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Best Leveling Spec

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Hey Guys,

I am curious I have been seeing more and more people leveling Priest in Disc spec instead of Shadow, and I was wondering has it changed that Disc is able to do good enough DPS to level and do Randoms not only at the lower levels but when you hit 90 and doing raids. I was wondering would it be OK to use the Disc spec while leveling and use in 90 raids and Dungeons or is it better to when I hit 90 to switch over to shadow for better DPS. I am grateful for all the help you guys can give me towards this.


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it depend on how you level. it you are leveling disc and spaming dungon then you get the quick q. shadow has better dps if your questing.

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Disc while dungeoning, shadow while questing... I mean, it's pretty simple.  Just remember to mind spike while questing, it's faster than dotting them unless the enemy is named or elite.

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