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honest fury help

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hey there, im just a regular run of the mill fury warrior, looking for some help, im a 579 fury warrior/560 something prot, my dilemma is this, im in a 10 man (yes with a crit buff), and the other dps are quite good this game, but i feel like even though they are more geared, i have the better class (best melee, minus that cheater feral druid), WHY ARE MY NUMBERS LOW? ive been repeatedly asked and idk the answer, i thought it was a low enrage time, but ive got my crit to like 51.xx%  raid buffed, and im using it on cd (BT), there are logs on warcraft logs (http://www.warcraftlogs.com/guilds/3060) maybe someone can point out directly what im doing wrong? and help me not suck lol.








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Looking at your logs, Sha of Pride for example, your enrage uptime seems to be low especially with you having over 50% crit raid buffed. There were a couple periods where your enrage fell off for 7 seconds and to be honest, since you have 51% crit you should never NOT be enraged because Bloodthirst is guaranteed to crit every time. It might be that you are letting it fall off during CS, which you shouldn't be, or that you are maybe standing in front of the boss and some BTs are getting parried? I'm not quite sure.

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Hey shieldslamm, sorry for the delay in my answer. Had a bad couple days so I didn't have as much time to give to Icy-Veins as I would have wanted to. Anyway, I'll be looking at your Malkorok log from quite a while ago, since it's the only one where you're single targeting without interruption (in theory). I could've looked at Sha, like soakey did, but I see you got banished, which is where the drop in enrage probably comes from.


If you have a more recent Malkorok log, or an IJ log where you don't get pushed back, I could look at those too.


First thing I see, is that out of 67 possible BT casts, you got 47 off, and one of them even got parried. It's not necessary (and actually not needed at all) to get 100% of your BTs, but you could definitely get more. At 83%, your enrage uptime isn't horrible, but it's lower than what I would expect from someone at your crit level.You are currently at ~45% unbuffed crit, which should put you at ~48% against a raid boss, taking crit depression into account. With that, you should easily be able to push your enrage uptime to 90%+ on a pure single target fight.


Related to that, your Berserker Rage usage isn't ideal. By the looks of it, you're using it more or less on cooldown, whereas you should use it either to increase your enrage uptime or, in cases when there's adds to kill, you can use it to make sure you are enraged for the full duration of a bladestorm.


You are also wasting a lot of Raging Blows. 8 on the Malkorok log I'm looking at to be exact. It looks like it mostly comes from the execute phase, but remember that sub 20%, RB becomes a filler outside of CS, with execute only used within CS or to prevent rage capping outside of it.


You missed out on 2 CS and SB uses. No reason for that, ever.


You only cast 6 executes, but as I mentioned above, you wasted almost all your RBs during the execute phase. What were you doing? 


You didn't use Wild Strike once. I know it's damage isn't that good, but it's still better than HS outside of CS. Very few WS uses in a fight is not a rare occurrence, but never using it isn't going to cut it.


You are barely using HS during CS, and almost never outside either. You should aim to get 4-5 HS within every CS on top of your normal rotation. If you can't, you're mismanaging your rage.


The 2 last points raise another issue: You're wasting a lot of rage. For example, in that Malkorok kill, you spend a third of the fight at rage cap and only got below 50 rage once. You should be using WS outside of CS to prevent rage capping (and HS if WS isn't enough) and aim to enter each CS with ~70 rage. (Anywhere within 60-100 works, it's more a feeling than an actual science) Your aim is then to spend all that rage during CS with 4-5 HS + your normal rotation (SB > RB, weaving BTs in to keep you enraged) to get yourself as close to 0 as you can when CS ends.

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I just looked at the first part of Iron Juggernaut from the pull until the siege mode.  I chose this because its about as close as you get to just hitting a dummy so your rotation should be close to your best.  I did notice some stuff that could cause you to put out less numbers.  


1. Rage capping- you are losing quite a bit of rage from bloodthirsting and getting enraged while rage capped.  Just looking at enrage (10 rage you get from crits with bloodthirst, colossus smash, or berserker rage) you lost over half of your net rage. Make sure you're heroic striking and whirlwhinding/wildstriking etc. to stop from reaching 120 rage.  This problem makes sense since you only cast 26 heroic strikes and most other top fury wars would have 15-20 more in the same time frame. Those flat plateaus in the graph I linked should ideally never happen at 120.    




2.  Losing raging blows-  Your are losing some of your raging blows due to gaining additional raging blow charges when you are already at 2 charges.  These raging blows are lost damage.  You cast 24 bloodthirsts of which 23 crit (unfortunately not all crit when you're over 50% due to boss crit suppression of 3% factored in before bloodthirst's 2x multiplier which unfortunately brings your crit chance with bloodthirst down to 94% on a boss). Your colossus smash crit 3 times, and you cast berserker rage 4 times.  So you had 30 raging blow charge generations and only 24 raging blows.  


3. CD usage - You used your 2nd potion very early into the fight almost as soon as it came off cd.  I'll just assume that was a misclick or something, but in case it wasn't you want to potion with your next reck/banner.  Your recklessness was good with both trinkets proccing during it.  They should typically be up at the same time at that point but it looks like on the pull your thok's tail tip didn't proc for a while causing them to misalign.  


4. Bladestorm- Bladestorm has edged out Dragon Roar this tier (single target and aoe) with all the crit we have now and weapon damage.  Dragon roars 100% crit has become less valuable now that we can easily get over 50% buffed. You let enrage fall off while finishing a bladestorm, and another one you berserker raged to keep yourself enraged until the end.  You always want to cancel bladestorm right as enrage is about to fall off and bloodthirst.  It is not worth using berserker rage to enrage the last ~1.5 seconds of the bladestorm (single target).  I like to macro /cancelaura bladestorm  into my bloodthirst to make it easier.  


5. Delayed colossus smashes- In this time frame of 138 seconds with 100% uptime you should have easily been able to get 7 in (138/20 +1 = 7.9).  You have the heroic evil eye so you don't need to delay it for storm bolt or anything so it should be used almost right as it comes off cd.  It looks like you delayed it a few times to finish your bladestorms.  


Overall just make sure you're heroic striking or wildstriking/whirlwinding to keep from rage capping.  Make sure you dont bloodthirst or colossus smash with 2 raging blows.  Try to line up your cds and plan them ahead.  Cancel your bladestorm to bloodthirst as enrage is about to fall.  And try to use colossus smash asap when its off cd.  Hope this helps dude.  

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Thanks alot you guys I'll put all of this to use next raid week. I see a lot of your break downs and I appreciate the help. I'll follow up with a log and hopefully I won't suck as much this week. Also a side note,my guilds IJ strat doesn't allow me to stay on the boss so that one I can't count fairly. Thanks again,guess we will see this coming week!

Edited by shieldslamm

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Everything I looked at was from the Iron Juggernaut pull until the siege mode phase, so it should be relevant in helping you identify areas of improvement.  Only thing I don't see is your execute phase as far as analysis.

Edited by kalazor

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im curious to find out if you ragebarr,or any of you other top end guys could possibly take a look at my actual rotation and see if maybe you have an idea of where im messing up, im 584 now, with 1 heroic wf weapon, i should be wrecking my fellow raiders, (simcraft wise anyway) and im just not. i have a twitch account or skype if someone has a few minutes.

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