineering to craft and use. Binds when used, can only be used by Goblin Engineers. Will not show up as incomplete in a Gnomish Engineering character's Toy Box.
  • inv_misc_enggizmos_12.jpgUltrasafe Transporter: Gadgetzan
    Crafted by Gnomish Engineering. Requires 260 Gnomish Engineering to craft and use. Binds when used, can only be used by Gnomish Engineers. Will not show up as incomplete in a Goblin Engineering character's Toy Box.
  • inv_misc_book_07.jpgRituals of the New Moon
    Crafted by Inscription. Requires 350 Inscription to craft. Binds when equipped, can be used by anyone. When this item is crafted, it creates one of four items. Each item has a different color wolf transformation (Grey, White, Red and Black) and the Toy Box has slots for all four. Players will be able to purchase this item on the Auction House.


These Toys can be purchased from vendors for either gold or a special currency. No special reputation is required for these items, making them some of the more relatively accessible Toys.
  • inv_misc_head_clockworkgnome_01.jpgWind-Up Train Wrecker
    This item can be purchased from toy vendors in Orgrimmar, Stormwind and Dalaran for 250 gold. It may also be found in the inv_holiday_christmas_present_01.jpgStolen Present obtainable during the Feast of Winter Veil.
Requires a Special Currency


These Toys are rewarded from quest chains at various levels. There are quite a few more quest reward items that players would certainly consider a Toy, such as the ever-so-popular inv_misc_gem_variety_02.jpgRainbow Generator and the loveable inv_jewelcrafting_goldenhare.jpgPuntable Marmot. It's worth mentioning that the latter was originally included in the first screenshots revealed of the Toy Box, even though it isn't listed in the current build. Of course, we can expect quite a few additions to the Toy Box, so don't worry if your favorite Toy isn't listed!
  • achievement_reputation_kirintor_offensivKirin Tor Beacon
    Awarded upon completion of the quest The Storm Gathers, which requires the player to travel to the Isle of Thunder. Available to Alliance characters only, and will not show up as incomplete in a Horde character's Toy Box.
  • achievement_faction_sunreaveronslaught.jSunreaver Beacon
    Awarded upon completion of the quest The Storm Gathers, which requires the player to travel to the Isle of Thunder. Available to Horde characters only, and will not show up as incomplete in a Alliance character's Toy Box.
  • inv_qirajidol_war.jpgTime-Lost Figurine
    Drops from Terokk, Level 72 Elite in Terokkar Forest. This mob can only be fought during the quest Terokk's Downfall, which is a Sha'tari Skyguard quest available at Skettis in the Terokkar Forest. To obtain the quest, players must start the quest chain with the quest World of Shadows, available from Severin. The trinket is not a guaranteed drop.


These Toys are obtained as rewards from various reputations. Each of these items requires a specific reputation level with its respective faction in order to be purchased. Some may also require specific currencies to be purchased.
  • inv_shirt_guildtabard_01.jpgArgent Crusader's Tabard
    Sold by Dame Evniki Kapsalis in Icecrown for 50 ability_paladin_artofwar.jpg [/wowicon]Champion's Seals. This item can only be purchased once the player has championed all factions of the Argent Tournament, earned Exalted status with as well as the right to represent every Alliance or Horde race's faction in the Argent Tournament. Quite a bit of time is required to obtain this item, as reputation is earned primarily through daily questing, but the daily quests are relatively easy to complete for a max-level character.
  • inv_fishingchair.jpgNat's Fishing Chair
    This item will be mailed to a character upon reaching Best Friends reputation with Nat Pagle. Reputation is earned by turning in rare fish to Nat Pagle in Krasarang Wilds.

Trading Card Game

This items can only be obtained by redeeming codes found on corresponding loot cards from the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game. The cards are only somewhat rare, and while sets will go out-of-print, it's not uncommon to find cards from older sets online on sites such as eBay. Be prepared to pay a bit for some of these items, as the average sale price is around $35.00 per item. You can find listings on WoW TCG Loot.
  • achievement_boss_illidan.jpgDemon Hunter's Aspect
    Redeemable from the loot card "Demon Hunter's Aspect" in the War of the Ancients expansion.
  • inv_misc_idol_01.jpgMagical Ogre Idol
    Redeemable from the loot card "Magical Ogre Idol" in the Crown of the Heavens expansion.
  • inv_box_01.jpgPicnic Basket
    Redeemable from the loot card "Rest and Relaxation" in the Through the Dark Portal expansion.
  • inv_fishingchair.jpgFishing Chair
    Redeemable from the loot card "Gone Fishin'" in the Fires of Outland expansion.
  • achievement_dungeon_outland_dungeonmasteDark Portal
    Redeemable from the loot card "Dark Portal Hearthstone" in the Betrayal of the Guardian expansion.
  • spell_fire_twilightfire.jpgGrim Campfire
    Redeemable from the loot card "Grim Campfire" in the Worldbreaker expansion.
  • trade_archaeology_uldumcanopicjar.jpgSpurious Sarcophagus
    Redeemable from the loot card "Spurious Sarcophagus" in the Tomb of the Forgotten expansion.
  • inv_misc_toy_06.jpgPaper Flying Machine Kit
    Redeemable from the loot card "Paper Flying Machine Kit" in the March of the Legion expansion. Also can be found on the Black Market Auction House.
  • inv_misc_discoball_01.jpgD.I.S.C.O.
    Redeemable from the loot card "Disco Inferno!" in the Hunt for Illidan expansion.
  • ability_mage_netherwindpresence.jpgEthereal Portal
    Redeemable from the loot card "Portal Stone" in the Icecrown expansion.

World Event

These Toys can be only be obtained during specific world events. You can check out the in-game calendar (/calendar) to find out the dates and duration of each in-game world event. Many of these items require event-specific currencies which can be earned via daily quests.
  • inv_misc_football.jpgThe Pigskin
    This item is sold by toy vendors found in major cities for 40 gold. It can also be found in the inv_holiday_christmas_present_01.jpgStolen Present rewarded from the daily quest You're a Mean One... This item is only available during Feast of Winter Veil world event.
  • [wowicon=archaeology_5_0_emptykegofbrewfatherxinwoyin]Pandaren Brewpack
    This item is sold by event vendors found inside (and outside) of Ironforge and Orgrimmar for 100 inv_misc_coin_01.jpgBrewfest Prize Token. This item is only available during the Brewfest world event.

No Longer Available

There are a handful of items in the current Toy Box that are no longer obtainable. These items were rewards from specific in-game events which have since been removed, so it is not likely that Blizzard will re-introduce any of these items. There is no word yet on whether or not Blizzard will be able to retroactively re-award any of these items, though most of them do have corresponding achievements which can indicate that the item was earned. We will have to see how Blizzard decides to handle this.
  • inv_misc_orb_03.jpgMini Mana Bomb
    This item was awarded to Horde players at the conclusion of the Mists of Pandaria Fall of Theramore launch event.
  • inv_misc_tournaments_symbol_troll.jpgDarkspear Pride
    This item was awarded to Horde players as a quest reward for completing the Operation: Gnomeregan questline prior to the launch of Cataclysm.
  • inv_misc_tournaments_symbol_gnome.jpgGnomeregan Pride
    This item was awarded to Alliance players as a quest reward for completing the Zalazane's Fall questline prior to the launch of Cataclysm.
  • inv_misc_missilesmall_purple.jpgPerpetual Purple Firework
    This item was obtained through redemption of 3,000 UDE Points, a discontinued points system from when Upper Deck made the WoW TCG. It is no longer possible to obtain this item.
  • inv_misc_idol_01.jpgCarved Ogre Idol
    This item was obtained through redemption of 25,000 UDE Points, a discontinued point reward system from when Upper Deck made the WoW TCG. It is no longer possible to obtain this item.

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This is a really impressive guide!  I'm going to grind a few of these out myself.

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Yes, this really is an excellent topic to bring up, as I was just thinking about some of the things I was going to do until the next expansion comes along. Thank you miyari for taking the time to create such a thorough & complete list, perfect for a 'completionist like myself. I love it!

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So many of these toys are actually pretty hard to get! I don't even have the most of them; most of the toys I have aren't on the list yet (but there's no reason they won't be), so I'm not sure if I can yet spare the inventory space. I've long since dumped tons and tons of gear, though, so I technically do have the room, I guess. I always do a mass-purging of items prior to expansions; I'm pretty sure we'll get that extra void storage prior to the expansion release, so that'll certainly help!

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Ive been looking for a list such as this, and until now all I have found is screenshots of various pages. I was looking to see if the Brazier of Dancing Flames (purchasable in Midsummer Festival for 350 Burning Blossoms) was in the toy box. From the below screenie I found it was,,, but it may have since been removed... still for the sake of an hour farming the bonfires might be a worthwhile purchase for anyone wanting to complete the toy box.



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Yeah, definitely keep in mind that this list is Blizzard's first real sweep since implementing the feature and they're bound to add a ton more items to the Toy Box in future Beta updates, so don't get distraught!

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Blessing of the old god is in the toy box in beta but not in your archeology list. You also have a few listed that aren't toys, is that because they will become part of the toy box later on?

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Blessing of the old god is in the toy box in beta but not in your archeology list. You also have a few listed that aren't toys, is that because they will become part of the toy box later on?

Miyari is no longer working with us, so it is unlikely that she will come and answer your question or update the guide sad.png

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