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MoP Dungeon Loot Guide

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I've created an Excel spreadsheet with all the loot tables from MoPs dungeons. I'm going to be putting a raid one together, but for now, I only have the dungeon one available. I've created tables of where you can find your gear based on the following gear classes:

1) Cloth with Spirit (Priests)

2) Cloth without Spirit (Priest, Warlock, Mage)

3) Leather Int

4) Leather Agility

5) Mail Int

6) Mail Agility

7) Plate Int

8) Plate DPS

9) Plate Tank

10) Trinkets


Damien has posted the spreadsheet to Icy-Veins database, so feast your hearts out. Any feedback is appreciated, negative or positive. I'll casually begin working on the raid gear in the same format. A few notes:

The first page shows the model I use to monitor my guild's gear. Feel free to use it and modify names, colors, and anything you want. It's an incredibly handy tool for handling loot structures such as the one I use, loot council.

The 2nd tab has all the loot dropped. The rest of the tabs have the loot filtered out to fit specific roles.

The Cloth No SP tab has some purple on it...I marked that to show how I've planned my pre-dungeon BiS lists based on Affliction's stat priority. Feel free to wipe that color and pick your own.

Edited by MadMonk
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I'll send it to Damien tomorrow morning when I pop into the office. I'll fine tune it to purty it up before distribution. Hopefully everyone likes it; I've only received positive feedback.

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Soon as Damien hits me up with his email address, you all should have access to the spreadsheet. I'll hold off from sending it out individually. And for those who sent me their email address, rest assured those have been deleted and your email won't be abused in any way.

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Thanks for the spreadsheet. I doubt our guild will use the first tab though, with 300+ members/toons it tends to take up a little too much time. ;-)

Edited by Dementii

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Thanks for the spreadsheet. I doubt our guild will use the first tab though, with 300+ members/toons it tends to take up a little too much time. ;-)

Should only be for your main team.

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The link isn't working for me, am I missing something?

I'll get in contact with Damien about the link. When clicked on, it says internet issues, and when right clicked as hitting "Save target as," the file comes up as a _xls instead of a .xls. I'll work to get this back up ASAP.

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I know Damien has been crushed at work. If I knew how to post this, I would. Just send me a personal message with your email if you still want it and I'll get it out to you this morning.

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Usually this happens when someone edits a post by copying the post, pasting it into a notepad, and then pasting it back into the edit field, instead of hitting Edit, copying the underlying text into notepad and back.

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Yeah I'm not sure how he posted it to the website servers. If I knew, I'd fix it. In the meantime, I'll just keep sending it out on a request by request basis. I've got a very quick turnaround on requests because of email notifications of private messages.

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The problem seems to be (at my end) that the URL has been shortened, but the link is to the shortened URL! "http://www.icy-veins...n/mop-gear.xls" is what the browser (Chrome) puts in as the URL.

This was the problem I had as well, I edited the post to show the full URL. It is now working again for me, can anyone else confirm this?

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