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By Kharth
Not sure if this is the right forum section but seemed the most appropriate.
I am looking for 8-9 other people to do The Herald of the Titans Feat of Strength achievement, or an already established group looking for another player or two. I'd like to get my character leveled while invasions are throwing levels at us.
If your not familiar with it you defeat Algalon the Observer in Ulduar with level 80 characters wearing only gear that is available in 10 man Ulduar (or equivalent or less, maximum 226 ilvl armor 232 ilvl weapons). You get the Feat of Strength achievement and also the title <Your Name>, Herald of the Titans.
I have both Horde and Alliance level 100 characters capable of helping other people farm gear, so either faction would work for me.
Requirements for the group: A level 80 character with experience gain turned off. A willingness to help other members of the group run Ulduar for gear. Expect you to gem,enchant, have food and flasks (Freya drops them).
My bnet tag is BreakingBad#1867 send me a request but put Herald in the note.
More info and guides are available at http://www.wowhead.com/achievement=3316/herald-of-the-titans if you'd be interested in learning more.
By abominator
Hey folks i have a prob. With single target damage. Im in 685 gear and spec is where i find from several diff forums.but i cant seem to break 18k...which is stupid.im missing something could some look at this setup and let me know. Ive played tjiss toon for yrs. But my numbers are ter rt ible now.any input would help
By Altoholik
Hello guys,
At first sorry for my bad english.
Im really beginner with DPSSing, last 3 years i tanked with druid.
The problem is one - i have very awfull dps, and i dont know why....
Well, i hope here i meet someone who can help me, because im frustrated by that situation..
My armory: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/burning-legion/altoholik/advanced
My logs from yesterday (brf hc): https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/L8mwY7bxXkFG4ABj
My logs from today:(hm nm) https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/qknm4xryjvLFcTfA/
If you can help me please, im desperated.
By Tonnesti
So, I've been planning/trying to play Combat Rogue for some time now, but there's always something bugging me when I do.
Namely stuns. I play on a PvE server, and I don't participate in any kind of PvP event (arena, battleground, etcetera).
I usually need to take a few seconds downtime between fights due to the amount of damage I take (questing, mainly), which leads me to speculate in needing to stun to survive. Is this feeling only temporary until I get Leeching Poison, or will I need to stun to survive in higher levels (70+)?
Also, how much of a requirement is it to stun in raids? Bosses are immune, and trash seems to die quicker than what a stun could help for, rendering the level 75 talents kinda pointless in PvE situations, at least from my point of view.
Could someone shed some light on this for me?
Thanks! :)
By Slevin
combat rogue. ilvl 572. link tho shadowcraft at then end of the mail.
I have just dropped the heroic head on immersus.
My former helmet is from the T16 set, and with this i have 4/4 for bonus set.
I am wondering about changing immediately with my new heroic gear, cause I will loose the bonus set 4/4
With respect to the value given by shadow craft, If I make the calculation -and if I assume I made no mistake- there is few difference in term of Ep value between taking the heroic head and lose the bonus set 4/4 or keep my current gear.
So if you someone can kindly help me by sharing his opinion/experience on raid about that point, would be happy.
Kind regards