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Icy Veins Black Friday Giveaway!

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  • How do you feel about WoW lately; are you playing more or less than you used to?
    I've actually started playing more again. While it does have its troubles I've been rediscovering the fun in playing arms Warrior.
  • What's the number one game title that you'd like to see Icy Veins cover in the future?
    I'd love to see you dive into Dead by Daylight. While it doesn't quite fit the current theme of what you're covering, it does have some great depths and diversity to builds.

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1. How do you feel about WoW lately, are you playing more or less than you need to?

Answer : I'm an on and off player due to responsibilities and priorities so I would say I'm playing less because I no longer able to do some hardcore raids and active in battlegrounds. I just got back recently because I miss WoW. The gameplay and lore. 

2. What's the number one game title that you'd like to see Icy Veins cover in the future?

Answer : I wish for Final Fantasy XIV cover but I think it would more interesting with Back 4 Blood cover. Imagine all the blood around that frozen in and out of veins. Since this page called Icy Veins...might be interesting with splatting frozen blood all over the page. 

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1. There is too much repetitive drudgery (world quests, rep-grinding, covenant-specific grinding, profession skill grinds, etc.) that tends to be solo-player focused. The multi-player point of the game tends to get left out because a lot of raiding and M+ pushing require a pile of the solo grinding to get in if you’re behind on the grinding. I let my sub lapse early this year because of that, and only came back recently (and am not sure I’ll stick around long). I wish we could just do the things we like (for me, that list is currently topped by Torghast and dungeon pushing) without needing to grind a ton of the solo stuff. (and by “needing”, I don’t mean literal “need” but the effective seeming need in order to be able to make any substantive progress when one is not fortunate enough to be part of a very active and supportive guild. Yes, “get some friends” would help—but the game these days does not make that an easy accomplishment.)

2. I’d like to see some Hearthstone coverage return to Icy-Veins.

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 How do you feel about WoW lately, are you playing more or less than you need to?

i actually still play WoW like i always do, alot ahahaha. i know that the game has its downsides nowadays but i just ignore those and i still enjoy the game like always have. the pvping and raiding is so much fun imo, it always has been. im also super excited for that 9.2 has to offer.

2. What's the number one game title that you'd like to see Icy Veins cover in the future?

id love to see icy veins give updates about 'For Honor'. its such a good game that id love for you guys to give updates and stuff about.

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1. Playing less than I normally do even though I'd like to play more, just a lot on my mind and not a lot of willpower to level

2. Please cover Blue Protocol if it ever releases!


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1. Playing the game for more than 10 years now, and I may say I'm playing less now because of responsibilities. Getting back when something is new or when I am missing the game. I can say WoW has been great and maybe time will tell when we will gonna see a reinvention of the game.

2. Maybe Diablo 4 in the near future.(hopefully, they will release it soon.)

Edited by DanSJ

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  • How do you feel about WoW lately; are you playing more or less than you used to?

    I dropped mythic raiding, mostly because my raid group disbanded. Now I also have a less time, since I got new pupper. So I'm casually sometimes playing.


  • What's the number one game title that you'd like to see Icy Veins cover in the future?

    I'm currently mostly playing Path of Exile, I would be awesome to have a centralised web with info about news and build ❤️

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1.How do you feel about WoW lately; are you playing more or less than you used to?

I haven't been playing much as I've been busy with other things, but I've thought about getting into it again.

2.What's the number one game title that you'd like to see Icy Veins cover in the future?

I would love to see Star Wars: The Old Republic on here as it's a lot like WoW and there aren't many up to date guides for it online. 

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  1. How do you feel about WoW lately; are you playing more or less than you used to?

    Been off the game since the middle of summer, but is looking forward to 9.2 with the added QoL from 9.1.5!
  2. What's the number one game title that you'd like to see Icy Veins cover in the future?

    This is a little out of range from your usual content, but have been really enjoying Forza Horizon 5 lately and would love for a website to list for example the best cars for each type of race, optimal tunes and so on!


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1. I think the game is going through hard times. Whether it is a lawsuit or the overall state of the game. Unfortunately, the players leave, which makes the gaming experience even worse because it is difficult to put the group together on Torghast and other activities. Even so, I personally enjoy the game. I'm a completionist, so I enjoy collecting mounts, achievements, tmogs, completing quests and also going through older expansions. I'm currently finishing 80 renown on the last 4th covenant, and I am also about to hit 100 exa reps. Since it's cold and lockdown in my country, I play more than before.

2. "Defender of a Shattered World" is my favorite one.

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How do you feel about WoW lately; are you playing more or less than you used to?

Retail kinda stale, my realm is dead/dying with no Ally CE guilds, and no idea if the horde one is still there. My guild has basically gone, mainly to other games. I went to TBCC which I'm enjoying mostly, mainly levelling and gearing to P1 bis ready for Wrath. Got a toon doing T5 but in a very chill late night guild. Playing as much as ever I guess 

What's the number one game title that you'd like to see Icy Veins cover in the future?
I don't really play other MMO's, sunken cost but also I've not found one that works as well as WoW. SW:ToR came close but just kinda died for endgame too soon and all my friends quit again...

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  1. How do you feel about WoW lately; are you playing more or less than you used to?
  2. What's the number one game title that you'd like to see Icy Veins cover in the future?

1- I have been playing TBC since its launch but took a break lately and came back to retail to level up a new DH. (leveling 50-60 is so fast now)

2- Age of Empires 4.

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#1 How do you feel about WoW lately; are you playing more or less than you used to?

#  iactually still play WoW like i always do and i still enjoy the game like always have. the pvping and raiding is so much fun

#2 What's the number one game title that you'd like to see Icy Veins cover in the future?

World of Warcraft & new world


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  1. How do you feel about WoW lately; are you playing more or less than you used to?
  2. i feel good still playing that much 
  3. What's the number one game title that you'd like to see Icy Veins cover in the future?
  4. world of Warcraft because I only play wow 

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1.How do you feel about WoW lately; are you playing more or less than you used to?

I am playing a lot less than I used to but i believe 9.2 will bring some good changes to the game and hopefully put the game back to track.

2.What's the number one game title that you'd like to see Icy Veins cover in the future?

I'd like to see Icy Veins cover Dead by daylight in the future.

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  1. How do you feel about WoW lately; are you playing more or less than you used to?
  2. What's the number one game title that you'd like to see Icy Veins cover in the future?
  3. What is the sixth word spoken by Azortharion in the Masterclass trailer?

1. I am still enjoying wow, a bit disappointed by the key system that allows players to deplete keys so easily without any consequences, i wish it was a deserter buff or few hrs or a day for those people they ruin game experience. I enjoy raiding from time to time and levelling and try new classes. I do play wow a lot recently due to not having other hobbies or occupation the moment.

2. Call of Duty I been trying this game and is difficult to get around.

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  • How do you feel about WoW lately; are you playing more or less than you used to?
    I feel more pessimestic about WoW, but still hopeful.  I enjoy the lore most of all, having read a majority of the books.  I feel like more than anything, there has been a rush to connect all of these large scale cosmic forces back to Azeroth, and in the process have uprooted and completely retconned established lore.

    There was a streamer, I beleive it was Accolon, that said the strength of WoW's story has always been the foundation.  From Warcraft 1 through Legion, there was a solid foundation and everything was built on that.  With Shadowlands, theres been too much, "well, actually, Sargeras was probably tricked by Dreadlords who were really working for Denathrius.  Actually, the whole Lich King thing came from the Jailer himself."  I am actually ok, with some minor retcon's here and there.  A few, "you thought you knew this but actually this was behind that" type stuff.  This entire expansion though is built on that.  To make matters worse, the expansion itself takes place in a foreign dimension.  All of the foundation, all of the roots have been ripped up to make way for new story.

    Overall, I feel like those of us who enjoy the lore are left despondent, where as those who don't care about lore and are more interested in gameplay are bored with mechanics and borrowed power systems, etc. 

    As to playing more or less, I am playing less, but it is because I have a 20 month old son who demands more of my time now.  When lil man goes to bed I'll play for an hour or so, or try to sneak in a few lfr's on the weekends during naps.
  • What's the number one game title that you'd like to see Icy Veins cover in the future?
    I pretty much just play WoW these days.  As long as y'all keep the other games on tabs and only post sparingly about other games on the main page I don't really care what other games you cover.  Maybe Final Fantasy will catch my eye someday or something else.  More power to ya.

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1) Playing is always fun, but I play less but 9.2 patch is coming soon it will be fun to play new content for sure.

2) Overwatch 2.

Edited by Vlad
Edited out answer to #3.

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  1. How do you feel about WoW lately; are you playing more or less than you used to?
    I play more as I returned to WoW in SL after taking break mid-Pandaria, so there is whole worlds of new content for me. 
  2. What's the number one game title that you'd like to see Icy Veins cover in the future?
    I would like to see Darkest Dungeon and Darkest Dungeon 2.

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1. How do you feel about WoW lately; are you playing more or less than you used to?

I'm currently playing less do it going back on forth on subbing because of real life taking priority and putting other games before it and having the sub drop.

2. What's the number one game title that you'd like to see Icy Veins cover in the future?

I would love the see stuff about New World be covered.

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  1. How do you feel about WoW lately; are you playing more or less than you used to?
  2. What's the number one game title that you'd like to see Icy Veins cover in the future?

1. As contrary to the frequently said opinion, that the lore is becoming too random and there are too many loose ends to the story, I personally don't mind. I love the new designs Blizzard is implementing and the freshness that comes with it, so I am playing a lot these days. Of course, there are some things even I dislike, e.g. the repetitive grind for legendaries and covenants/campaign when playing my alts, which discourages me from trying different classes a bit. But generally, I still love it as it is now, looking forward to 9.2 and beyond :)

2. Maybe Elden Ring


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i feel okay about wow at the moment. i will always love the game but right now it doesn't feel like as if it is designed for the players as much as it used to be. i have been playing since the launch of tbc and i grew a love for the game that will never go away. i didnt feel like we needed things like a level squish or the leveling experience with going back in time with chromie. it kind of makes the old expansions relevant but not really. theres no need for a new player to go back to wotlk or cata for example. the raids are only there for transmogs and mounts now. it doesnt feel like an experience for a player to go through it but instead a wall they must get around to play with everyone else. The old expansions should be in some sort of way relevant for end game players. it just feels like wasted art. the elements are still there but the re-playability isnt. you cant realistically go back and play those expansions besides the the chromie event to maybe go to group finder for some dungs and to quest. i just wanna see all of wow flourish again instead of one expac at a time when all of the rest of the game is to just die away.


i would love to be able to say what other game i would like to have added to the website but sadly i cannot think of another. i use icyveins for most games i play like diablo and wow/wow classic/tbc classic hearthstone and path of exile. i believe that it may unfortunately unqualify me for the giveaway but i just dont have much of any other interests besides what i play now.


thank you for your time 🙂


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