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    • By Yelo
      So, the other day i saw that if you change covenant your renown will set at 0, and i was with The Wild Hunt and get Exalted before change to The Ascended, and i keep my renown with Night Fae, so i made a world quest with the Night Fae and my Renown still continue like it was before i changed with the +renown i get in that quest.
      I hope this means that if you get Exalted with your previous covenant you keep your Renown.

    • By knight85
      Afternoon ladies and gentlemen
      Just a quick question about access the threads of fate system
      I'm planning to level some alts in shadowlands dungeons for events like timewalking until i get my main shadowlands story characters prepped.
      I've taken the alts through the maw and thr into to oribos. So i'm just wondering if later down the line when i do shadowlands on my mains
      Is there any way that my alts who had already done the maw and the intro events in orobos could access the threads of fate
    • By Nohein
      We have a full roster heading into shadowlands , our only requests of you are :
      Have a clear accent Quick mind , the ability to make dicisions on the spot Have the spare time to check progress with the GM between the raids You will have a place in the raiding team there for you need to have atleast basic knowledge of the class and spec you are playing Every raid leader will be tested before the raid arrives via dungeons or small raid groups of 10 in nyalotha heroic
      There is also a spot for a second raid leader in case of the first one’s unavailability and for the second raiding team later in the expantion

      For further information contact me on
      Discord : Nohein/Theodore#8041
      Bnet : prophet#22473
    • By darkganj
      Hello everyone! When i downloaded the recent shadowlands expansion, i noticed that my macros no longer worked =0. This is not a single target DPS  macro, this is a Help / Harm selective macro So i did some digging to find out what was goin on, An example of this would be : /cast [help] Innervate ; [harm] Entangling Roots ; Innervate.  This macro utilizes one button for a dual purpose. if i am targeted on friend i innervate them while if i and targeting a opponent it would root them in place. This structure is now broken but has also made things easier in most cases, After doing some digging i discovered some new macros and the new format. Some examples of the new way to write this would be :
      /cast [help,nodead][help,nodead]innervate
      /cast [harm,nodead][harm,nodead]Entangling Roots
      /cast [help,nodead][help,nodead]Regrowth
      /cast [harm,nodead][harm,nodead]Wrath
      /cast [harm,nodead][@target,harm,nodead]Moonfire
      /cast [help,nodead][@target,help,nodead]Rejuvenation
      /cast [help,nodead][help,nodead]Wild Growth
      /cast [harm,nodead][harm,nodead]Entangling Roots
      This is what they call a fall through macro, If the first line of code is not available because of a cooldown or if the Help or Harm selection, it will fall through to the next line of code. This works especially well for balance druids, shaman, and hybrid healing classes that use a ton of buttons. You can cut the amount of keys you need press in half which saves space and prevents accidentally pressings the wrong button. I like to pair my spells by the time it takes to cast, Instant casts with instant casts. They also introduces a mouse over macro for heals and rebuffs which is really good for world PVP. One of the better macros iv'e seen is a mouse over Rebirth : 
       #showtooltip Rebirth
      /cast [@mouseover,help]Rebirth;Rebirth
      #showtooltip Remove Corruption
      /cast [target=mouseover,help,nodead][target=target] Remove Corruption
      If you are going to try and make your own macro, you should keep in mind
      1: The Global Cool Down or GCD which is the time it takes between 2 casts and
      2: Not all of your spells and trinkets share a GCD, so you are able to cast 2 or 3 spells at the exact same time as long as it doesn't share a GCD.
      I hope this helps! 
    • By Bat
      Only for czech and slovak players:
      Guilda Lužánky [A] hledá nové členy pro raidování v datadisku Shadowlands, ale i pro běžné hraní. Na raidu panuje přátelská atmosféra, jde nám o to si v klidu společně zahrát, bavit se a popovídat si. Zkrátka to moc nehrotíme. Věkový průměr je spíše vyšší, řada z nás má rodiny, děti, ale najdou se zde i mladší ročníky. V současné době hledáme hlavně hráče mající zájem o raidování. Nicméně pokud o raidování nemáš zájem, a baví tě třeba mythic+, pvp, farmení transmogů a mountů, sbírání achievementů, ... rádi tě přivítáme také.
      Raidy jsou v pondělí a ve středu 19:45-22:30.
      Pokud tě zaujal náš přístup a chtěl by se k nám připojit, pokračuj buď na naše stránky http://www.luzanky.net a podej si přihlášku na fóru, případně kontaktuj ingame některého z oficírů: Batcaver, Theosteon, Starfirecz, Soptiik/Mniiska, Valchyna nebo nám dej vědět přes FB.  
      Aktuální raid progress: http://www.wowprogress.com/guild/eu/thunderhorn/Luzanky
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