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[US-Dalaran][A] Crimson Moon Rising 10/14H Recruiting for SoO and WoD!

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I'll keep it short.
Crimson Moon Rising (CMR) Alliance US-Dalaran is recruiting for SoO heroic and WoD mythic! We will be shooting for server firsts in WoD as we have done in the past. We are looking for a few people to help fill out our 10 man group then move into 25 mans to get everyone used to each other for the start of WoD.
Right now we are 10/14 heroic. Our raid times at the moment are Wednesday/Thursday/Monday 10:30 -12:30 EST. Times will be Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday when we start 25 mans.
Our recruiting needs:
Death Knight : Blood low. Frost/unholy medium.
Druid: Resto high. Boomchicken medium. Feral low.
Hunter: Medium
Mage: Low
Monk: Mistweaver high. Winderwalker low. Brewmaster medium.
Paladin: Holy medium. Ret high. Prot medium.
Priest: Disc medium. Shadow medium
Rogue: Low
Shaman: Elemental high. Resto VERY HIGH. Enhance low.
Warlock: High
Warrior: Low/all

We are looking for people with around 568 ilvl but case by case depending. Experience is not that important as this is end of expansion and people quit and will be coming back so if you have past raiding experience don't be afraid to apply. If you are interested in joining CMR or want to know more please contact me on battlenet #adaann1932, I will also be looking on this thread from time to time but the best way to contact me is to add me on battlenet.

Edited by Adaann

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